GoFUS Posted September 20, 2018 Posted September 20, 2018 Click dreapta pe My computer apoi selectam ultima varianta "propietati", selectam Advanced System Settings - Performance - Settings - Adjust for best performance iar aici facem urmatoarele setari Advanced System Settings - Startup and Recovery, aici debifam tot ce este bifat. Advanced System Settings - System Protection - Protection - Configurate la fiecare partitie dam turn off apoi usage-ul il dam cat se poate de mic. Advanced System Settings - Remote - Debifam Allow si debifam don't allow connection Advanced System Settings - Performance - Advanced - Change virtual memory - si debifam ca in poza: Aici optional daca stiti ca aveti o memorie ram mai slabuta puteti bifa Custom Size si sa adjustati memoria, atentie valoare trebuie sa fie identica atat la Inital Size cat si la Maximum Size, de preferat puteti sa mai adaugat 2048 MB (2GB). Intram in Control Panel, mergem la User Accounts - Change user account control settings - dam totul in never notify. Tot in Control Panel mergem la Programs And Features - Turn windows features on ar off - Debifam Games - Media Features - Remote - Tablet PC - Windows Gadget - Windows Search - XPS Services - XPS Viewer apoi apasam Ok. (Atentie functia de Windows Search o puteti lasa, daca chiar optati sa o aveti.) Tot in Control Panel mergem la Power Options si bifam High Performance. Tot in Control Panel mergem la Ease of Acces Center - Make it easier to focus on tasks - Bifam Prevent windows from begining automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen Acum dam Click Dreapta pe My Computer - manage - Services And Applications - Services - Dubli click pe: Windows Time - Windows Search (Doar daca doriti) - Windows Error Reporting Service si selectam ca totul sa fie Disable apoi dam Ok. Deschidem RUN - msconfig - General - Selectam Selective Startup si bifam prima optiune Tot in run - mergem la Boot - Advanced Options - Si bifam number of procesors (in cazul in care procesorul are mai multe nuclee puteti folosii cate vreti, mareste viteaza la bootare, eu folosesc 4 nuclee. Tot la Boot bifam No GUI boot. In Run - Msconfig la Startup debifam toate programele inutile ce se aprind odata cu pc-ul (Skype, Steam, Discord, others.) Acestea sunt doar unele dintre setarile ce va pot ajuta, sper ca ghidul a fost folositor pentru toata lumea. Quote
PePe Posted September 20, 2018 Posted September 20, 2018 Este scris de tine? Sunt pozele tale? E frumos oricum, felicitari. 1 Quote
GoFUS Posted September 22, 2018 Author Posted September 22, 2018 La 20.09.2018 la 18:52, Tony Montana a spus: Este scris de tine? Sunt pozele tale? E frumos oricum, felicitari. Multumesc frumos, da este scris de mine, cat si pozele sunt tot de mine facute. Quote