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Nici nu sunt probleme majore pe IA.. toti de plang ca are cateva bug`uri minore care nu sunt pe oficila.. pai normal frate.. joci moca si mai vrei si calitate superioara.. singurul "defect" pe care il vad eu este ca update`urile apar cu 2-3 saptamani intarziere decat pe oficial...

Tind sa te contrazic. Patchurile intodeuna apar inaintea celor de pe Retail fiindca se incearca ca pana la lansarea oficiala a acelui patch, el sa mearga cat de cat si pe privat. Cel putin, Asault on Balaurea a fost lansat pe Infinite Aion odata cu primul test server din KR.

voi jucati pe Tower of Eternity?

Wha? o.O

Hai curaj...jocu e foarte frumos chiar daca ocupa el 25.1 GB daca ai computer strong....are o grafica super.

Multumim pentru precizari Mr. Obvious. Iar clientul Aion nu prea ocupa el 25 Gb.

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Normal ca ocupa 25,1GB, daca ascunzi acolo colectia de porn. Ceva detalii, pe ce server joci, o poza cu charul tau? :D

Joc pe Infinite Aion...Baieti daca aveti sa imi dati si mie niste Kinah cu imprumut sa imprumut un set de leveling....450k costa un set de leveling sa il inchiriezi...am abia 111k

Damn IT! Uite-te R_Superstar.

Si uitati si Bo$$ul care rupe rangere mai mari ca el cu vreo 3 levele b-) : Me

Curaj ca nu va mananc


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Pune la Auction House manastone'urile alea mari fiindca tie nu prea iti folosesc (ai level mic, le schimbi repede) decat cele de crit (care sunt exorbitant de scumpe). In plus, asasinul e cea mai costisitoare clasa de jucat. Ti-as recomanda ceva care sa nu fie atat de mult gear-dependent ( in ordinea lor SM/Chanter/Cleric/Sorc sau chiar si ranger fiindca faci kite ) . Apropo, nu e normal ca Aion'ul sa-ti ocupe 25 Gb ;) .

Ah, apropo "Haide-ti" se scrie haideti.

I am disapoint

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Pune la Auction House manastone'urile alea mari fiindca tie nu prea iti folosesc (ai level mic, le schimbi repede) decat cele de crit (care sunt exorbitant de scumpe). In plus, asasinul e cea mai costisitoare clasa de jucat. Ti-as recomanda ceva care sa nu fie atat de mult gear-dependent ( in ordinea lor SM/Chanter/Cleric/Sorc sau chiar si ranger fiindca faci kite ) . Apropo, nu e normal ca Aion'ul sa-ti ocupe 25 Gb ;) .

Ah, apropo "Haide-ti" se scrie haideti.

I am disapoint

Mi-am dat seama...decand m-am apucat acu cativa ani buni +8 ani de computer am uitat sa si scriu corect...Mersi pentru sfat. ...Nu stiu de ce ocupa 25.1 GB , am clientul de la R_Superstar postat de mai sus de pe www.aionglobal.com...:|

L.e : Am vorbit acu cu niste baieti din AION si au zis ca am 25.1 GB la client ca am dat repair cu NC Soft...:|

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' date='21 October 2010 - 23:05' timestamp='1287695127' post='5427529']

north america alegi ca dupa o sa iti dea http://infiniteaion.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=27905

asta :)

care se baga sa facem o legiune la asmodians ?



dar ma bagi cu Spiritmaster-ul de lv 12?ca pe Assasin nu prea mai intru , Spiritmaster-ul e mai atragator b-) uite o poza: http://d.imagehost.org/view/0895/Aion0011

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' date='22 October 2010 - 12:38' timestamp='1287743886' post='5427962']

pai da nush , pe infinite aion k? dar eu inca nu am facut legiunea ..farmez prin Adma plains pt niste kinah si merge destuk de bine 10.000.000 ( 10kk) per hour :D

10kk per hour?:o ... eu abia daca fac 5.000 per hour.... da , joc pe Infinite Aion...dar pe ce lume ? . .

P.S: Daca imi poti da macar 5kk...sa imi iau un set bun de SpiritMaster...dar mai intai trebe sa fac level <_<

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10kk per hour?:o ... eu abia daca fac 5.000 per hour.... da , joc pe Infinite Aion...dar pe ce lume ? . .

P.S: Daca imi poti da macar 5kk...sa imi iau un set bun de SpiritMaster...dar mai intai trebe sa fac level <_<

infinite aion , lumiel , asmodien , vezi ca sunt 55 si fac la kina acolo farmand , fa minim 50 si vino

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' date='22 October 2010 - 20:46' timestamp='1287769612' post='5428828']

nu exista pets -.-' doar sm are

Esti sigur ?

Pets confined to fetching the morning paper and performing crowd pleasing tricks are now a thing of the past. The upcoming free expansion Aion: Assault on Balaurea introduces an entirely new pet subsystem to explore. You will have access to functional pets capable of storing goods, assisting with crafting, acting as guardians by alerting their masters to nearby enemies, and of course those simply designed to make their masters look good.

The pets system will continue to develop and evolve moving forward, but we’re looking at five pet types to start out with:

* Companion – Adventure with their owner throughout Atreia

* Signal – Alert their owner to the presence of enemy players

* Pack – Expand their owner’s inventory

* Fortune – Produce items for their owner after being well-fed

* Purebred – Provide their owner with multiple functions at once

You’ll have 100 dedicated pet slots available to populate, but can only own one of each type, and are only capable of summoning one pet at a time. You will retain features such as inventory space increase even while the pet providing the feature is put away. The pets you own can be given names, and these names are not unique, which will allow you to choose names freely and make changes whenever you so desire. And as a special treat, a new type of pet emote will trigger unique animations for each type of pet (watch out Westminster Kennel Club, there’s a new set of tricks to teach those old dogs).

There will be different ways to get your hands on these pets, including buying them from in-game merchants or the NCStore, getting them as quest rewards, item drops, or through special promotional events.

Aion: Assault on Balaurea is a free expansion, but there will also be a new boxed version with an upgraded client preloaded available for purchase. To celebrate the release of Aion: Assault on Balaurea, those who purchase the expansion will receive an adorable Speckled Ailu pet (it’s much like a panda). Some retailers will for a limited time also offer an exclusive Companion pet along with the Speckled Ailu.

We hope you’ll enjoy these fine, coming additions!

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