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prince VEGETA

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Posts posted by prince VEGETA

  1. The newest game that is coming to Aeria, Dragon Sky is a new PvP-based MMORPG that is set in ancient China. Two warring factions fight for control, and players must choose which side to defend and which side to call their enemies.

    Players will be immersed in the world of ancient China, mastering Martial Arts and learning new fighting skills. Massive PvP battles between guilds, as well as the huge PvP battles between the two opposing factions are just a few of the things that await you in DragonSky.

    Rival Factions

    Those that fight for the Soul of the Dragon practice the Dragon style. The Dragon are relentless survivors that can decimate entire battlefields. Join the Dragon Souls and become a legend among men.

    Those that fight for the Heart of the Tiger practice the Tiger style. The Tiger is a fierce opponent that is as agile as it is deadly. Join the Tiger-Hearted and strike fear into the heart of your enemy.

    Character Customization

    There are many ways to customize your characters in DragonSky, from coloring your weapons and equipment, to wearing costumes over your armor. More details on this as we get closer to launch.


    Intuitive quest design which leads the player along an evolving storyline as you level up, and become a stronger warrior. Hundreds of captivating quests to complete, tons of objectives to accomplish and so many exciting and beautiful lands to explore, you will never run out of things to do.


    There is a complex and rewarding system of Dueling in DragonSky. Duels not only allow you to test your fighting abilities against other players, but each win gives you honor which is used to gain new items and weapons.

    Guilds can challenge other guilds in the Guild battle feature. A guild must be able to work together, and execute strategies to dominate in this exciting feature.

    The two factions are also at war, and there are many opportunities to defend your faction against it’s enemies.

    Martial Arts

    DragonSky has a fighting system which focuses on Martial Arts. Each Martial Art has it’s own pros and cons. But to use any Martial Art to it’s full potential, you need to practice it and master it’s secrets.

    There are dozens of skills to learn for each Martial Art. These skills need to be discovered, learned, and mastered in order to become a strong warrior.

    Din cate stiu jocul este inca in Alpha Test iar la mijlocul lui Mai Va fi Closed Beta urmand ca Open Beta sa inceapa la sfarsitul lui Mai

    Poate va fi un MMORPG care va intrece The King Of Martial-Arts Game 9Dragons :)


    Video 2


    Screenshots KR Version

  2. Xspeed cred ca nu stii ce vorbesti , cum sa nu fie ratele mai mari decat pe oficial ?Prin luna decembrie cand am jucat eu faceai cateva levele numai din singurul Mantis (sper ca l'am scris bine).

    Cred ca vorbeste despre ALZ.

  3. Recently Digitalic Co.,Ltd. announced Digimon Masters, a new MMORPG based on stories of 'Digimon Savers' created by Toei Animation from Japan.

    Special Features:

    Digi-soul system - It means energy needed when to use skills such as attacking, which has similar meaning with Magic power of other games. Only tamers are able to produce Digi-soul, and the amount of Digi-soul is amplified due to tamer's capability when tamer conveys it to digimon through Digi-vice.

    Digi-vice - This is a compound word of Digital + Device. Meaning is 'device digitalizes human will and delivers it to digimon'. As tamer mean user's appearance, Digi-vice means tamer's inner capability which makes digimon more powerful.

    Various Evolution System - There are variety of evolution systems as well as 'Standard Evolution' such as Growth Evolution, Quest Evolution, Crest, Digimental Evolution, Dark Evolution, Matrix Evolution and Sprit Evolution. Those systems are interesting enough to keep you focused on this game and not to get bored.

    Mercenary Digimon - All tamers are allowed to have only one Partner Digimon but sometimes facing a group of enemies and great-power boss in the battle field. So that tamers can recruit many kinds of Digimons in order to supply its combat career.

    Digital-Trans Card System - On the market, there are TCG cards which players can buy and put a bar code through 'Digital-trans' to achieve cash and item. Not only can those players also recall a specific character all the time in the game.

    Restul Informatiilor Poze Si Trailer http://feature.mmosite.com/content/2009-04...2019425,1.shtml

    Personal nu ma pasioneaza Digimon sau Pokemon chestii dintrastea dar imi plac RPG-urile unde aduni monstri si chestii asa ca presupun ca va fi un joc frumos :)

    BTW nu intrebati de Release Date ca doar ce a fost anuntat jocul :)

  4. Am o problema mare la FB

    Eram la un pvp zone si ma tot rupea un archer

    Dau si eu da si el cam si m-a batut odata dupaia am dat din greseala sa ma teleportez in alta harta si eu am dat RR la calc atunci fara sa ies din jokk .. ma intelegeti

    Cand intru frumos vreau sa jok si eu ma duc in undead ground si vad ca imi da la FB cu buffuri ... armura tot 550 dmg ??? si eu deabia daca i omor ???

    Inainte sa dau restart la calc deabia imi dadeau dmg 50 si i omoram doar cu assasinate acum deabia iau 1 sfert la viata

    Ce o mai fii si asta??

    E grav pentru un FB

    Dupa asta am mai facut un duel cu un archer sa vad daca tot dau dmg mic

    In pvp tot asa s-a intamplat nus ce sa mai fac?

    Si vreau sa stiu si eu care e mai bun pentru un FB Titanium set sau Ososium ?


    Problema ta e una usoara pentru ca difera puterea mobilor de la Server la Server.Dece crezi ca serverele 1-6 sunt mai mereu pline?pentru ca au dificultate usoara si se baga toata lumea la dunegonuri sa faca iteme :).Acum vezi si serverele sa zic 15-20 dabia daca e populatie deoarece acolo Mobi sunt mai puternici.Am patit asta aseara pe pielea mea :))






    Suntem multi in Guild probabil cel mai mare guild de romani de pe server :)

    PM me in game si va bag :)

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