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prince VEGETA

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Posts posted by prince VEGETA

  1. Deci..

    Am intrat in joc mia placut cum se customizeaza caracterul am facut tutorialul am zis wow la grafica si skills si eram sigur ca voi ramane in jocul asta pana mam dus la mobi....frate e un lag IMENS :(

  2. Deci TzuYoshi ai facut questu pentru Esper da?

    Acum il ai in Inventory dai click dreapta pe el si til echipeaza

    Acum iti apar 2 sabii una alba si una rosie

    La aia rosie ai o sabie mai mica in stanga cand esti langa niste mobi dai pe ea ca ataca singur

    Si o sati mai trebuiasca potiuni ca sa poti sta afk

    Dute in item mall(j) ca avem 50 coins gratis si ia revivant orb si revivant spirit si punele pe sabia rosite la HP respectiv SP acum o sa isi dea heal singur .

  3. Imagine IPB

    ACE Online is an action based Massive Multiplayer (MMP) 3D Space Shooter. In ACE Online, players can pilot their own fighter ships (also known as Gears), on a futuristic world where they can upgrade skills or the Gear itself. In ACE Online, gamers have full control over the Gear’s movement, making it very different from the traditional style RPG’s mouse click control method. This is a Role-Playing Game (RPG), but with all the fun and action of a First Person Shooter (FPS). Since the background of ACE Online is based in a spacious 3D atmosphere, players need to be aware that an enemy missile can strike at any time and from any direction.


    01. Missions

    ACE Online missions are similar to quests in any RPG. As it is a flight shooting game, there exist various intergalactic quests in large quantities to keep players entertained. When a mission is accomplished, gamers will move through the storyline and receive items and rewards as compensation. These rewards will assist a player through the journey into the depths of ACE Online.

    02. Battle Formation/Brigade System

    In ACE Online there is a formation system similar to a regular party in any RPG. A maximum of 6 players can fly any formation (triangle, reverse triangle, X form and so on). The formation leader stays in the middle to move around and fight. Skills that generate from each formation are all different, depending on who participates in the formation. A much stronger formation can be achieved if members of the group work in perfect harmony. Additionally, there is another formation system similar to a guild in any RPG, which is known as a “Brigade? There can be up to 40 people within the brigade, with the leader in the middle. By registering their own brigade mark, they can be identified from the other users.

    03. Battle/Large-Scale Battle

    One of the most enjoyable aspects of ACE Online would be the epic battles between players (PvP). These can be fought through local wars such as 1 on 1 battles, formation battles and brigade battles. It is also possible to fight with strategy and tactics where one force battles against the other in a large-scale conflict within the server. Three dimensional battles that take place in the air and on the ground will prove to be an intense experience. As a result of these battles, your nation will profit.

    04. Voice Chat

    One method of communication when playing ACE Online in a formation or brigade is through voice chat. This form of communication between players allows for a more convenient form of tactical planning and players can ultimately be more focused on their game. The voice communication in ACE Online will help strategize large-scale battles and missions in a more coordinated fashion.

    05. Leader System

    The leader, often referred to as the "President", is the person who exercises the right of policy, manages the economic side of the nation and serves as the Commander in Chief of the military. If one becomes a nation leader, they will receive strong authority, economic help and a chance to communicate with the other leader 1 on 1 to settle differences. They are responsible for all conflicts as well.


    Jocul asta se pare ca este vechiul Space Cowboy(pentru cei care stiu de el) dar cumparat de subgames cu updateuri majore ...

  4. Sincer mie imi place grafica bine cand o dai pe high....

    Cat despre gameplay chiar frumos pentru Closed Beta

    Am sa mai stau prin el sa cresc si porma imi dau cu parerea :)

    +LE:Se pare ca world Map este destul de mare

    +Lvling ar trebui sa fie usor pentru ca mobi sunt adunati gramezi

    +Gameplayul pot sa zic ca e fenomenal de mult imi doresc un mmo cu aoe de genul asta :blink:

    -nu imi place cum arata ''oamenii'

    -Discconect cand dai alt-tab

    Mai caut :)

    So far so good :D

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