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eu zic ca nu trebuia sa pui si cold...ar fi indicat sa alegi doar una din cele 4 la force wink.gif

ba da este bine sa bagi lightning de exemplu + cold sau fire pt pasive si buff dar sa nu bagi prea multe puncte.Eu sunt tot spear full int/lightning si nu stiu ce sa mai iau .. cold sau fire

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NU e bine sa bagati la mai mult de 1 fortza daca nu faceti SP FARMING. Ca nu va ajung SP-urile si asa abia daca iti ajung fara sp farming doar cu weapon mastery + 1 fortza

Cat despre itemele cu SOS, SOM, Seal of Sun grantez eu ca au stats-uri mai bune decat cele normale. Si nu ma refer la crit ala difera de la arma la arma nu tine de seal.

La armuri esti mai mare psh def si mag def iar la arme psg dmg si mag dmg.

PS: daca reusesc sa intru pe sv poate va pun niste SS-uri

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Si eu am intrebat prin joc si majoritatea au spus:"daca ai totul pe tine cu seal of star iti mareste totul cu 10%" dontknow.gif

Nu cred... Dupa cum a zis si Mental sos si som doar cresc stat-urile obiectelor. S-ar putea sa fie inca 10% ceea ce ar insemna ca un set sos complet iti da 10% mai mult. Oricum ceea ce stiu e ca:

-Seal of Star e echivalentul acelui obiect cu +5

-Seal of Moon ---> cu +10

-Seal of Sun ----> cu +15

Pe langa stat-uri imbunatatite, armele si scuturile primesc si un efect grafic misto

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Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

We appreciate the enormous love shown to the game during the successful 3rd Closed Test which will end today. We sincerely offer many thanks to you, our users.

Details regarding the Open Service schedule follow below.

<3rd Closed Test Completed>

Completion date: 2/20/2006 15:00

<Open Service>

Start Date: 2/21/2006 16:00

Abia asteeeept. banana.gif

La eventul cu star boxes care s-a anuntat sunt curios ce premii se dau. Ei au zis doar de "bountiful gifts".

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Abia asteeeept. banana.gif

La eventul cu star boxes care s-a anuntat sunt curios ce premii se dau. Ei au zis doar de "bountiful gifts".

Eventul cu jewel boxes o sa fie exact ca la christmas event in fiecare 30 min pica un jewel box, cu care te duci la " Dancing girl " si iti da hit scroll , returning scroll ,2000k mp up, hp up, global chat si chestii din asta ...

Era mai bun un event double drop rate sau dublu exp/sp cool.gif

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1 jw box nu pica 1 data/30 min, poti sa gasesti si 10 in 30 min tongue.gif

Era o teorie undeva pe un forum in functie de lvl-ul tau si de lvl-ul monstiilor pe care ii omori pt un drop mai ridicat.

PS: guild masterul omora monstrii de lvl mai mic fara skill si ii picau iteme in draci blink.gif Eu unu nu am avut atata rabdare sa dau fara skill doar ca sa economisesc cateva sute de potiuni de mana

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Eu fac parte impreuna cu djagga ( Taira ) si rhinOBZ ( Rihn ) din DarkLight ( Xian) .

Celor care se afla la inceput recomand silkroadonline.org si silkroadtavern.com . Acolo sunt multe ghiduri in care veti gasi majoritatea raspunsurilor la intrebarile voastre . Tin sa mentionez faptul ca nimeni nu detine "reteta" castigatoare . In mare , daca vreti sa faceti lvl rapid , un character full int rezolva problema . Dar in pvp full str se pare ca face legea . Totul e sa dezvoltati cum trebuie acel caracter , ma refer atat la full int cat si la full str .

In continuare voi posta un ghid pentru full str glavie dupa care mi-am dezvoltat si eu "eroul" :

I got it from Tavern From klez

So all credits go to klez not me

Hello again. I originially wanted to update my previous guide first with jobs and skill information, but since a lot of people are asking for builds, I'll post one here. I chose this build because that's the build I used in alpha so I read quite a lot about it. I originally was going to make a lightning/heal/big-swordie since I LOVE the big-sword and I was thinking of a Paladin-like build. Upon reading other's comments I found lightning and physical don't mix well so I throw the idea away. Anyways enough renting and here's the guide. I hope you'll find it helpful

P.S. I may actually get a mental lightning/heal/big-swordie this time around for fun...AFTER my power fire/big-swordie, of course

Power fire/big-sword build guide


Since a lot of people are thinking of a power fire/big-swordie, but don't really know how should build one (or rather use a lot of forum space for the same BLOODY QUESTION-----j/k ), I'd take some suggestions and ideas from the Chinese communities and share it here.

Stat points: Pure power?

Power is obviously the major stat point here in this build, but is it advisable to go full power/no mental?

Full power has a lot of advantages that's not apparent in low levels, but the advantages grow as you advance into high level. You got more (a lot more) hp, more physical power, and very good physical defence; however you'll have low mp and poor magical defence, and your imbue will not be strong. Full power lacks in low level because you use active skills more (i.e. imbue and attack skills) which constantly needs mp. In high level, however, your passive skills (+attack) will have a big impact because you have high attack power (note that +attack skills are all percentage increase), and high level really don't have to worry about mp as much, so in the end full power pays off.

So it's no good to put points into mental?

Well that's a hard question. Mental early is good for leveling, so it's not that bad. Some people also report that some mental points(2 power/1 mental or 3 power/1 mental) does around the same damage (with imbue and not including critical) so you're trading mp for hp. So it's really up to you. I did 2 power/1 mental for the first 10 level than full power afterwards in alpha and it works fine. There's really not a definite answer here.


Most people go armor for monsters and protector for pk. Most monsters are physical based so magical defence is not that important. In pk however, protector has better magical defence, run faster, AND saves you a bit of mp, in exchange of a bit lower to your already high defence due to your power build.


Well this IS fire/big-sword guide so major skills of course would be spear/fire tree. I'll look at each skills and comment on it. Keep in mind you'll earn more sp than you need in later levels (max skill is lvl 60 or something) and you got skill reset so trying out a skill with a few sp is not going to kill you; you just work harder (a LOT harder in higher levels) to get the skill points back.

NOTE: Due to the terrible translation of the skills (hint hint Joymax), I'm going to refer them as first spear skill, second spear skill, etc.

Spear tree

First spear skill (lvl 5)

Not much to say. Just your normal power skill attack. Penetrate is not that important and damage is kinda low. It's kinda a filler skill that just helps to chain your attack. Learn it if you want to.

Second spear skill (lvl 8)

NEVER use this skill unless for shows. OK it DOES have its use sometimes when you're tanking (it does reduce quite a lot of damage as people have tested) but you can't move or attack while using this. Put a point there just to show off (see the nice little circle thingy I'm doing over there? >_> )

Third spear skill (lvl 10)

Hits enemies in the front. Do combos in the second and third book. Ok skill but the next one is WAY better. Again learn it if you want to.

Fourth spear skill (lvl 12)

This is THE SKILL for spear/big-sword users. High power, STUN, hit two times(thus two chances to stun) in book 3, this is the skill you MUST learn. It's a bit slow however so it can be interrupted. imbue right before you swing to save the imbue time.

Fifth spear skill (lvl 19)

Area attack skill. Powerful and hit multiple enemies. A bit heavy on the mp side. Still an excellent skill for physical builds.

Sixth spear skill (lvl 24)

Combo skill. Number of hits increases as the book level goes higher. Quite useful for monsters, ok in pk (ice can interrupt your combo) with imbue quite a good skill.

Seventh spear skill (lvl 31)

This is a weird skill. It seems to be a range skill but there's no range in its description. Nor really useful in monsters and useful to get the first hit. In pk however a range skill can damage bows long range so it's not that bad.

Eighth spear skill (lvl 10)

A passive increase your hp. Why would you NOT take this?

Fire tree

First fire skill (lvl 5)

Imbue. Power builds don't have the mental points to power the imbue so it's not really that useful. The burn is just extra damage. Keep it so a cast or two won't take your whole mp bar away. Some people just put 1 lvl into this.

Second fire skill (lvl 8)

Decreases status effect points. Not useful as you can always use pills and you have to carry a shield. Unless you're doing no items duals, even than I’d say put sp into other skills first.

Third fire skill (lvl 12)

Increase physical attack power. Essential skill but its effect is not apparent in low levels. Level it after you've got your weapon skills leveled.

Fourth fire skill (lvl 17)

Increase magical defence. Useful in pk and later levels but not the first priority. Get if when you have the extra sp and need to pk.

Fifth fire skill (lvl 23)

Creates a fire wall which protects form magical attacks; however you cannot move out of the fire wall. You probably won't have enough mp to get one up and running with the power build, AND you need to move since you don't have range skill. The above lvl 17 skill should be good enough if you need more magical defence. Not recommended.

Six fire skill (lvl 30)

Launches a magical firebolt to damage enemies. Since you're not mental based this skill is useless.

Seventh fire skill (lvl 10)

Another passive which increase your physical attack by a percent. Again an essential skill but at low levels you can lag this a bit. Get weapon skills first.

Some skills tips

Most people take lightning for the movement buff or ice for pk advantage and defence. You don't really need healing tree as you've enough hp to tank. Ice is probably a better choice if you have part mental as you'll benefit from the extra defence in the ice tree.

Level your weapon skill first, most fire skill don't impact your damage a lot until higher level.

Fire imbue extra damage output is not that much since you're power build; use it for extra damage, not your source.

Pros and Cons of a power fire/big-sword build

This build is said to be one of the best build in high levels. You've got high hp, high physical power, one of the most damaging skill (the stun skill), a very good area effect skill, and fire attack boost is every powerful in high lvl. In return you have low mp and low magical resistance, and it's not easy to level in low level because you lack the mp to perform skills.

You can get kill by mental builds, but it's not often because mental skills don't critical, so you can manage your hp better.

If you like to see high damage combos and crazy criticals, sometimes one-hit-KO your opponents, this is the build for you.

BTW , se parte ca vor fi disponibile 4 locuri in DarkLight . Unul dintre ele este al lui matusalem , pt celelalte ( si nu numai ) puteti sa-mi dati un whisper in joc . nick Gecuta . Recrutam jucatori activi . Vrem sa ajugem lvl 4 in cat mai scurt timp

Cele bune

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cand ii da drumu la server ca nu prea am inteles cu ceasul lor korean biggrin.gif ... si daca nu o sa mai fie beta or sa bage ceva in plus sau ce ?

Ceasul apare pe site-ul oficial al jocului ( silkroadonline.net ) . Citeste ce scrie acolo si iti vei da seama cum se va dezvolta in continuare . Important este faptul ca personajele se vor pastra si in versiunea finala .

Daca iti place jocul te astept in DarkLight .

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In mare parte raspunsurile la intrebarile voastre le veti gasi aici :

Silkroad Online Guide

Table of Contents

1. Your Character

A. Stats

B. Weapons

C. Armors

D. Mods

E. Status Effects

F. Elements

G. Skill Points & Experience

H. Damage

2. Quests

3. Alchemy

4. Tips & Tricks

5. Notes


1. Your Character

A. Stats:

Strength(Str): Gives higher physical damage and more health.

Intelligence(Int): Gives higher magic damage and more mana.

Each level you get you gain 5 stats. 2 are distributed automatically, 1 into str and 1 into int. The other 3 stats can be distributed manually.

B. There're five classes of weapons:

Swords: can equip shields, mental based, double attack

Daggers: can equip shields, physical based, double attack, lower critical

Spears: two-handed, highest mental power, higher critical

Big-swords: two-handed, highest physical power, Slow weapon

Bows: two-handed, long range, fast attack, relative low physical/mental power

C. There're three classes of body equipment:

Armor: high physical defense, low mental defense.

Garment: high mental defense, low physical defense.

protector: balance in physical and mental defense.

Armor set bonuses:

Full armor set: No bonus.

Full protector set: -10% mp usage, +10% moving speed.

Full garment set: -20% mp usage, +20% moving speed.

D. Set Item Mods:

Degree: Used to determine what degree lucky power to use for alchemy.

Phy. Damage: The Phy. damage range for the weapon.

Mag. Damage: The Mag. damage range for the weapon.

Parry: Causes the damage to be minimal from the base damage of the other player or monster. For example if a weapon has a damage range of 100-150 and you have high parry the damage will be closer to the 100 damage range then 150.

Attack Rating: Opposite of parry the higher your attack rating the better chance of hitting the maximum on your weapons damage range over the enemys parry ratio.

Block: The higher the better chance you have of blocking an attack.

Durability: Durability is how long your weapon/armor can last before breaking and needing to be repaired.

Critical: The chance of hitting a critical hit with your weapon.

Attack Distance: How close/far your character has be to attack the enemy.

Phy. Absorb: The percentage of how much physical damage you will absorb rather then take.

Mag. Absorb: The percentage of how much magical damage you will absorb rather then take.

Phy. Reinforce: The higher the percent of phy. reinforce the better the physical damage will increase after a successful alchemy/enchant

Mag. Reinforce: The higher the percent of mag. reinforce the better the magical damage will increase after a successful alchemy/enchant

Blue Item mods:

Str x Increase: adds +x amount to Strength.

Int x Increase: adds +x amount to Intelligence.

Reduce status: reduce the duration of a status by a percentage.

Immortal: If upgrade fails prevents equipments from breaking(losing the item).

Steady: If upgrade fails it prevents equipments from losing durability.

Lucky: Increase chance of successful upgrade.

Repair Invalid: Cannot be repaired, durability is much higher than normal.

Immortal, steady and lucky has a number of times use, and when the number reach zero the stat is gone. For Example: Steady(2Time/Times) it would last for 2 alchemy fails.

E. Status Effects:

Burn: You lose some hp every few seconds.

Darkness: Half’s the effect of mana potions for example if your mana pots usually give you 1000 mana back it will only give 500 with the darkness state.

Electric shock: Lowers parry rate, thus increasing the chance of doing higher damage.

Freezing: It renders you immobile. IS NOT THE SAME AS STUN.

Frostbite: Slows you down and decreases your attack speed.

Poison: Same as burn but damage taken is constant.

Stun: It renders you immobile and disables the use of items. Level 14 glaive skill has this.

Zombie: When any hp skills or potion is used, hp is decreased instead of healing you.

F. Elements:

Cold: Lowest damaging element yet most effective cold can cause frostbite and freezing.

Lightning: Medium damage it can increase the speed of attacks or your character.

Fire: Highest damaging element can cause burn which does some damage over time.

Force: Force is just healing and protection for you and others.

G. Skill Points and Experience:

Skill Point Experience: Every time the yellow bar above your experience bar fills you gain 1 skill point.

Experience: The green bar under your skill point experience bar when it reaches 100% you gain a level for your character.

H. Damage:

White Numbers: This is showing the amount of damage you are giving to the enemy.

Red Numbers: This is showing the amount of damage you are taking.

Orange Number: this is showing damage being taken by fire status.

Greenish Yellow Numbers: This is showing the damage being taken by poison status.

Block: This shows that the damage was totally negated. Only characters with shields can block.


2. Quests

Level 1 - Beginner Quest

NPC: Jangan:General Sonheyon(near the west gate)

Step 1: Visit Jangbuin the protector merchant, then go back talk to Sonheyon.

Step 2: Visit Jinjin owner of the general shop, equip the ring she gives you, then run all the way around the dragon fountain In the middle of town, go back and talk to Sonheyon.

Step 3: Visit Yangikji the herbalist shop owner, buy an hp herb from him for 60 gold, then go back and talk to Sonheyon.

Step 4: Kill 30 Mangyangs right outside of town, then go back and talk to Sonheyon.

Reward: Armor(type depends on what you started out with), HP recovery herbs

Level 3 - Weapon Dealer

NPC: Jangan:Blacksmith Cheolhyeon

Objective 1: Talk to Jingyeon(he guards the south gate)

Objective 2: Go back and talk to Cheolhyeon

Reward: 225 exp, 205 gold

Level 3 - Lost Child

NPC: Jangan:Village Chief(he’s in the rich village north entrance)

Objective: Kill Small-Eye/Big-Eye Monsters, until the "Childs Shoes" drop.

Reward: 375 exp, 475 gold

Level 3 - Kill Weasels

NPC: Jangan:Iyang(he guards the east gate)

Objective: Kill 40 Old Weasel/Weasel, there a lot of them outside of east gate.

Reward: 1900 exp, 1000 gold

Level 5 - Yangikji Anxiety

NPC: Jangan:Yangikji(herbalist shop owner)

Objective: Kill 50 Water Ghost/Water Ghost Slaves.

Reward: 3800 exp, hp recovery

Level 6 - Water ghost poison

NPC: Jangan:Yangikji(herbalist shop owner)

Objective: Kill Water Ghost/Water Ghost Slaves to obtain 20 poisons.

Reward: 6600 exp, 4000 sp, mp recovery

Link: Yangikji Anxiety

Level 7 - Sweeping Stone Ghost

NPC: Jangan:Sanggwannam(he guard the east gate)

Objective: Kill 40 Stone ghost/Broken Stone Ghost. They are at the Chin's Tomb or Tomb.

Reward: 4500 exp, 2000 gold

Level 7 - Clear Biseokgwi

NPC: Jangan:Jeonghye (he in the court of Jaeun Temple)

Objective: Kill Stone Ghosts(the ones that hover) to collect all 8 types of lithographs(check quest log for the 8 types). More then 1 of each type may drop.

Reward: 10500 exp, 3800 gold and a Lvl10 horse scroll.

Level 8 - Tree Spirit

NPC: Myosoryeong(excorist house)

Objective: Kill Yeoha/Decayed Yeoha to obtain 30 "Yeoha Black Blood".

Reward: A Lvl-10 weapon of your class

Level 9 - Adventurer's Stone

NPC: Jangan:Flora(at the Specilities Shop)

Objective: Kill Stone Ghost to obtain 20 "Adventurer's Stone".

Reward: 5000 exp, 3500 gold, 1 Adventure Shift Scroll

Note: Adventurer's Stone" will not drop if you still have “Sweeping Stone Ghosts” quest uncompleted.

Level 10 - Purification Ground

NPC: Myosoryeong(excorist house)

Objective 1: Deliver the "Yeoha Black Blood" to Indian Buddhist Monk Kushyan.

Objective 2: Go back talk to Myosoryeong and receive your reward.

Reward: 12700 exp, 4500 sp, 4000 gold

Level 10 - Sweeping Bandit Archer

NPC: Jangan:Juho

Objective: Kill 50 Bandit Archer.

Reward: 9500 exp, 63 mp recovery herbs

Link: Tree Spirit

Level 11 - Bandit Operation Map

NPC: Jangan:Juho

Objective: Kill Bandit Archers to obtain 20 Operational Maps.

Reward: 28000 exp, 5500 sp, mp recovery herbs

Link: Sweeping Bandit Archer

Level 13 - Sweeping Bandit

NPC: Jangan:Guild Master

Objective: Kill 50 Bandits/Bandit subordinates.

Reward: 14500 exp, hp recovery

Level 13 - Tiger Grinding Tooth.

NPC: Jangan:Jodaesan(specilities shop)

Objective: Kill Tigers/Young Tigersto obtain 10 "Molar Teeth".

Reward: 15300 exp, 5000 sp, 4000 gold

Level 13 - Tiger Hunting Competition(3 times repeatable)

NPC: Jangan:General Sonheyon

First time: Kill 1 Tiger champions, 20 Tigers and 20 Young Tigers.

Second time: Kill 3 Tiger champions, 30 Tigers and 30 Young Tigers

Third time: Kill 5 Tiger champions, 40 Tigers and 40 Young Tigers

Reward: Total 33000 exp, 9550 exp, 3600 gold, 1 Tiger Violent Scroll and mp recovery potions.

Level 15 - Cheolhyeon Anger

NPC: Jangan:Cheolhyeon(Blacksmith)

Objective: Kill 200 Bandit Bowmen.

Reward: 26500 exp, 10000 sp, 1 transsexual item transform(use to change a item from male to female or vise versa)

Level 16 - Stolen Sword

NPC: Jangan:Gwaki(Hunter Guild)

Objective: Kill Bandits until the "Stolen Sword" drops you may get it on your first kill or it might take forever.

Reward: 18800 exp, 5000 gold, 3600 sp

Level 17 - Herb Delivery

NPC: Jangan:Yangijki(herbalist shop)

Objective 1: Travel to the Chinese West Ferry and talk with the ticket seller.

Objective 2: Return to Yangijki.

Reward: 14400 exp, 3600 sp, 3800 gold

Level 17 - Yangijki Request

NPC: Jangan:Yangijki(herbalist shop)

Objective 1: Travel to the East Ferry and talk to the Ticket Seller

Objective 2: Travel to the West Ferry and talk to the Ticket Seller

Objective 3: Return to Yangijki

Reward: 18000 exp, 4500 sp,125 mana potions(small)

Link: Herb Delivery

Level 17 - Black Tiger Talon

NPC: Jangan:Flora(specilities shop)

Objective: Hunt Black Tiger, they drop "Black Tiger Claw" return to Flora once you get 60 of those.

Reward: 60000 exp, 15000 sp, 15700 gold

Link: Adventure Stone

Level 18 - White Tiger Skin(3 times repeatable)

NPC: Jangan:Jodaesan(specilities shop)

First time: Kill White Tigers to obtain 100 "White Tiger Skin"

Second time: Kill White Tigers to obtain 100 "White Tiger Skin"

Third time: Kill White Tigers to obtain 200 "White Tiger Skin"

Reward: Total 84600 exp, 20000 sp, 10900 gold, 1 Tiger Strength scroll

Level 19 - Folk Remedy

NPC: Chau(Western ferry ticket seller, jangan side)

Objective: Kill Chakji/Chakji Worker to obtain 100 "Chakji Eye's".

Reward: 112000 exp, 28500 gold, 25000 sp

Level 19 - Ghost Bug Eggs

NPC: Donwhang:Doctor Bori

Objective: Kill Ghost bug/Devil bug to obtain 10 “Ghost Bug Eggs”.

Reward: 14800 exp, 3800 gold

Level 20 - Chakji Hunting

NPC: Jangan:Hageuk(Western ferry ticket seller, donwhang side)

Objective: Kill 600 Chajki/Chajki Workers.

Reward: 141000 exp, 30k sp, 1 reverse return scroll

Level 20 - Resuscitation Potion(Repeat as many times as you like)

NPC: Herbalist in any town/city

Objective: Collect 10 “Cursed Hearts”(any monster can drop).

Reward: Resuscitation Potion(1 for every 10 “Cursed Hearts”) every one potion can be used to withdraw a skill or mastery for around 20-25k.

Level 21 - Hyungno’s Revengeful Spirit

NPC: Donwhang: Buddhist Priest Fa

Objective: Kill 30 Hyungno Ghosts.

Reward: 12000 exp, gold 3000

Level 21 - Leegak’s Secret

NPC: Donwhang: Leegak(specialties shop)

Objective: Kill Ghost Bug/Devil Bug to obtain 150 “Ghost bug Eggs”

Reward: 150000 exp, 30000 sp, 37000 gold

Link: Ghost Bug Eggs

Level 22 - Peace Maker

NPC: Leeguek (specialities Shops)

Objective: Kill Devil Bug to search for 100 "Devil Wing" then come back to Leegeuk.

Reward: Reward: 132000 exp, 25000 sp, 1 scroll +20% parry ratio

Level 23 - Demon Horse’s Malice

NPC: Donwhang: Makgo(stable keeper)

Objective: Kill 60 Demon horses

Reward: 19800 exp, 4800 gold

Level 23 - Memorial Service for Horse

NPC: Donwhang: Makgo(stable keeper)

Objective: Kill Demon Horse/Devil Horse’s to obtain 50 “Horseshoes”

Reward: 158000 exp, 25000 sp, 35000 gold

Link: Demon Horse’s Malice

Level 23 - Trickery

NPC: Donwhang: Moho(east gate)

Objective: Kill Hyungno Ghost Soldier’s to obtain 200 “Hyungno Ghost Soldier Flags”

Reward: 211000 exp, 40000 sp

Level 24 - Flying Man Over Running Man

NPC: Donwhang: Hahun(east gate)

Objective: Kill Hyungno Ghost’s to obtain 200 “Hyungno Ghost Flags”

Reward: 237000 exp, 40000 sp

link: Trickery

Level 24 - Martial Art Tournament

NPC: Donwhang: Hahun(east gate)

Objective 1: Run to Jangan and talk to General Sonheyon

Objective 2: Run back to Donwhang east gate and talk to Hahun

Reward: 107000 exp, 3000 sp, 250 healing pot’s(medium)

Link: Flying Man Over Running Man

Level 26 - Making Yeosun Firecracker

NPC: Donwhang: Yeosun(general shop)

Objective 1: Kill Meek Gun Powder/Gun Powder to obtain 20 “Gun Powder Bombs”

Reward: 16300 exp, 3800 gold

Link: A Big Win

Level 26 - A Big Win(3 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Yeosun(general shop)

First time: Kill Meek Gun Powder/Gun Powder to obtain 200 " Gun Powder Bombs"

Second time: Kill Meek Gun Powder/Gun Powder to obtain 200 " Gun Powder Bombs"

Third time: Kill Meek Gun Powder/Gun Powder to obtain 200 " Gun Powder Bombs"

Reward: 133000 exp, 20000 sp, 34500 gold

Link: Making Yeosun Firecracker

Level 26 - Fire Cracker Delivery

NPC: Donwhang: Yeosun(general shop)

Objective 1: Run to Jangan and talk to Jinjin(General shop)

Objective 2: Run back to Donwhang and talk to Yeosun.

Reward: 120000 exp, 3000 sp, 1 light's clearness scroll

link: A Big Win

Level 27 - Earth Ghost Hunting

NPC: Donwhang: Makgo(stable keeper)

Objective: Kill 500 Earth Ghost

Reward: 178000 exp, 25000 sp

Level 28 - Earth Taoist's charm

NPC: Donwhang: Irina(warehouse)

Objective: Kill Earth Taoist/Earth magicians to obtain 15 “Earth Taoist's charm”

Reward: 20000 exp, 4000 gold

Level 28 - Leegak's Grudge

NPC: Donwhang: Leegak(specilities shop)

Objective: Kill 30 Hyeongcheon

Reward: 14000 exp, 10 healing pots(medium)

Level 29 - Bad Charm(3 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Irina(warehouse)

First time: Get 100 Earth Taoist/Magician "rarity charms".

Second time: Get 100 Earth Taoist/Magician "rarity charms".

Third time: Get 200 Earth Taoist/Magician "rarity charms".

Note: When you kill Earth Taoist/Earth Magician, they drop "doctor charm". Right click on them until you only have the amount of "rarity charms" to complete the amount needed.


Level 32 - Birthday Present Material(2 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Bori(herbalist)

First time: Kill Scorpions to obtain 200 "Poison of Scorpion"

Second time: Kill Scorpions to obtain 200 "Poison of Scorpion"

Reward: 371000 exp, 40000 sp

Level 32 - Lachrymal birthday present

NPC: Donwhang: Bori(herbalist)

Objective 1: Talk to Leegak(specialities shops) in Donwhang and Jinjin (General shop) in Jangan

Objective 2: Run to Jangan and talk to Jinjin(general shop)

Reward: 65000 exp, 1200 sp, x2 type 60% resuscitation orders

Link: Birthday Present Material

Level 33 - Ancient Elf (3 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Dooil Soldier(west gate)

First time: Time 1: Kill 1000 Blood Devil Flower/Blood Death Flower’s

Second time: Time 2: Kill 1000 Blood Devil Flower/Blood Death Flower’s

Third time: Time 3: Kill 1000 Blood Devil Flower/Blood Death Flower’s

Reward: Reward: 487000 exp, 1 repair hammer

Level 33 - Lost Ring

NPC: Donwhang: Manho(west gate)

Objective: Kill Ong/Blood Ong until the lost ring drops then return it to him

Reward: 121000 exp, 12500 sp, 200 mp recovery potions(medium)

Level 34 - Leegeuk's Jewel

NPC: Donwhang: Leegeuk(specialities shops)

Objective: Kill Robbers to obtain 200 "Juwel of Leegeuk"

Reward: Reward: 250000 gold

Level 35 - Asa’s Grumble

NPC: Salmai(tarim ferry)

Objective: Run to Salmai(tarim ferry) and talk to Leeguk to receive "Asa's flute"

Level 35 - Wangwun’s Request

NPC: Jangan: Wangwon(gambling house)

Objective: Run to Wangwon and talk to him

Link: Asa’s Grumble

Level 35 - Looking for Chinese Liquor

NPC: Jangan: Yangyun(herbalist)

Objective 1: Kill Hyeongcheon’s to obtain 100 "Hyeongcheon powders"

Objective 2: Kill Ong’s to obtain 100 "Ong's feelers"

Objective 3: Kill Small Red Scorpion’s to obtain 100 "Legs of Small Red Scorpion"

Reward: 40000 exp and 18000 sp

Link: Wangwun’s Request

Level 35 - Looking for European Liquor

NPC: Jangan: Yangyun(herbalist)

Objective 1: Kill Earth Magician’s to obtain 100 "eyebrows of Earth Magician"

Objective 2: Kill Blood Death Flower’s to obtain 100 "Blood Death Flower's leaves"

Objective 3: Kill Red Scorpion’s to obtain 100 "Legs of Red Scorpion"

Reward: 40000 exp, 18000 sp

Link: Wangwun’s Request

Level 35 - Huhoan’s Book

NPC: Jangan: Huhoan(gambling house)

Objective: Run to Huhoan(gambling house) and talk to him

Link: Looking for Chinese Liquor & Looking for European Liquor

Level 35 - Drinking with Huhoan

NPC: Jangan: Huhoan(gambling house)

Objective 1: Run to Huhoan(gambling house) and talk to him, use the liquor you got from the other 2 quests.

Objective 2: When he says he wants more, ask about that book, and exchange it for the flute

Reward: I have been told a lot of exp and about 500 sp worth of sp exp. Not sure on the actual exp yet.

Link: Huhoan’s Book

Level 35 - Yeowa's Scale (5 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Leeguk(specilities shop)

First time: Kill Red Yeowaa/Black Yeowa to obtain 300 "Yeowa's scale"

Second time: Kill Red Yeowaa/Black Yeowa to obtain 300 "Yeowa's scale"

Third time: Kill Red Yeowaa/Black Yeowa to obtain 300 "Yeowa's scale"

Forth time: Kill Red Yeowaa/Black Yeowa to obtain 300 "Yeowa's scale"

Fifth time: Kill Red Yeowaa/Black Yeowa to obtain 300 "Yeowa's scale"

Reward: 322000 exp, 55000 gold

Level 36 - Hidden jewel(5 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Haraho(hunter guild)

First time: Kill Black Robber Archer’s to obtain 100 "expensive jewels"

Second time: Kill Black Robber Archer’s to obtain 100 "expensive jewels"

Third time: Kill Black Robber Archer’s to obtain 100 "expensive jewels"

Forth time: Kill Black Robber Archer’s to obtain 100 "expensive jewels"

Fifth time: Kill Kill Black Robber Archer’s to obtain 100 "expensive jewels"

Reward: Reward: 537000 exp, 50000 SP exp, 94000 gold

Link: Leegeuk's Jewel

Level 37 - Black Robber Bowman's bow(3 times repeatable)

NPC: Donwhang: Haraho(hunter guild)


First time: Kill Black Robber Bowman to obtain 200 “bow’s”

Second time: Kill Black Robber Bowman to obtain 200 “bow’s”

Third time: Kill Black Robber Bowman to obtain 200 “bow’s”

Reward: 592000 exp, 50000 sp, 96500 gold

Link: Hidden Jewel

Level 38 - Looking for armor materials (red shell)

NPC: Donwhang: Yeolah(protector shop)

Objective: Kill Red Scorpion/Small Red Scorpion to obtain 20 "Red Scorpion Shells"

Reward: 75000 exp, 13500 gold

Level 39 - Death Ravine

NPC: Donwhang: Agol(blacksmith)

Objective: You have 2 hours to kill 20 Red-eye Ghost

Reward: 62000 exp, 6000 gold

Level 40 - Broken Paddle

NPC: Salmai(tarim ferry)

Objective: Kill Hyeongcheons to obtain 100 “Hard Stones”

Reward: 105000 exp

Level 40 - Seeking Paddle Material

NPC: Donwhang: Agol(blacksmith)

Objective: Kill Red-eye ghost/Dark-eye ghosts to obtain 100 “Agols Irons”


Link: Broken Paddle

Level 40 - Delivering Paddle

NPC: Salmai(tarim ferry)

Objective: Run to Salmai and deliver the paddles


Link: Seeking Paddle Material


3. Alchemy

What is alchemy?

Alchemy is enchanting you weapon, armor, or accessory.

What does alchemy do?

If you have ever seen a weapon, armor, or accessory with a (+1), or (+2) etc. after the item name, this is what alchemy does.

How many +# can I have on an item?

You can have up to a +9 from my understanding although I’ve yet to see any this high. The highest I have seen is a +7. The +# on weapons also gives different color glows depending on how many +s you have. For example a + 3 weapon would give just a nice shiny glow to your weapon.

What does the +# after the item name mean?

This basically means that the item is 1, 2, or 3 etc. levels higher then its current level although it is not as good as an item actually that level would be.

What do I need to do alchemy?

An item, elixir, and a lucky powder are the only things needed. The lucky powder isn’t necessarily needed but it is recommended because it seems to give a much better chance of a successful enchant.

Tips for better success in enchanting:

Lucky powders: Increases the chances of the alchemy succeeding.


Steady: If enchanting fails it prevents equipments from losing durability.

Immortal: If upgrade fails prevents equipments from breaking(losing the item).

Lucky: Increase chance of successful upgrade.

Now let’s learn how to use alchemy on an item. Let’s say you want to enchant your level 24 bow. Lets say your bow has 4th degree on it so go to the grocery store in Donwhang and buy a 4th degree lucky powder. Once you buy the lucky powder you need to find or buy a weapon elixir since a bow is a weapon, once you got all of that press “A” and right click the alchemy action; it looks like an open scroll. This will bring up a new box with an empty square this is where you place your bow, so put it in there now. When you place your box in the empty box 2 other boxes will open up this is where you place your weapon elixir and lucky powder. Go ahead and do that, once you have press the Joint button. In the chat window it will let you know if the alchemy succeeded or failed.

If you had +2, +3 etc. and the enchant fails you will loose those +s, durability and even possibly loose the item, I haven’t lost the item yet from a failed enchant so it’s a low percentage to loose the item. That’s about it on enchanting an item, good luck.


5. Tips & Tricks

Buy stuff in a batch.

Don’t want to drag arrows into your inventory and type 250 or drag potions to your inventory and type 50. Just hold ctrl and left click on the item and it will buy a stack for you.


Supposed to be used to kill botters but you can also have some fun with them, now this is mean but funny. Buy a protector at the general store and cast one outside of Jangan and watch for the first person to attack it. Have fun.

Extra Experience Gain Per kill.

Join respective parties, full parties (4 people) give 10% experience gain per kill.

Skill point farming.

Skill point farming is basically gaining skill points faster then experience. Skill point gain is determined by the difference of your highest mastery level to you characters level. The bigger the difference the more skill point experience you will gain and the lower your experience gain will be. The biggest difference is a 9 level difference, for example Bicheon Mastery level 5 and your character level 14 that is the highest level difference and the fastest skill point gain in Silkroad.


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Ceasul apare pe site-ul oficial al jocului ( silkroadonline.net ) . Citeste ce scrie acolo si iti vei da seama cum se va dezvolta in continuare . Important este faptul ca personajele se vor pastra si in versiunea finala .

Daca iti place jocul te astept in DarkLight .

da imi place jocul mai am putin si fac lvl 20 ... dar sunt deja in Geto dacii dar suntem cam putini acolo

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Ooo Gecuta pare bine sa te vad si pe link.

Pentru cei care inca au nelamuriri in ce sa bage skill-urile iata un ghid preluat de pe oasis (www.silkroad-oasis.com):

Guides to Common Builds

Blade - STR Build

* Stat points: All STR

* Skill Trees:

> Swordmanship: Concentrate on Chain Sword Attack series, Blade Force series and the Shield Protection passive. Hidden Blade and Killing Heaven series aren't really used in PvE but good to have for PvP. Shield Technique is very good for defensive players.

> Force Skills: I suggest Cold or Fire. Cold for defensive builds and Fire for offensive.

Cold: Cold Force series, Frost Nova series, and Cold Armor passive.

Fire: Fire Force series, Flame Body series and Flame Devil passive.

Sword - INT Build

* Stat points: All INT or 1:2

* Skill Trees:

> Swordmanship: Concentrate on Chain Sword series and Shield Protection passive. A little bit of Hidden Blade and Killing Heaven also suggested.

> Force Skills: For PvP go Cold + Lightning. For PvE go Fire + Lightning.

Lightning: Wind Walk series, Lion Shout series, Heaven's Force passive

Cold: Cold Force series, Frost Guard series, Cold Armor passive, maybe one Frost Nova and Snow Storm series

Fire: Fire Force series, Fire Protection series and Flame Wave series

Glaive - STR Build

* Stat points: All STR

* Skill Trees:

> Spearmanship: Concentrate on Soul Departs series, Chain Spear series, Cheolsam HP passive. Flying Dragon series Flying Dragon-Fly lvl1. Ghost Spear series good for dungeons.

> Force Skills: Train Fire as your main and Lightning or Cold for support. (All three if you're gonna SP farm forever.)

Fire: Fire Force series, Flame Body series and Flame Devil passive

Lightning: WindWalk series, Concentration Series, Heaven's Force passive. Piercing Force series good later on.

Cold: Cold Force series, Frost Nova series, and Cold Armor passive

Spear - INT Build

* Stat points: All INT recommended since Spearmanship gives HP bonus passive. 1:2 ok too.

* Skill Trees:

> Spearmanship: Cheolsam passive, Chain Spear is good to learn.

> Force Skills: Lightning highly suggested. Thunder Force series, Wind Walk series, Lion Shout series, Thunderbolt series, Heaven's Force passive.

Bow - STR Build

* Stat points: All STR

* Skill Trees:

> Bowmanship: Concentrate on Anti Devil series, Arrow Combo series, White hawk and Blue Hawk, Break Heaven series, Mind concentration passive.

> Force Skills: Cold highly suggested. Cold force series, Frost Guard and Cold Armor. lvl1 Frost Nova-Wind can save your ass in bad situations. Lightning or Fire good to train for support if you can afford the SP. Lightning if you want more runspeed and accuracy. Fire if you want more damage.

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ma de fiecare data cand fac astia cat un update se f... ceva

de exemplu acu 20 de min am vrut sa ma joc...sa updatat ceva si dupa, in loc sa porneasca jocu:


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ma de fiecare data cand fac astia cat un update se f... ceva

de exemplu acu 20 de min am vrut sa ma joc...sa updatat ceva si dupa, in loc sa porneasca jocu:


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