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nu inteleg ce te incalzeste pe tine aja tare ca au luat altii ban

Nu stiu cu cel incalzeste pe el..............DAR sunt sigur ca pe altii ii face sa se simta al dreaq de bine, inclusiv pe mine....

P.S. : akuma urcati va iar in capul meu ca am eu ceva cu bootii, si vezi Doamne nu ar trebui sau nu e bine..........

In rest sanatate :tiphat:

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Deci baietii care vreti sa ne apucam pe un server nou si ati votat in pollul facut de Devil ce ziceti ne bagam pe poseidon? facem un guild de genu <LinkManiaci> s-au cum vreti voi....anyway eu ma bag PiratuNebo0n pm in joc daca e sa ne unim sa facem un guild puternic :) pana atunci :beer:

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Guest *Smuggster*NuMaiDaBaSuspend

fine folosesti iar bot?daca da...da-mi un pm si help a brother

sry pt double post

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Guest *Smuggster*NuMaiDaBaSuspend

tare !! sos lvl1 ftw :) eu as juca acum ca am o pofta nu am mai jucat de foarte mult timp...dar astept server nou

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@BlackCurse--> ce pot spune am citit am inteles dar pt moment nu ma mut. daca fac rost de clientless promit sa imi fac cont pe serverul care o sa apara si am sa iti fac guild GP de iti vine acru si + gold o bere astept de la tine :beer: nu promit daca nu am clientless nu intru.

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Guest *Smuggster*NuMaiDaBaSuspend

probabil ca o sa se deshida un nou server relativ repede ca doar ce au banat botii :D

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Stie careva la ce folosesc sau ce fac Phy. si Mag. Reinforce ????

Si eu am incercat de cateva ori sa caut ce inseamna dar nimeni nu a putut sa explice cu exactitate, dar cel mai plauzibile pt mine sunt astea 2:

1. dmg ul care il face un weap e influentat in mod direct de psy si mag reinforce (exista o formula de calcul care nu o mai tine minte).

2.Phy Reinforce/Absorbsion:(armor only/jewelry only)

This is the physical Reinforcment of the item your using, the percentage that decides how its durability will fall, the higher the reinforcement the slower the durability will fall. The more Phys attacks you use, the more the Phys reinforcment takes affrect. The physical absorbtion is pertained to jewelry, this number would equal a % of how much damage you absorbed.

Mag Reinforce/Absorbsion:(armor only/jewelry only)

This is the magical Reinforcment of the item your using, the percentage that decides how its durability will fall, the higher the reinforcement the slower the durability will fall. The more Magic attacks you use, the more the Magic reinforcment takes affrect. The magicall absorbtion is pertained to jewelry, this number would equal a % of how much damage you absorbed

Despre pct ul 2 nu sthiu ce sa zic, ar putea fi adevarat, dar de unde am luat am gasit is ceva despre sos, som si sun cum ca ar fi +5,+10 si +15 ceea ce e fals, pt ca am citit pe forumul de pe pagina oficiala la isro si explicau akolo la FQA ca un sos e cel putin +7, un sun e cel putin +15 iar som ul e la mijloc intre astea 2......

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Am gasit cateva chestii interesante intr un guide, care va pot interesa si care explica si psy/mag reinforce:

A. Stats:

• Strength(Str): Gives higher physical damage and more health.

• Intelligence(Int): Gives higher magic damage and more mana.

• Each level you get you gain 5 stats. 2 are distributed automatically, 1 into str and 1 into int. The other 3 stats can be distributed manually.

B. There're five classes of weapons:

• Swords: can equip shields, mental based, double attack

• Daggers: can equip shields, physical based, double attack, lower critical

• Spears: two-handed, highest mental power, higher critical

• Big-swords: two-handed, highest physical power, Slow weapon

• Bows: two-handed, long range, fast attack, relative low physical/mental power

C. There're three classes of body equipment:

• Armor: high physical defense, low mental defense.

• Garment: high mental defense, low physical defense.

• protector: balance in physical and mental defense.

Armor set bonuses:

• Full armor set: No bonus.

• Full protector set: -10% mp usage, +10% moving speed.

• Full garment set: -20% mp usage, +20% moving speed.

D. Set Item Mods:

• Degree: Used to determine what degree lucky power to use for alchemy.

• Phy. Damage: The Phy. damage range for the weapon.

• Mag. Damage: The Mag. damage range for the weapon.

• Parry: Causes the damage to be minimal from the base damage of the other player or monster. For example if a weapon has a damage range of 100-150 and you have high parry the damage will be closer to the 100 damage range then 150.

• Attack Rating: Opposite of parry the higher your attack rating the better chance of hitting the maximum on your weapons damage range over the enemys parry ratio.

• Block: The higher the better chance you have of blocking an attack.

• Durability: Durability is how long your weapon/armor can last before breaking and needing to be repaired.

• Critical: The chance of hitting a critical hit with your weapon.

• Attack Distance: How close/far your character has be to attack the enemy.

• Phy. Absorb: The percentage of how much physical damage you will absorb rather then take.

• Mag. Absorb: The percentage of how much magical damage you will absorb rather then take.

• Phy. Reinforce: The higher the percent of phy. reinforce the better the physical damage will increase after a successful alchemy/enchant

• Mag. Reinforce: The higher the percent of mag. reinforce the better the magical damage will increase after a successful alchemy/enchant

Blue Item mods:

• Str x Increase: adds +x amount to Strength.

• Int x Increase: adds +x amount to Intelligence.

• Reduce status: reduce the duration of a status by a percentage.

• Immortal: If upgrade fails prevents equipments from breaking(losing the item).

• Steady: If upgrade fails it prevents equipments from losing durability.

• Lucky: Increase chance of successful upgrade.

• Repair Invalid: Cannot be repaired, durability is much higher than normal.

Immortal, steady and lucky has a number of times use, and when the number reach zero the stat is gone. For Example: Steady(2Time/Times) it would last for 2 alchemy fails.

E. Status Effects:

• Burn: You lose some hp every few seconds.

• Darkness: Half?s the effect of mana potions for example if your mana pots usually give you 1000 mana back it will only give 500 with the darkness state.

• Electric shock: Lowers parry rate, thus increasing the chance of doing higher damage.

• Freezing: It renders you immobile. IS NOT THE SAME AS STUN.

• Frostbite: Slows you down and decreases your attack speed.

• Poison: Same as burn but damage taken is constant.

• Stun: It renders you immobile and disables the use of items. Level 14 glaive skill has this.

• Zombie: When any hp skills or potion is used, hp is decreased instead of healing you.

F. Elements:

• Cold: Lowest damaging element yet most effective cold can cause frostbite and freezing.

• Lightning: Medium damage it can increase the speed of attacks or your character.

• Fire: Highest damaging element can cause burn which does some damage over time.

• Force: Force is just healing and protection for you and others.

G. Skill Points and Experience:

• Skill Point Experience: Every time the yellow bar above your experience bar fills you gain 1 skill point.

• Experience: The green bar under your skill point experience bar when it reaches 100% you gain a level for your character.

H. Damage:

• White Numbers: This is showing the amount of damage you are giving to the enemy.

• Red Numbers: This is showing the amount of damage you are taking.

• Orange Number: this is showing damage being taken by fire status.

• Greenish Yellow Numbers: This is showing the damage being taken by poison status.

• Block: This shows that the damage was totally negated. Only characters with shields can block

al doilewa FAQ lai gaist pe TechArmy

al doilewa FAQ lai gaist pe TechArmy

http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/442 asta ca sa intelegi ca techarmy.ro nu este un site original.........si ca orice informatie se obtine de akolo :P

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