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Posts posted by MarvinBlue

  1. Innsmouth Academy

    Innsmouth Academy holds many secrets that would be of great value to those who can get their hands on them.

    MORE ABOUT Innsmouth Academy

    As far as most people are concerned, Innsmouth Academy is a private coeducational boarding and day high-school (grades 9-12; ages 15 through 18) for privileged rich kids, situated on a tiny island off the coast of Maine.

    In actuality, the Academy is an educational facility for secret worlders; more specifically, the children of secret worlders affiliated with the Illuminati, although the school sometimes admits exceptionally gifted students -- and faculty -- from other societies. It is considered one of the premier occult prep schools of the secret world, and a degree from Innsmouth Academy opens many doors for a budding magus and occultist.

    Founded and constructed in 1798 (and rebuilt in the 1850s, 1904 and 1967, after, respectively, a devastating fire, an earthquake, and the opening of a dimensional portal in the elementalism lab) with investment from a group of mysterious benefactors -- ostensibly wealthy businessmen with local ties -- the Academy has endured, mostly thanks to a long row of dedicated headmasters and fiercely loyal faculty.

    With a skeleton in every closet and deals with various devils inked into the very blueprints of the buildings, the Academy is an occult powderkeg primed to explode -- as it very nearly has during attacks in its past. Though the few survivors do what they can to bolster the wards, it requires a great, and unflinching, magical talent to plug all the leaks, and headmaster Hayden Montag has taken that responsibility seriously and single-mindedly.

    Without outside assistance, however, Montag and his motley crew will not survive long. The fog -- and the things in it -- are gathering strength, and the Academy holds many secrets that would be of great value to those who can get their hands on them.


    Din ce in ce mai interesant.

    Sursa: http://www.thesecretworld.com/world/locations/academy

  2. Eu nu am fost atras niciodata de WOW desi trebuie sa recunosc ca Blizzard mi-a oferit experiente placute de fiecare data cand a lansat o noua versiune pentru Diablo.

    Daca luam in calcul experienta pe care o au EA Games si BioWare in domeniul jocurilor, s-ar putea ca Star Wars sa se ridice cel putin la nivelul lui WOW sau chiar sa-l depaseasca. Cu toate astea nu cred ca il poate inlocuii, comunitatile nu dispar peste noapte si nici nu se fac peste noapte. Insa sunt sigur ca Star Wars are o comunitate destul de semnificanta bazata pe reusita de-a ajunge in topul incasarilor pe piata media de-a lungul anilor.

    Oricum SWTOR va iesi un joc peste WoW din mai multe puncte de vedere. Cat despre comunitati, stai putin prietene ca playerii din WoW nu sunt suma gamerilor world wide, comunitatile de fani ai seriilor SW exista deja, nimic nu se intampla peste noapte.Sa fim seriosi ziceai ca esti fan Diablo imi aduc foarte bine aminte prin `96/`97 cand s-a lansat si la noi Diablo a durat o vreme pana sa ne familiarizam cu totii cu titlul diablo ( asta nu inseamna ca nu existau deja fani ) acelasi lucru e valabil si pentru WoW cativa ani mai incolo. La nici unul din aceste jocuri nu au fost infiintate comunitati de fani peste noapte ci in timp.In final fiecare joc de nivelul SWTOR va ajunge sa isi aibe fanii lui fi sigur de asta si comunitate va fi sigur. Oricum totusi e vorba de comunitati complet diferite, gen Diablo sau WoW / Fantasy si genul SWTOR sau Eve / SF.

    Te salut.

  3. ma tem ca va fi un mare fail.din ce au zis ei, ca evolutia caracterului va fi inflentata de deciziile pe care le iei si ce au aratat pana acum se pare ca urmeaza aceeasi formula clasica.cred ca va fi un fel de coop online.

    Ma abtin de la mai multe comentarii pana o sa ajung sa il joc, o vreme.

  4. The Secret World News - Atlantic Island Park Uncovered

    Once a place filled with screams of joy, now those screams have a different sound.

    MORE ABOUT Atlantic Island Park

    In the early 1970s, ruthless industrial magnate Nathaniel Winter purchased the land around the old Henderson farm. With its picturesque location on Solomon Island, a spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean, and easy access from Kingsmouth Town -- a burgeoning tourist destination -- it seemed like the perfect location for an amusement park.

    Despite the promise of a major financial windfall for the county, however, the locals were almost unanimously opposed to the plans. The Henderson farm had a dark history, they said, and the grounds were tainted with cursed blood. The land should be left undisturbed.

    But Nathaniel Winter hadn't built his vast empire by yielding to anyone, let alone a bunch of superstitious farmers, and amidst whispers of bribes and threats, he acquired all the necessary permits. Construction of the Atlantic Island Park began in the spring of 1975.

    As soon as the ground was broken, the freak accidents began. Several workers fell to their deaths; others committed suicide, seemingly without good reason. Rides would fall apart as soon as they were switched on, employees and visitors complained of recurring night terrors, and there were persistent rumours of strange whispers and ghostly sightings.

    Nathaniel Winter persevered, however, refusing to cut his losses or yield to public opinion, and despite a skyrocketing budget and numerous delays, the Atlantic Island Park finally opened in the summer of 1978.

    Unfortunately for Winter, and despite precautions, the freak accidents continued unabated, and when a crazed employee in a chipmunk costume stabbed two teenagers to death, the park was finally forced to shut down -- for good. Nathaniel Winter vanished along with his vast empire, and was never heard from again, leaving his estranged wife and an only son: Nicholas Winter.

    Now the skeletons of the enormous roller-coaster and Ferris wheel cast long shadows over the abandoned paths and candy stands. For more than thirty years, the Atlantic Island Park has remained silent and asleep...

    ...until now.

    Sursa ( aici gasiti informatii si despre alte harti ): http://www.thesecretworld.com/world/locations

  5. Runestones

    Extensive character customization is one of the primary design goals for Diablo III. Players will have many ways to customize and build each of the five character classes, including charms, traits, enhancements, gems, armor, weapons, dyes, skills, and the feature we're highlighting in this article: runestones.

    Detalii si filmulete

    Era si de asteptat, acu ma uit si eu peste link. Multumim.

  6. Eu chiar nu cred in reusita acestui joc...pare cam meh. Combinatia dintre fantasy si lumea reala nu prea e pe placul meu. Urmarisem cu interes cele 2 ( sau parca erau 3?) trailere de la joc...care sunt in continuare geniale; pacat ca nu reflecta deloc realitatea - ori am avut eu destul de multe asteptari datorita trailerelor si am fost dezamagit, ori, pur si simplu nu imi place combinatia.

    Da, e o parere personala si ai tot dreptul sa iti placa sau nu.Intotdeauna vor exista cele 2 parti in orice joc.

    Oricum e de inteles multe trailere au mascat sau mascheaza in continuare. Dar am postat totusi mai sus link la gameplay din joc, nu inteleg ce zici ca nu reflecta realitatea (prezinta gameplay footage). Oircum apreciez pareri cat mai diferite in acest topic asa putem sa avem mai multe de discutat, nu ar fi normal sa fim trasi toti la indigo.

  7. Funcom au ceva cu Lovecraft. Intai Conan despre care stim ca Robert E. Howard a imprumutat elemente din universul mitologic Lovecraftian si acum The Secret World. E o conspiratie, va zic :))

    Who Doesn’t Love Lovecraft? :dance:

  8. Star Wars: The Old Republic: Advanced Classes Interview

    MMORPG.com Industry Relations Manager Garrett Fuller has a treat for fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic in the form of our exclusive interview with Principle Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller. Advanced Classes are the topic of the discussion and it's certainly one you will not want to miss! Keep reading!

    Articolul merita citit de fanii SW.


  9. Un articol foarte interesant prezentat de Bill Murphy, lead writer pentru mmorpg.com, care prezinta 5 motive esentiale pentru care pasionatii de MMO trebuie sa fie cu ochii pe evolutia acestui joc:


    O sa prezint si eu la liniuta motivele, pentru detaliile pe care le prezinta fiecare dintre aceste motive intrati pe linkul de mai sus:

    • The Classless System
    • Dreamfall
    • Three Factions
    • Who Doesn’t Love Lovecraft?
    • A Sense of Mystery

  10. Salutare prieteni, pentru fanii Aika m-am gandit sa afisez noile patch notes 02/06/2011 :

    Game Update:

    -Skull Drop: See details on this PvP Rewards System HERE

    -Level-Step Rewards: added for all newly created Aitan. Details HERE

    -Auction House AH NPCs are now all International Auction House NPCs

    -Character UI now allows a new method of stat point distribution and gives more information.

    -Channel names updated, PvP is now Normal and PvE is now Limited.

    -Night Time Bonus: increased guards strength

    -Guild Skills: Higher rank guild officers can now use guild skills even when the guild master is offline.

    Premium Item Mall Updated:

    -Improved UI: Including the ability to search

    -Lucky Box V.6: See details HERE

    -Exile Warrants: available

    -Greater Portable Repair: Works on any rank armor or weapon

    -Rank [A] Extracts: available individually or as packs of 10

    Events Recap:

    Several events ended with this maintenance including the World Drop Event, server wide Double XP, and the chance to log in for Level-Step Rewards has expired.

    New Events:

    Improved XP for levels 1-60 (not quite double)

    Skull Drop: Details available HERE.

    Triple XP will run from 10am to 12 pm and again from 5pm to 7pm Thursday for all levels

    Sursa front page de pe site-ul official : http://aika.gpotato.com/news/2011/06/02/patch-notes-6022011/

    E timpu sa vedem ce au mai facut baietii, a trecut ceva vreme pentru mine de cand nu am mai intrat in Aika.

  11. Este ceva asemanator Aion. Oricum prezinta o schimbare destul de buna. Level-ul maxima adica 110 se dobandeste cam intr-un an asa. Oricum Move System-ul lasa de dorit.

    Desi nu sunt fan SilkRoad, dar am jucat in trecut cam vreun an jumate, nu pot sa inteleg cum faci tu asemanare intre Aion si Silk.

    SilkRoad un joc aparut prin 2005 si Aion un joc lansat de prin 2008 plus multe diferente.Nici macar pe baza de cultura in joc nu se aseamana.


    • ArcheAge - TBA
    • FireFall - TBA
    • Aika
    • Atlantica online
    • Rift Planes of Telara
    • Guild Wars 2 - TBA
    • Eden Eternal - TBA
    • World of Tanks
    • Vindictus
    • Sword of the New World: Granado Espada
    • Dekaron
    • Allods online
    • Metin 2
    • Star Wars: The Old Repuplic - TBA
    • Warhammer 40K: Dark Millennium Online - TBA
    • DUST 514 - TBA
    • Renaissance: The Chronicles of Chronia - TBA
    • Wakfu - beta
    • Black Prophecy - beta
    • Grand Fantasia - beta
    • Heroes of Three Kingdoms - beta
    • Argo
    • Divine Souls
    • Forsaken World
    • Battle of the Immortals
    • Empire of the Immortals - CBT

    Sunt doar cateva exemple care mi-au trecut prin cap in momentul de fata. Imi cer scuze pentru ca nu le-am aranjat intr-o anume ordine. :bananadance2:

  12. Tocmai citeam ceva pe un forum, cand dau peste asta :

    A mother who's WoW addiction caused her to fatally neglect her child has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. In 2006 the 28 year old women was playing WoW so much that her three and a half year old child died from malnutrition, at the time of her death the little girl only weighed 23 pounds and only managed to scavenge some cat food and lived with an overflowing cat litter tray and the stink of cat urine.

    The day the little girl died investigators found out the mother had been playing WoW and socialising with Internet friends for around 15 hours.

    Stories like these where parents play games so much their kids suffer or the physically abuse the kid because they disturbed them playing farmville or w/e make me so angry, its not the games fault and terrible neglect like this is nothing new but its usually caused by drink or drugs and you see people whose lives fall apart because of gaming but kids suffering because of a game just makes me sick.

    Kotaku article, http://kotaku.com/5808501/five-years-later-mom-in-warcraft-neglect-death-goes-to-prison

    Este ingrijorator cum oamenii cu astfel de responsabilitati ajung in asa hal. A fi tanar si cu mult timp de frecat menta, este una, dar a fi parinte si sa nu iti cunosti limitele si sa nu ai niste responsabilitati ordonate in minte in functie de valori e trist.

  13. Si eu am urmarit toata franciza SG inclusiv animatiile StarGate Infinity.

    Legat de SGU, eu am fost fan SG si pot sa spun ca sfarsitul SGU mi s-a parut foarte ok. Acum de ceva timp nu stiu ce au de gand cu sezonul 3.Din cate am citit acu ceva vreme am inteles ca nu se mai produce.

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