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sincer, mie mi se pare cea mai mare tampanie ca au bagat 1h axe la rogue...ganditi-va si voi...axe este o arma pentru oameni cu muschi, un luptator etc, iar rogue este o persoana firava, umbla cu siretlicuri, cutitase alea, alea...

qq nerfin teh pallyes...art of war numai la melee swing e complot impotriva noastra ! sau din melee swing fac parte si crusader strike+divine storm ?

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Si atunci cu ce te deranjeaza ca au rogues posibilitatea sa foloseasca axes?

In afara de orcs nu cred ca rogues vor folosi axes decat daca o sa faca ceva axes cu mult mai bune decat restul armelor, ceea ce nu prea cred ca se va intampla avand in vedere ca au cam normalizat dps la arme (pvp si pve swords, fists, daggers au cam acelasi dmg range).

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dar totusi...parca nu arata bine pe un char firav, bazat pe agility

oricum, majoritatea topoarelor dau str...si un rogue pe str=epix fail...

Strength au cele de tanking pe care in mod sigur nu or sa le poarte rogii.

Le vor reitemiza avand in vedere ca doar Shamanii mai umbla cu axe, Warriori au renuntat la ele de cand cu Titan Grip si poate Hunterii, daca nu vor avea o alternativa mai buna 2H, desi la cate Polearms, Staffs, 2H axes sunt in joc, ma indoiesc ca se vor da la 1H axe.

Deci niciun motiv sa mai aiba Str.

Oricum, momentan e un singur axe in joc pentru dps si care pica la Yogg-Saron in versiunea 10 men.


Restul provin din pvp (arena).


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# Mounts

* The cast time for summoning any ground mount is now 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.

* Apprentice Riding (Skill 75): Can now be learned at level 20 for 4 gold. Mail will be sent to players who reach level 20 directing them to the riding trainer.

* Journeyman Riding (Skill 150): Can now be learned at level 40 for 50 gold. Mail will be sent to players who reach level 40 directing them back to the riding trainer.

* Expert Riding (Skill 225): Can now be learned at level 60 for 600 gold from trainers in Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Faction discounts now apply (Honor Hold for Alliance; Thrallmar for Horde). Flight speed at this skill level has been increased to 150% of run speed, up from 60%.

* Artisan Riding (Skill 300): Faction discounts now apply (Honor Hold or Valiance Expedition for Alliance; Thrallmar or Warsong Offensive for Horde).

mi se pare o schimbare foarte buna + folositoare si mai usor de facut level, voi ce ziceti ?

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wtf ? flying mount in aze , deja e cam penal .

o fii fantasy MMO , dar deja se intrece ..

Deci in ideea ta, creaturile zburatoare isi pot desfasura activitatea in spatiu, dar nu si pe pamant, sau doar in anumite parti ale pamantuluiP[i.e Nothrend].

Asa niste posturi simpatice pe aici in ultima vreme.

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despre nerf(urile) de la pala...com`onnnnnn e plin de paladini ce naiba; cred ca sunt mai multi decat DKii... de ce oare?

lumea joaca pala ca e clasa foarte placuta si simpla de jucat + poate lua orice rol posibil din joc dps/tank/healer.

DKii sunt multi ca e clasa noua si multi vor so incerce + ofera un mare avantaj fata de restu claselor ca incepe de la lvl 55.

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lumea joaca pala ca e clasa foarte placuta si simpla de jucat + poate lua orice rol posibil din joc dps/tank/healer.

DKii sunt multi ca e clasa noua si multi vor so incerce + ofera un mare avantaj fata de restu claselor ca incepe de la lvl 55.

Poti sa schimbi avatarul, au rezolvat Blizz si asta.

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Da, i-am uitat. Le da axe si lor? Ca parca nu aveau.

DKs pot sa poarte axe de orice fel :) vezi quest reward-urile de la Assault on Light's Hope.

lumea joaca pala ca e clasa foarte placuta si simpla de jucat + poate lua orice rol posibil din joc dps/tank/healer.
Nu, lumea joaca pala pentru ca:

- tank: erau foarte simplu de jucat in tbc, consecration + holy shield. Acum nu mai sunt, dar impresia se pastreaza.

- holy: 1 button spam

- ret: PEW PEW cu 3 butoane, fara probleme de mana, foarte buni in pvp, burst imens.

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sincer, mie mi se pare cea mai mare tampanie ca au bagat 1h axe la rogue...ganditi-va si voi...axe este o arma pentru oameni cu muschi, un luptator etc, iar rogue este o persoana firava, umbla cu siretlicuri, cutitase alea, alea...

Revenind ...

We took an informal vote and everyone here thought shamans with swords went against a lot of the traditions of the class in the lore, and DKs with fists was kind of weird too. Rogues seemed like the class that would pretty much pick up any weapon in a fight -- they use a broken bottle in at least one notorious case.

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Soon: "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between Blizzard Entertainment and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, Blizzard does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as Blizzard will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon."


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