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Posts posted by MarvinBlue

  1. Da, insa doar pentru ca sunt aceiasi oameni implicati nu inseamna ca trebuie sa iasa un joc atat de inspirat din lineage 2. Asta ma irita. Ideea lineage 2 a fost intr-adevar foarte buna si asta l-a plasat in top 10 mmos of all time. De ce ai face un joc similar atmosferic cu lineage 2 din moment ce lineage 3 e pe drum? Sa castigi popularitate mai rapid probabil. Asta am detestat si la aion. Au fost foarte multe chestii plagiate din wow desi totusi prefer aion fata de wow. Nu vreau sa spun ca tera va fi un joc prost.

    Si ma refeream la loading screen, ala cu caracterele pe two sides cu foarte mult eye-candy in fundal, pe mijloc fiind un alt caracter. La login screen, sure, seamana si cu cel din aion 1.9 if I may.

    Eu am jucat Tera online, desi are acele asemanari cu Lineage din multe puncte de vedere nu poti sa compari totusi Tera cu Li-2, in primul rand au sisteme de targeting, pvp, guild mult mai avansate si lore-ul este unul unic, catchy pentru cei care considera si acest aspect cand joaca un mmo.

    Intrebai de ce a facut BH chestia asta cu Tera in timp ce deja se lucra la Li-3, tu de ce crezi? In primul rand cand s-a furat din codul sursa, s-a furat pe ideea de bani nu de popularitate si se stia clar ca chiar daca se va afla NCsoft o sa suspende proiectul lor si tot BH o sa iasa in avantaj.Aici sunt strategii de marketing gandite bine, nu e ca si cum ai fura acadeaua din gura unui copil si aici nu a fost vorba despre o singura persoana careia i-a venit ideea asta intr-o zi stand pe wc, asta a fost un plan bine gandit cu mult inainte si a fost vorba de un grup de oameni si de multi bani.

    In final au dat 2 mil $ celor de la NCsoft in tribunal si unu dintre ei a intrat la racoare pentru nici un an si dupa ce o sa termine si cu lansarile oficiale EU/NA tot iei o sa iasa in avantaj exact cum se stia foarte bine dinainte si nu ma mira daca chiar NCsoft-u nu a avut oricum o legatura cu BH cu mult inainte pe tema asta, cand e vorba de proiecte care aduc bani grei si vorbesc de bani grei la companii internationale adica sute de milioane de $ lucrurile astea se impart pe avantaje.Cum Blizzard sau Microsoft se site demult cum au fost dati in judecata pentru atatea actiuni nejustificate ( la negru ) NCsoft nu ma mira sa fie mai prejos.Nu acuz de nimic, fereasca Dumnezeu, dar daca stai si analizezi niste chesti din ansamblu iti dai seama de niste treburi.

    Exact cum ai spus, nimeni nu zice ca Tera este un joc prost, dimpotriva, la momentul de fata, unde nu avem un termen de comparatie, pentru ca mmos de acest nivel ex; GW2, B&S etc. inca sunt in stadiul de alpha, este automat ceva unic. Dar sincer, am jucat si atat. Bani pe Tera nu o sa dau atata timp cat GW2 urmeaza sa apara.Legat de loading screenul de care zici tu, da poate ai dreptate, nici nu am stat sa le analizez, ala era pur si simplu punctul meu de vedere, iti dai seama toti le comparam si le vedem diferit.

  2. True, dar l3 a fost facut dupa pattern-ul l2 iar multe piese de artwork din lineage 2 arata exact la fel. Loading screen-ul din lineage 2 chronicle 4 este cel mai bun exemplu.

    Nu-mi dau exact seama ce vrei tu sa imi compari aici, pentru ca daca imi compari loading screenul din Li-2 C4 cu loading screenu din Tera online nu prea iti zic, poate LOGIN screenu ( cu castelul acela pe fundal ) aia da, dar loading screenurile nu au nici o treaba, de la character creation incolo e alta mancare, e adevarat exact cum am zis si eu sus sunt asemanari cu Lineage asta se vede de la o posta de cand intri in joc, dar sa nu generalizam.

    Si totusi te mira faptul asta avand in vedere ca BH e plin de fosti angajati NCsoft, ca exemplu : "According to its English site, Bluehole is made up of over 200 employees, along with a handful of former core developers from NCSoft (responsible for Aion, the Lineage series, etc). These distinguished members include, quote, “the former producer, lead game designer, lead programmer, and art director of Lineage II.“ sursa : http://blog.me0w.co.uk/teraonline/tag/art-director/ , este blogul unui mare scriitor de articole si lore de jocuri mmos angajat la Wizzard of the Coast o mare firma de publishing si daca nu ma inseala memoria a lucrat si la NCsoft o perioada chiar la proiectul Aion.

  3. un medieval MMO ... as dori sa fie mai medieval asa ,adica sa nu aibe skilluri gen arunci sabia in aer se transforma in ciocan de 1000000000000000000000000 tone si ii dai cu ciocanu`n cap... un sword 2 sword asa Lord Of the Rings online nu mi se trage pur si simplu , ajunge la 99.9% ( LOTRO downloader de pe site-u lor) si se blocheaza, iar fisierele raman in " DOWNLOADING FILE " : Am jucat: 12sky2 , Dragonica , aion , wow ,silkroad

    Iti recomand cu incredere DDO ( Dungeons and Dragons Online ) asta daca chiar esti fan de medieval si mmos in acelasi timp. In caz contrar iti recomandam GW dar ai mentionat :

    sa nu aibe skilluri gen arunci sabia in aer se transforma in ciocan de 1000000000000000000000000 tone si ii dai cu ciocanu`n cap...

    si in cazul asta GW nu este ceea ce cauti, dar ca orice chestie in caz ca ai timp incearca-l poate nici tu nu sti exact ce cauti pana nu gasesti, se mai intampla. DDO e f2p acu, la GW ai trial (14-days 10-hours a day.), pe site iti faci cont si dw jocu.


  4. Wtf..? Eu inteleg ca source code-ul a fost din lineage 3, dar le copiaza si wallpaperele? Sunt exact acelasi stil.

    Dupa ce BH a platit in tribunal celor de la Ncsoft vreo 2 miliarde de kw ( korean won ) / asta inseamna aproape 2 mil de $ , acu baietii au tot dreptul, oricum sunt asemanari intradevar si totusi, probabil vorbesti si tu din experienta deci chiar ai vazut niste art work-uri de acu cativa ani de la originalul Li-3, sunt totusi diferente in astfel de industrii nu se plagiaza totusi ca un copil de 5 ani.Oricum, desi pentru cunoscatori, imediat ce vei intra in joc vei gasi asemanari cu Lineage in general, baietii au reusit totusi sa-i dea un feeling aparte facandu-l original din alte puncte de vedere, desi nu putem sa vorbim chiar liber pe subiectul acesta si sa acuzam de placere atata timp cat Li-3 este un proiect suspendat de ceva vreme si nu avem un pattern de comparatie.

  5. Website: http://tera-online.wgz.ro/

    Data Lansarii: Nelansat. Urmeaza sa fie lansat cel mai devreme in Q3 al acestui an.

    Pareri: Este un action game foarte bine facut ce este pe retail doar in korea eu unul il joc in korea, inca nu am intalnit romani sa il joace in korea este un joc 18+ si merita vazut dupa parerea mea este cel mai tare MMO facut vreodata avand in vedere ca am jucat multe MMO-uri ca WoW, lineage2, aion si multe altele. Sper ca dupa acest post cat mai multi romani sa afle despre acest joc care dupa parerea mea este mult peste toate celelalte nume la ora actuala.

    Cine doreste sa afle mai multe se poate interesa dupa fansite pe care l-am postat aici sau dupa siturile oficiale ale acestui joc.

    P.S:Cer scuze fata de moderatori dar nu am putut linka si screenshots sau trailer deoarece toate se afla pe acest fansite creat de mine special pt viitoarea comunitate care va juca Tera Online, si oricum nu imi da voie mai mult de 2 linkuri. Multumesc Anticipat!!!

    Salutare mosule, uite aici, a fost deja deschis topic Tera online din decembrie http://www.linkmania.ro/forums/index.php?showtopic=391785, nu are rost sa deschidem nenumarate topicuri pe acest joc cand exista deja unul facut special pentru asa ceva.

  6. Cine ma poate ajuta cu un torent de la tera online si cu un site ( server ) ?



    Si un site rusesc de Tera online: http://shock-tera.com/ ( dai cu google translate sa te misti pe acolo ) , asta ca idee in orice caz serverul inca nu e activ la fel cum inca nici un privat de Tera inca nu e activ, baietii care lucreaza la emulate mai au de lucru cel putin 2 luni pana sa le dea drumu, oricum linkul acela de torrent iti da jocul original vs. Koreana.Mai bine mai astepti pana apare in europa, numai dureaza asa mult.

    Apropo era deja topic Tera online facut : http://www.linkmania.ro/forums/index.php?showtopic=391785

  7. Orice doar sa nu aiba ditamai cash shopu` unde cumperi armuri/skilluri/arme care te fac overpowered ... poate b2p cu ceva, hair, wings, mantie, etc.. care nu adauga putere personajului.

    In jocu asta va baza mai mult ca sigur pe cat de bine joci.. neavand clase/levele/profesii/etc.

    Dar sincer ... cred ca va fi p2p .. nu mai exista nimica asemanator pe piata ..

    Tocmai am citit azi pe forum la darkdemonscrygaia.com, si culmea desi suntem liberi sa ne spunem parerea, majoritatea opteaza pentru P2P, multi dintre care chiar isi doresc sa fie P2P luand in considerare faptul ca la P2P garantat vor avea parte de regularly updated content.

    Dar pur si simplu altii (nu generalizez) isi doresc ca TSW sa fie P2P tocmai pentru a nu fi accesibil pentru oricine avand in vedere ca jocul momentan in stadiul de TBA/ sau poate TBI ( to be imagined :whistle: ) pare o bijuterie.

    Jocul asta e exact cam ce imi imaginam eu prin 2005, dupa vreo juma' de an de la lansarea WoW, cum si ce functii ar revolutiona piata mmo-urilor, sincer imi pierdusem deja increderea pana de curand ca mai apare ceva care sa ne mai scoata din "rutina" asta.Uite la ce ma gandeam eu atunci si cati ani au trebuit sa treaca ca sa evoluam, atat ca idei cat si ca marketing, ca sunt sigur ca ideile erau acolo cu mult inainte, ne strica pe noi strategiile de marketing pentru ca se gandeste pe plan global numai la avantajele producatorului pe piata si dupa aceea la concepte noi.

  8. Illuminati...

    Interesant jocul, sigur nu va fi f2p. Singura sansa de a fi f2p ar fi ca unele ( the best ) stiluri de par, haine, arme sa coste.

    Ori p2p/b2p si majoritatea chestiilor gratis ori cum am zis eu. Daca ar fi p2p si sa te si coste ar pierde ff multi bani pentru ca ar exagera (parerea mea).

    Niste detalii daca ar da (despre lansare si pret daca va exista) ar fi perfect.

    Eu merg spre P2P sau B2P, desi nu se site niciodata. Jocul s-a anuntat deja ca va fi disponibil si pentru platforma XBOX, exact cum am mai zis, nu cred ca cei de la Electronic Arts o sa fac F2P un astfel de joc pentru console.Deci atata timp cat baietii o sa puna un pret minim la mmo pt XBOX, garantez ca va fi un pret si pentru varianta de PC.Acuma nu se stie exact daca o sa puna sau nu monthly fee.

    Culmea, vorbesc deja baietii pe fansite, ca e posibil sa il faca B2P cu shop, pare interesant, ramane de vazut, oricum la asa joc sunt sigur ca vor stoarce cat vor putea bani din el si le dau si dreptate pt ca daca jocul dupa ce apare este macar 60% din ce vedem in stream-urile astea de pe youtube de prin alpha testuri si trailere dragute, atunci sunt niste bani meritati.

  9. Cam ai dreptate.. pana acum nimic nu e concret.

    Ceva tot e concret, ca un astfel de joc este in productie si ca va fi lansat totusi.Nu ca cei de la NCsoft care tin pe jar fanii Guild Wars 2 de ceva ani incoace, fara un OB macar.

  10. I`m a templar too :D

    "TEMPLARS: The old guard; suave and sophisticated, but fiercely brutal and uncompromising in their crusade against darkness."

    La ce motto au nici nu ma gandesc la altceva.

    Ma rog, cred ca va fi p2p, la cum e jocu ..

    Sau cel putin b2p

    Cam acolo ma indrept si eu cu gandul, de ce zic asta, pentru ca jocul va fi si pentru platforma XBOX 360 nu numai pentru PC, atata timp cat pentru console se vor arunca bani, nu cred ca cei de la Funcom sau Electronic Arts o sa faca o pomana de genul F2P la un astfel de joc numai pentru PC gameri.

  11. The Secret World


    Site oficial: http://www.thesecretworld.com/

    Fansite: http://www.darkdemonscrygaia.com/forumdisplay.php?f=9 ( unul mai important din numeroase )



    Imagine if every myth, conspiracy theory and urban legend was true. Imagine a world where you can become anything you want to be, without restrictions such as classes or levels. This is the premise for The Secret World, Funcom’s upcoming massively multiplayer online game set in the modern-day real world.

    No Classes or Levels

    Experience a game that has no classes or levels. Truly freeform character customization allows you to create the alter-ego that you want to play. Choose from hundreds of different powers for your character without ever having to re-roll, completely eliminating the need to follow a set path of progression throughout the game. Choose the powers, the weapons and the clothing that you want to use.

    Play How You Want to Play

    The Secret World does not force you down a set path of progression. You are free to do anything you want at any time. If you ever get tired of doing missions or slaughtering demons, why not return to your secret society and perform tasks for them so you can rise up in their order? Do so, and you will unlock even more powers, weapons, and even unique uniforms. And, of course, untold secrets!

    Explore Real and Mythical Locations

    Massively multiplayer online games have traditionally been set in medieval fantasy or science-fiction based worlds. In The Secret World you get to explore known and unknown locations throughout our own, modern-day world, from bustling metropolises such as London, Seoul and New York, to exotic adventure locations throughout Egypt, Transylvania, New England, and beyond.

    Battle Creatures from Myth and Legend

    Hang out with your friends at a local pub in London, practice your newly acquired powers in the Crucible, and then travel to far-away lands, exploring everything from haunted castles to closed-off military facilities. Along the way you will battle monsters and other creatures of myth and legend, from vampires to werewolves, to gigantic metal golems and undead dinosaurs!

    Join a Secret Society

    Imagine a world where entire governments are swayed by the hidden hand and word of secret societies. In The Secret World you get to join these secret societies. The Illuminati, the Dragon and the Templars – each stand united in their war against the rising darkness, but divided in their pursuit for power. What secret society you choose to join will have profound, long-lasting effects on your gameplay experience.

    Fight in Legendary Locations

    You will progress through your secret society’s hiarchy and unlock new powers, uniforms, and weapons as you unravel their mysteries and their secrets. You will also fight for your side in the player vs. player conflict, which pits the secret societies against each other as they fight to control the power held within legendary locations such as Stonehenge, El Dorado, Shambala, and others.

    Real-World Myths and Legends

    With the whole world, all its history, all its legends and all its myths to choose from, the developers of The Secret World are creating a story unlike anything you have ever seen before in a massively multiplayer online game. The Secret World features a unique, story-driven gameplay experience that explores the myths, legends and conspiracy theories of the real world.

    Exciting, Overarching Storyline

    The Secret World brings MMO storytelling to a whole new level by putting you and your friends smack in the middle of an exciting, overarching storyline filled with memorable characters and unique missions never before seen in a game of its kind. Experience missions with a purpose, many of which go beyond the grind quests traditionally seen in massively multiplayer online games.

    Dress Up Anyway You Want

    The Secret World provides you with hundreds of different options for your character, from different weapons and clothing, to a vast set of different powers. As there are no classes or levels, there are no restrictions as to what to wear. You can pick up new pieces of clothing through missions or battle, or you can visit the shops in London, New York or Seoul and dress up your character any way you like.

    Wield Magic and Firearms

    The powerful progression system allows you to pick and choose whatever powers you want, never restricted by class setups. You can acquire powers within anything from firearms to destructive magic, mix and match anything, or choose to specialize in a certain direction. Regardless of your choices, you will never be at a disadvantage and you can always play together with anyone you want to.

    In a world where every conspiracy theory, every myth, fable and urban legend is true, three ancient societies pull the strings and decide our fate. Forced into alliance by circumstance, they stand united against the rising darkness, but remain divided in pursuit of power.





    Screenshots & Wallpapers:


    Trailer & Gameplay:

    "The Secret World" System Requirements:


  12. M-am inscris in Closed beta ..Mai e careva norocosul pentru CB ?

    Poate imi spui si mie la ce CB te/ai inscris, ma faci foarte curios.

    Singurul beta care urmeaza pe 11 Ianuarie este Korean Open Beta - http://tera.hangame.com/, si acesta repet nu e CB ci OB si nu stiu de ce ma indoiesc eu ca ti/ai facut cont pe Hangame.

  13. Blade & Soul


    Site oficial: http://www.bladeandsoul.com/global/en

    Site oficial PlayNc-Korea: http://bns.plaync.co.kr/

    Fan site oficial B&S: http://www.bladeandsouldojo.com/

    Developer: NCsoft



    A World Covered in Corruption

    The world of Blade & Soul was once a peaceful place filled with humans, animals, and various creatures. Corruption of a demonic nature began to sweep across the land and brought this world into chaos. Light fell to darkness, the oceans became wild, trees withered and the land shattered. Creatures became violent, animals went wild, and even the humans fell to the corruption.

    Martial artists of demonic nature used the corrupt energy to make themselves incredibly powerful. Those that mastered this art began to fill the world with blood. Finally the source of the corruption, the door to the demon realm, was opened. The Demon Emperor and his demonic servants escaped into our world. The heavens could not stand idle any longer. The holy beings within the heavens called upon the martial artists of the world and delivered them a prophecy. Those who were bestowed with this prophecy took part in battling the demons and their emperor, driving them back into their own realm and sealing them away.A world lost in corruption has been found again by peace.

    The Country of Woon and Poong-Je

    When story became legend, and legend became myth, the world was divided into two. One side was the historical nation of Woon that possessed thousands of years of history within its borders. The other was the new military nation of Poong-Je.The nation of Woon was strong, and was once united until a tyrant emperor gained power. The nations people cried out and their cries were heard by General Goon Ma-Yum. He led a rebellion against the emperor and raised the nation of Poong-Je in the Eastern Lands. The people now behind the secure border of Poong-Je sharpen their blades and their minds, waiting for the day to take vengeance on their tyrant emperor. Meanwhile, in the western lands, the once gone corruption has returned. The corruption swept across the land like a devastating plague, destroying all livings things. Once passed, everything was either dead or turned into a demonic servant. The lands were given a new name, Suh-Rak, meaning "Western Despair". The corruption quickly destroyed the northern lands as well and is now working its way to the southern nation of Woon and the Eastern nation of Poong-Je.

    Distress of the People

    The people on Joong-Won, the world of Blade & Soul, were living a difficult and harsh life. The war and bitterness between the nations of Woon and Poong-Je brought forth destruction to much of the land they once held dear. Farms were destroyed, villages reduced to ash and rubble. The tyranny of the emperor and the arrogance of the army became worse with each passing day. To add to the chaos, bandits and other violent groups became much more active, taking advantage of the confusion and lack of order.

    The Lawful League and the Hon-Chun Cult

    To help the people and to protect the world they love, martial artists who were on the lawful side took part in efforts to bring order back to the world. However, these efforts were not enough to bring peace and order back to a world lost in chaos. The lawful schools and martial artists put aside their own needs and desires and formed The Lawful League.Once this league was founded, the chaotics felt threatened and feared this league gaining too much power. Then came then Hon-Chun Cult. This cult hid in darkness for many years, believing that there will soon come a day when everyone is equal. This cult received strong support from the people and gradually began to gather an army under its banner.These two great powers could never co-exist, and their hostility towards each other soon found itself on the battle field. The world had now become even more violent as these two factions struggled for dominance over the other.

    The Appearance of Jin Suh-Yeon

    During this harsh period a woman dressed in black stood in the middle of a bamboo shore village, staring up at a mountain peak. A small message bird arrived.

    "I've changed the medicine this morning. You must deliver the Hong-Moon Martial Arts book. I'll be waiting."

    The bird was on her shoulder as she read the message, there was no emotion on her face. It was as if everything was planned and without hesitation, she gathered her comrades and set out. Yuran and Guh-Guh-Boong wiped the blood from their weapons and prepared to follow her. Around them bodies lie everywhere. Bodies of the local militia that were unfortunate enough to have encountered them.

    The woman in black clothing was Jin Suh-Yeon. Wherever she goes, there is the appearance of black Chi, followed by a pile of corpses, just like the martial artist who mastered the way of Corrupted Chi long ago. She traveled to the most southern part of the land of the bamboo village. She then stared at the Mountain Peak once more as if that was the end of her travels. She then disappeared, only leaving a trace of black smoke and the messenger bird flying away.The students of the Hong-Moon school were well hidden from civilization, and trained hard under the care of their masters, leading relatively simple and happy lives. However, as if the heavens knew about the arrival of Jih Suh-Yeon, black clouds began to gather around the school.

    Then came the rain.

    Screenshots & Wallpapers: http://www.bladeandsouldojo.com/topic/1237-g%E2%98%85star-2010-demo-screenshotvideo-compilation/

    Trailer & Gameplay:

    System requirements (Minimum) :

    Processor: Intel 2.4Ghz or AMD 2.4 GHz

    Video card: 512 MB GeForce 7900/Radeon HD 3850 series

    Memory: 2 GB RAM

    OS: Windows XP/Vista/Seven


    * MMOsite Reader's Choice Award 2010

  14. insa, au serverele praf fiindca mai tot timpul e lag.

    Am gandit si eu aproximativ la fel prima data, dar m/am inselat.S/a intamplat ca prima data cand am incercat Vindictus sa fie pe laptop pe o conexiune de net relativ mai slaba, configuratia laptopului fiind de top deci nu se discuta ca ar fi fost vreo problema la acel capitol, in schimb cand am incercat jocul acasa pe desktop pe conexiunea mea de net care e multa mai buna, la fel configuratia sistemului foarte buna, am ajuns la concluzia ca lagul tine foarte mult nu atat de configuratia calculatorului/laptop pe plan video sau ram cat de placa de retea si conexiunea la internet, intru cat am observat imediat dupa, ca placa de retea de pe laptop era incomparabil sub nivel decat cea de pe desktop, cum am zis si mai sus conexiunea de net care am folosit/o prima data pe laptop nu era chiar asa de slaba cum va imaginati.

    In final lagul oricum apare si va aparea cat de bune sunt sau nu sunt serverele in primul rand pentru ca le accesam peste un ocean, doi la mana serverele de pe Vindictus US nu sunt chiar de loc asa de varza cum zici tu pentru ca eu joc Vindictus pe US de ceva vreme pe desktop si imi merge fluent nu simt si nu vad nici un lag, foarte rar in oras seara din joi in pasti, au un sistem chiar foarte bun si interesant au 2 servere West si East fiecare divizat in 200 de canale, poti selecta din setari sa te schimbe automat pe un alt canal cand sistemul simte ca iti creste latenta sau poti sa faci asta manual.

    Numai bine.

  15. Tera Online


    Site oficial: http://www.tera-online.com/

    Site oficial publisher korea ( Hangame ): http://tera.hangame.com/



    The world of TERA began millennia ago when two titans of unimaginable power, Arun and Shara, met in a formless void. For reasons we can only guess, they fell asleep. And as they slept, Tera took shape around them.

    If you look at a map of the world today, you can see Arun and Shara—their sleeping bodies became the two continents that bear their names. Centuries passed, and deserts, mountains, rivers, and forests grew upon Arun and Shara. Yet still they slept.

    Even for an omnipotent titan, every sleep is a chance to dream. As Arun and Shara slept, their dreams came to life—life in the literal sense. Arun’s and Shara’s dreams coalesced into the first living beings to call Tera home. These first creatures, twelve in all, had godlike power. Yet it wasn’t long before schemes and rivalries emerged and the gods were at each other’s throats.

    All the while, Arun and Shara continued to dream, and their new dreams took shapes familiar to the gods. These new creatures—the mortals–were far more numerous, but far less powerful.

    Arun dreamed of ambitious Elves, clever Humans, honorbound Amani, powerful Giants, scheming Devas, and mischievous Poporis. Shara dreamed of sly Sikandari, dark Gulas and Vampirs, fierce Wendigos, strange Faeries, and serpentine Nagas.

    In time, the twelve gods would go to war—first against each other directly, and then drawing the mortal races into their battles. These divine wars left most of the gods dead, imprisoned, or otherwise diminished.

    The mortal races didn’t escape unscathed. Some—like the Sikandari, and most of the Giants—were wiped out. Others—like the Barakas and the Castanics—emerged from the conflict itself. And as TERA begins, the Humans, High Elves, Amani, Castanics, Barakas, and Poporis have banded together…

    …and together they’ll fight a menace from beyond their world: the Argons, a metallic race from the Underworld. Unless stopped, they’ll destroy Arun and Shara, and then the dream will end for everyone.

    Screenshots & Wallpapers:


    Trailer & Gameplay:


    TERA will be playable on any gaming computer assembled in the last four years. Although not finalized, here are TERA's minimum system requirements:

    - Intel Core Duo 2 Processor

    - 2 GB RAM

    - NVidia GeForce 7600 or ATI Radeon X1800 GTO


    * Ten Ton Hammer's "Editor's Choice of E3" Award

    * GameSpot's E3 Reader's Choice Award

    * Nominated to MMORPG.com "Most Anticipated MMORPG" award 2010

  16. Salutare, s-a dat drumu la al treilea cb korea pt Tera, pentru o sansa la un key intrati aici http://tera-online-3rd-beta.weebly.com/, eu joc de 4 zile, cine reuseste sa primeasca intre timp, lasati un coment sau dati un pm sa va ajut cu patch de eng. pentru ca jocul e in koreana si mi-a luat o noapte sa gasesc un patch in engleza pe un forum de mmo italian, asa ca daca vreti sa va scutesc de o cautare lunga astept mesajele voastre.

    Puteti sa va creati si un cont pe siteul oficial de tera online kr : http://tera.hangame.com/, dar dupa mine va sfatuiesc sa nu va bateti capul pentru ca daca nu dispuneti de un kssn (korean social security number) valid degeaba incercati, si fata de anii trecuti koreeni nostri si/au invatat lectia cu Aion unde s-a inregistrat un nr imens de fraude de kssn, anul acesta numai gasiti pe orice colt de site un kssn valid, dar imposibil nu este.Oricare ar fi alegerea va astept in joc intr-un final, cine reuseste ne auzim aici

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