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ok.mi'e lene sa scriu eu asa ca dau un copy paste de unde am gasit si eu (google power) :

1. Get the quest from the Witch

2. Talk to Clergy Gabriel (he has no more Holy Water, so he send you to another NPC)

3. Talk to the other NPC (Guild boss "inseert name here", i dont remember the name, but he is facing the colisseum), get a quest about getting 30 blue bags from Dow Genetos.

4. Return to this NPC and get 10 units of Holy Water.

5. Use the Holy Water in the stable, and kill the spawned mobs.

6. They will drop items, and you need to give these items to the Witch.

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Am o problema la questul stable purification am luat apa sfintita apoi am omorat 10 stable sentry si acum am omorat inca vreo 20 de sentry si nu mi'a cazut nici macar 1 stable Filiths ... ce nu fac bine ?:|

Gata numai fac questuri nu se merita...

frate nu se merita deloc stai ca stiu eu cum e deci iei apa omori 10 daia porma te duci aiara la grasu de la colloseum siti spune sa gasesti 30 de horn de la ursi yo ma ...pe el de quest ca ma rup ursi aia cas majoritatea numai giants si party...si mai bine bati pana crapi faci si mai rpd skill

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care recompensa ? 350 xp? sunt niste questuri fara rost care au o recompensa foarte mica >_<

@dash "Hercules" nu "Herkule" :blink:

Nu,alea care'mi dau cateva zeci de mii :) de ex :


NPC:Sunset witch

Prerequisite: LVL 13 QUEST

Mission: Collect 50 scales from LVL 14 mobs

Reward: exp 41000/ GOLD 14000/skill exp 12500

Sursa : Aici

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"baiet fiind paduri cutreieram......" si eu ca omu dupa experienta si na de cine dau :D




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europe = naspa nu e bund e nimik parerea mea poate voua va place mie imi plac orasele mobi si etc inafara de chare si skiluri :error: si partea nasola ca de a vl 40+ te atca thiefi si la 1* nasol am lvl 47 si la 1* sar 5 theifi monstrii dar poti sa faci q cu cateva lvl mai mari la lvl 47 nu ai q dar eu am 3 sa omor 850 de paianjeni sa colectionez nu stiuc ate chestii tot din paianjeni si peaia nu mujigi eia suuper asta e printe chestiile mijto din acest update :bananadance2:

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