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Aion Online

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Raman la parerea ca NC Soft face jocuri de rahat, si pentru a-i raspunde lui CPU am jucat L2, CoH, CoV si Tabula Rasa. Toate mi s-au parut bune la inceput si de toate m-am plictisit foarte repede. Restul nici nu ma intereseaza, singurul lor joc pe care l-as mai incerca ar fi Guild Wars doar pentru ca a avut multe review-uri bune.

ai uitat sa zici ce lvl ai.

si acum uite ce ai zis u:

Nu-mi place sa generalizez dar cam la asta se rezuma orice joc al lor.

ca sa poti generaliza trei sa atingi un lvl destul de mare.si nu doar pe l2.

l2 privat sau p2p?coh trial sau p2p ?tabula rasa presupun trial ?

inca odata sorry de offtopic

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Fi sigur ca cei de la NCsoft nu s-au gandit cred ca niciodata sa faca in asa fel healeru sau bufferu sa bata vreun tank(sau ma rog, joaca tu jocul ala in care un buffer poate bate alta clasa) , dar intre clasele figteri si magi exista un echilibru (sau da-mi tu un ex in care una din clasele figteri sau magi nu au sansa in fata celuilalt).Iti garantez ca si in Aion la fel o sa fie....

Paladin > ?????

nu conteaza pe cate serv am jucat.conteaza ca macar mi-am dat seama ca l2 nu e un joc echilibrat

in talisman online healeru e pe locul 2 la pvp

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Aici gresesti poate ca scrie ca wow este destinat playerilor sub 18 ani. Dar sa stii wow-ul este jucat si de playeri

de 20-40 de ani.Asa ceva in L2 nu cred ca vezi :dance:

hahaha lol^^^^.. pe l2dex in apostate era un da cu care faceam eu party mereu si cand am luat amn2 pk de la zuperman a venit fiusu de 20 si ceva de ani si l-o batut^^^^

intra si tu putin pe un server de l2 sa vezi cati 20++ ani sunt^^

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Da-i pace SilenR ca daca ii spun cati de la mine din clan sunt peste 25 si 30 ...in fine, nush ce imi pare mie ca daca cei de la NCsoft vor merge pe idea craftarii din L2 pt iteme(nu stiu nimic legat de acest lucru inca, stie cineva?) sau ceva asemanator, "marii" admiratori de acuma , si ma refer la cei proveniti de pe sv de wow, vor da inapoi incet incet...toti se uita la grafica si la faptul ca "ma uita ala zboara" dar lasa deoparte game playul care in toate jocurile de succes(chiar si heroes3 :D )a avut cel mai mare cuvant de spus.

Deci daca gameplayul va fi bazat in mare parte pe ideea"munceste cu rabdare , gandeste cu folos ,ajuta si o sa ai" ca si in L2, multi viteji de acuma or a zica dupa data lansarii ca jocul e o porcarie, ca doar grafica e de el ca bla bla bla , reiesind inca odata ca cei carora nu le-o placut Lineage inainte nu o sa le placa nici Aion!! Iar din contra, daca totul va fi doar grafica si game playul va ramane pe undeva prin spate de sa il cauti cu lupa, sunt convins ca jocul o sa aiba cel mai mare succes^^.

Hai baftalo..

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High nu te supara dar uitate ce titlu ai pus in primul rand, iar 2nd eu nu am facut decat sa fac un review la cum va fi daca cei de la Ncsoft vor pastra aceeasi gandire ca si in L2.

Nush dc te enervezi ca eu am fost mai mult decat ontopic ..

PS. nu ma pot abtine cand vad asemenea aberatii:

@Thade spre surprinderea ta sa stii ca si L2 e cu plata....

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thade.. sunt servere private si de wow deci e tot aia.. numai ca e mai calumea lineage.. parerea mea..

+1, in wow parca toate lucrurile sunt de plastic :blink: spre deosebire de l2

Aion seamana destul de mult cu l2 , ma refer aici la cum arata caracterele :)

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Ma minunez ce poate sa spune lumea si inca din titlu. Op-ule daca foloseai macar optiunea de cautare vedeai ca e un topic Aion din May 8 2007 si gaseai si toate informatiile de care aveai nevoie.


Daca nu aveti rabdare sa cititi toate informatiile din topicu ala, dau un rezumat mai jos ca sa se inteleaga diferentele de gameplay, grafica, etc.

Articles from IGN.COM,by Matt Mefford

Play as a Demon or Angel in a Korean MMO that breaks with level-grinding.

AION stands for "Epic Everlasting World." Created by NCsoft`s Seoul development studio, it is an MMO which looks to break from convention. According to Yong Taek Bae, Associate Producer for NCsoft Seoul, there will be none of the level-grinding which is common in Korean MMOs. Although not fully disclosed at this time, the leveling-up system will be different from what you would normally expect.

The premise behind the game is an epic conflict between Demons and Angels, which are the two playable factions of the game. Although details are pending, both of the classes will have bonuses and attributes specific to each. Both will have wings, enabling fast travel throughout the vast world displayed at E3.

In an interesting twist, all player stats and actions will be recorded. This is significant as the information accumulates over time. How you interact with others and play the game will be tracked. As time progresses, these stats will begin to affect your player and those around you. In instance raids, your stats will either enhance or detract the characteristics of your party.

AION will have dragons as a third (non-playable) faction. They will have a strong effect on the game, especially in terms of faction balance. At this time, it is unknown how dragons will affect PvE combat although it can be surmised that they will guard loot. In PvP combat, dragons will actually be used to balance out faction wars. Depending on which faction you choose (Demons or Angels), you might find yourself on the receiving end of a fireball. According to NCsoft, the dragons? primary function is to balance out the game world. If one faction is becoming too dominant, the dragons will step in and launch an attack. As to what extent is currently unknown, but it may result in bringing the stronger faction in line with the other.

There will be eight player classes total, including Warrior, Wizard, Ranger, and Healer. All player classes will be able to change their weapons, armor, and relics on the fly in combat. You will also have access to combo attacks, for devastating effect on your opponents. NCsoft is also including weather effects, which will impact combat abilities. If you are using a lightning attack in the middle of a rain storm, you will get bonuses to hit and damage. If you use a fire attack, however, there will be significant penalties levied against you.

From a technical standpoint, AION looks to bring some nice visuals to the table. Using the Crytek Sandbox 1.0 Engine (Far Cry) the game will include a heat shimmering effect near the ground (based upon the locale and climate). Weapons are nicely detailed, and there appear to be normal maps. For an MMO, there is a fair amount of groundcover and lush greenery (taking advantage of Sandbox?s ability to handle large numbers of objects). Materials have been given their own characteristics, meaning that if you walk thru terrain like marshland or shallow water, your character will slow down accordingly. NCsoft has assured us that system specs will be low, so all users can enjoy the lush visuals and effects. Expect to see AION released worldwide in 2008.

Din informatiile mele foarte posibil in vara asta Aion sa fie jucabil intr-o OB varianta in engleza, la fel ca si cum a fost Guild Wars cand s-a lansat.

Nu se stie inca in ce varianta p2p/f2p packet/ f2p gameshop vor publica jocul worldwide, intrucat piata koreana-japoneza de jocuri e mult diferita de restul lumii, iar studiourile Arenanet din US care se ocupa si cu publishingu worldwide, printre altele, apartine tot firmei mama NCsoft, localizata in Korea.

Daca vreti sa comparati Aion cu ceva incearcati cu Warhammer, sunt cam singurele mari neme ce vor aparea. Lumea e in stare sa cumpere un CB key de Aion la negru cu 150$ http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42407 .

Cateva informatii tehnice referitor la ce se intampla in Cb - observatii :

(rezumat scos de pe http://www.thisisgame.com/board/view.php?i...mp;subcategory= )

* There will be no character reset during CBT.

* The Asmodian lands will enter testing in December.

* An Aion novel is to be released (in English).

* Most likely a 15+ age rating game.

* The game client size is currently around 6 GB.

* As mentioned, with a GeForce 5700 you'll get an estimated, proud 20 fps.

* Each tester gets 10 hours of "testing time" during weekends which he/she can distribute him/herself.

* A character model is made up of around 2,000 polygons.

* Each server will be able to host 5,000 concurrent players.

* A customizable/"Open source" User Interface is still under consideration. The problem is that it could open up opportunities for hackers and malicious tools (exploitation).

Fara cuvinte, CB client de 6 giga, GF 5700 doar 20 fps, 2000 polygoane intr-un caracter si lumea isi face probleme de grafica ....

Ne mai auzim

Senior gamer


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Acum cateva zile s-a anuntat publishingu la Aion - full p2p si asta se va intampla in vara.

Recently, NCsoft in Korea released its new business model of the highly anticipated MMORPG Aion. The spokesman of Korean NCsoft said that Aion will go Pay-to-Play in the first half of this year. In a word, Aion is an entirely PAY-to-PLAY MMORPG with monthly subscriptions. Now, Aion is in limited beta in Korea. Approximately, when the second closed beta ended, the game will go open beta and officially lunch.

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Turbo ma cu premiumul tau ! X-(

Aion nu o sa fie un joc de genul celor koreene cu "premium item" cum spui tu sau alte chesti cumparate cu bani care te fac uber 1337.

O sa fie un joc bun in care fiecare are aceleasi sanse la glorie, iteme, etc.

Dupa modalitatea de plata iti dai seama daca un joc e bun sau nu :)) jk.

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Parerea mea este ca fanii l2 nu prea o sa-l joace. Majoritatea urasc gameplay-ul de wow, eu inclus. Cred ca prefer sa astept lineage 3. Folosirea tastaturii CHIAR nu imi convine. De ce, frate sa iti storci la pve nervii? In wow, ca si in aion din cate vad, lupta cu mobi nu este usoara, chiar relaxanta, ca in l2. Trebuie sa ii 'spui' sa dea de fiecare data, etc... Am o presimtire ca va avea succes, dar nu cum a avut lineage 2, poate si cum va avea lineage 3.

Problema este ca au luat un engine grafic foarte bun. Uitati-va la ce recomanda... Multi o sa amane jucarea jocului pana isi iau sistem nou.

Asta e doar o parere personala, aveti libertatea de a crede orice vreti.

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De ce, frate sa iti storci la pve nervii? In wow, ca si in aion din cate vad, lupta cu mobi nu este usoara, chiar relaxanta, ca in l2. Trebuie sa ii 'spui' sa dea de fiecare data, etc...

Cam vorbesti prostii ... e la fel ca in l2 ( click pentru fiecare magie, auto attack cu armele, in afara de arc, doar hunteru are autoshoot - parca ) , doar ca trebuie sa te intorci tu cu fata spre ala si poti sari.

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Care 'in sfarsit site oficial' ? Site-ul asta e de cel putin un an lansat...

Inainte sa intrebi si sa-ti tragi singur concluzia, ai putea sa vezi de cand e topicu, adica May 8 2007, 09:44 .

E continuarea primului topic Aion, topicul este facut la o zi, maxim doua, de la lansarea site-ului oficial http://eu.aiononline.com/ .

Continuarea unui topic mai vechi se face din ratiuni elementare prezente si in regulamentul oricarui site ce sustine un forum...

referitor la jocu Aion reiau :

Articles from IGN.COM,by Matt Mefford

Play as a Demon or Angel in a Korean MMO that breaks with level-grinding.

AION stands for "Epic Everlasting World." Created by NCsoft`s Seoul development studio, it is an MMO which looks to break from convention. According to Yong Taek Bae, Associate Producer for NCsoft Seoul, there will be none of the level-grinding which is common in Korean MMOs. Although not fully disclosed at this time, the leveling-up system will be different from what you would normally expect.

The premise behind the game is an epic conflict between Demons and Angels, which are the two playable factions of the game. Although details are pending, both of the classes will have bonuses and attributes specific to each. Both will have wings, enabling fast travel throughout the vast world displayed at E3.

In an interesting twist, all player stats and actions will be recorded. This is significant as the information accumulates over time. How you interact with others and play the game will be tracked. As time progresses, these stats will begin to affect your player and those around you. In instance raids, your stats will either enhance or detract the characteristics of your party.

AION will have dragons as a third (non-playable) faction. They will have a strong effect on the game, especially in terms of faction balance. At this time, it is unknown how dragons will affect PvE combat although it can be surmised that they will guard loot. In PvP combat, dragons will actually be used to balance out faction wars. Depending on which faction you choose (Demons or Angels), you might find yourself on the receiving end of a fireball. According to NCsoft, the dragons? primary function is to balance out the game world. If one faction is becoming too dominant, the dragons will step in and launch an attack. As to what extent is currently unknown, but it may result in bringing the stronger faction in line with the other.

There will be eight player classes total, including Warrior, Wizard, Ranger, and Healer. All player classes will be able to change their weapons, armor, and relics on the fly in combat. You will also have access to combo attacks, for devastating effect on your opponents. NCsoft is also including weather effects, which will impact combat abilities. If you are using a lightning attack in the middle of a rain storm, you will get bonuses to hit and damage. If you use a fire attack, however, there will be significant penalties levied against you.

From a technical standpoint, AION looks to bring some nice visuals to the table. Using the Crytek Sandbox 1.0 Engine (Far Cry) the game will include a heat shimmering effect near the ground (based upon the locale and climate). Weapons are nicely detailed, and there appear to be normal maps. For an MMO, there is a fair amount of groundcover and lush greenery (taking advantage of Sandbox?s ability to handle large numbers of objects). Materials have been given their own characteristics, meaning that if you walk thru terrain like marshland or shallow water, your character will slow down accordingly. NCsoft has assured us that system specs will be low, so all users can enjoy the lush visuals and effects. Expect to see AION released worldwide in 2008.

Din informatiile mele foarte posibil in vara asta Aion sa fie jucabil intr-o OB varianta in engleza, la fel ca si cum a fost Guild Wars cand s-a lansat.

Daca vreti sa comparati Aion cu ceva incearcati cu Warhammer sau Conan, sunt cam singurele mari nume ce vor aparea. Lumea e in stare sa cumpere un CB key de Aion la negru cu 150$ http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42407 .

Cateva informatii tehnice referitor la ce se intampla in Cb Korea - observatii :

(rezumat scos de pe http://www.thisisgame.com/board/view.php?i...mp;subcategory= )

* There will be no character reset during CBT.

* The Asmodian lands will enter testing in December.

* An Aion novel is to be released (in English).

* Most likely a 15+ age rating game.

* The game client size is currently around 6 GB.

* As mentioned, with a GeForce 5700 you'll get an estimated, proud 20 fps.

* Each tester gets 10 hours of "testing time" during weekends which he/she can distribute him/herself.

* A character model is made up of around 2,000 polygons.

* Each server will be able to host 5,000 concurrent players.

* A customizable/"Open source" User Interface is still under consideration. The problem is that it could open up opportunities for hackers and malicious tools (exploitation).

Ne mai auzim

Senior gamer


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