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San Andreas Stuff

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Buna as vrea si eu niste skin-uri pentur Maverick si Raindance si da ca ar putea sa imi dea cinvea skinurile http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/2500/gtasa2011101908512675.jpg. Le-am vazut pe aici dar nu le mai gasesc. MUltumesc mult

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# Am editat link-ul de download de la Los Aztecas de la postul asta.

# Un pack cu masinile originale,decapotate.


Aveti poze si jos download link.

# Pack - Face masinile originale mai HD.Aveti detalii mai jos.


This mod brings improvements to original vehicules, such as :

1· Better reflections (glasses, body, chromium parts.. The new cars have more reflects than the old cars..)

2· 3d extras (antennas, foglights, exhaust pipes, 4x4 shields, side lights, 3rd stop...)

3· better SA Lights (turn signals are now linked with the headlights when the night comes, and the SA Light parts keep their reflects when they has been lighted.)

4· Exhauts and lights haloes dummys are fixed (on the Rancher, Oceanic..)

5· In the complete version, all the vehicles (204 vehicles) are modified like the 9 on this pack (cars, trucks, bikes, boats, choppers, planes, vans, trailers...)

6· The size of the files didn't change, so you can use it when you play SA-MP or MTA !

7· vehicle.txd has been updated too. (I can give you the "HD version", where i put a modified HQLM, etc..)


### O sa revin cu un pack cu masini HD.

Nu mai merge linkul de la masinile HD

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