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Guest n00b&Lamer

'Test Paper'

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Guest n00b&Lamer

Hello, varog un pic de ajutor sunt varza la engleza !

Am nevoie la sc de ceva ... si nush sal fac..

Talk about a film that has impressed you in a particular way and give two reasons for your choice.

Asta ar trebui facut max 1 pagina sau chiar mai putin (A4)

Varog sa ma ajutati postati sau trimiteit PM


LOL :|

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I really liked Shrek because he is a very good movie,and has a lot of funny moments .

I enjoy the main character,Shrek,who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona.In one day they find a invitation from the parents of Fiona.They decide to go at the pallace to see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment the movie become very funny,but in some moments he is a little sad,because Shrek decide to run away because he wasn't accepted by the parents of Fiona.

So he runed in the forest,where he meet the poss in buts and decided to steal some magic potion from a witch to becamoe beautiful,in hope that parents of Fiona will like him and accept him as a human,not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it,but now he has some troubles getting to the pallace.

This moments really impresioned me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

At final he managed to reach the pallace before the magic effect dissapeare and remain with Fiona.At twelve o'clock the magic spell dissapeard and they became again ogres,but their love remain the same.They realised that not the face is what means wehn you talk about love,is the feelings that you feel for the person you love.

I liked this movie very mutch!

P.S: S-ar putea sa fie unele greseli de ortografie sau unele expresii mai nasoale.In general textul este 90% corect din punct de vedere gramatical.

Este tarziu si nu m-am concentrat prea mult ascupra scrierii,te sfatuiesc sa ai rabdare sa mai corectam din el pentru ca sunt sigur ca nu este 100% corect.

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wow ...gg NoNamed...........aaaaaaa biggrin.gif am si io d facut un eseu in germana despre "Neoclasicismul artelor stravechi d vorbire" min 20 d pg ....si unu in spaniola "razboiul de independenta".......help pliz?


just kiddin...si este unele greseli mici in textu ala biggrin.gif dar le ai cu chestiile astea

Peace & respekt-Over.

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haaaaaahahaha lol nonamed ai facut pe bune eseu ala? sau chiar esti cam bata la engleza ? (no offence) adica in mare parte cred ca stii la ce te-ai referit ... dar ai mari probleme cu gramatica smile.gif

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I really liked Shrek  because he is a very good movie,and has a lot of funny moments .

I enjoy the main character,Shrek,who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona.In one day they find a invitation from the parents of Fiona.They decide to go at the pallace to see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment the movie become very funny,but in some moments he is a little sad,because Shrek decide to run away because he wasn't accepted by the parents of Fiona.

So he runed in the forest,where he meet the poss in buts and decided to steal some magic potion from a witch to becamoe beautiful,in hope that parents of Fiona will like him and accept him as a human,not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it,but now he has some troubles getting to the pallace.

This moments really impresioned me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

At final he managed to reach the pallace before the magic effect dissapeare and remain with Fiona.At twelve o'clock the magic spell dissapeard and they became again ogres,but their love remain the same.They realised that not the face is what means wehn you talk about love,is the feelings that you feel for the person you love.

I liked this movie very mutch!

P.S: S-ar putea sa fie unele greseli de ortografie sau unele expresii mai nasoale.In general textul este 90% corect din punct de vedere gramatical.

Este tarziu si nu m-am concentrat prea mult ascupra scrierii,te sfatuiesc sa ai rabdare sa mai corectam din el pentru ca sunt sigur ca nu este 100% corect.

mai bine te abtineai...cine stie ce nota ii da omului pe prostia ta...mai bine sa ia 2 pe prostia lui

edit:hai sa incepem cu greselile:

I really liked Shrek because IT is a very good movie,and has a lot of funny moments .I enjoyED the main character,Shrek,who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona.In one day they found a invitation from Fiona's parents.They decided to go at the pallace to see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment the movie became very funny,but in some moments he is a little sad,because Shrek decided to run away because he wasn't accepted by Fiona's parents.So he ran in the forest,where he met Puss in boots and decided to steal some magic potion from a witch to becomebeautiful,in hope that Fiona's parents will like him and accept him as a human,not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it,but now he has some troubles geting to the pallace.

This moments really impressed me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

At final he managed to reach the pallace before the magic effect dissapeared and remain with Fiona.At twelve o'clock the magic spell dissapeard and they became again ogres,but their love remained the same.They realised that not the face is what means when you talk about love,it's the feelings that you feel for the person you love.

I liked this movie very much!

cam astea ar fi greselile gramaticale care le vad la ora asta dupa vreo 40 de ore de nedormit...ma mai uit maine..

ps exprimarea lasa rau de tot de dorit, mai bine ai apela la cineva in care ai incredere

Edited by Ahilosu
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IT has, inloved, one day (fara it), the found AN invitation, hopING, getTing, finally (in loc de at final),fara that la that you love. astea le-am mai vazut la a 2-a vedere...din nou nu stiu daca e tot...wtf..who cares...nu ma mai uit

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Textul scris corect dpdv gramatical (din punctul meu de vedere biggrin.gif)

I really liked "Shrek" because it's a very good movie and has lots of funny moments. I enjoyed the main character, Shrek, who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona. One day they found an invitation from Fiona's parents. They decided to go to the palace, see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment on, the movie became very funny, although some moments are a bit sad, like the one where Shrek decided to run away because he wasn't accepted by Fiona's parents. So he ran into the forest, where he met Puss in Boots and decided to steal some magic potion from a witch to become beautiful, in hope that Fiona's parents will like and accept him as a human, not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it, but had some trouble getting to the palace.

These moments really impressed me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

Shrek finally managed to reach the palace before the magic effect dissapeared and remain with Fiona. At twelve o'clock the magic spell wore off and they became ogres again, but their love remained the same. They realised that the feelings, not the physical aspects are of the upmost importance. I recommend this movie to everyone and hope that those who haven't seen it, someday will.

P.s. : Am modificat putin textul.

P.p.s. : 18 erori gramaticale tongue.gif

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"and has a lot of funny"=and HAVE a lot of funny

"They decide to go"=They DECIDED to go

"because Shrek decide to run"=because Shrek DECIDED to run"

"So he runed in the forest"=So he RUNNED in the FORREST"

"magic potion from a witch"=magic potions from a wi

"to becamoe beautiful"=to BECOME beautiful

"This moments really impresioned me"=THESE moments really IMPRESSIONED me

"They realised that not"

"what means wehn you talk"=what means WHENyou talk

nu stiu daca am corectat perfect,sau daca corectariile mele sunt bune.

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wow, so cute biggrin.gif in vreme ce aici s-a declansat o adevarata polemica, fiecare dorind sa-si demonstreze talentele la engleza, cineva s-a trezit cu o tema relativ bine facuta. recomand folosirea variantei mindhack, btw smile.gif, daca vrei sa ai un text perfect, sau folosirea primei variante, daca nu vrei sa bata la ochi ca e copiat.

and yet, the upmost important thing... i'd be ashamed to use this forum in order to have my english homework done...

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Textul scris corect dpdv gramatical (din punctul meu de vedere biggrin.gif)

I really liked "Shrek" because it's a very good movie and has lots of funny moments. I enjoyed the main character, Shrek, who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona. One day they found an invitation from Fiona's parents. They decided to go to the palace, see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment on, the movie became very funny, although some moments are a bit sad, like the one where Shrek decided to run away because he wasn't accepted by Fiona's parents. So he ran into the forest, where he met Puss in Boots and decided to steal some magic potion from a witch to become beautiful, in hope that Fiona's parents will like and accept him as a human, not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it, but had some trouble getting to the palace.

These moments really impressed me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

Shrek finally managed to reach the palace before the magic effect dissapeared and remain with Fiona. At twelve o'clock the magic spell wore off and they became ogres again, but their love remained the same. They realised that the feelings, not the physical  aspects are of the upmost importance. I recommend this movie to everyone and hope that those who haven't seen it, someday will.

P.s. : Am modificat putin textul.

P.p.s. : 18 erori gramaticale tongue.gif

I really liked "Shrek" because it was a very good movie and had a lot of funny moments. I enjoyed the main character, Shrek, who is in love with his girlfriend Fiona. One day they recieved an invitation from Fiona's parents. They decided to go to the palace to see them and talk about their relationship.

From this moment onward, the movie became very funny, although some moments are a bit sad, like the one where Shrek decided to run away because he wasn't accepted by Fiona's parents. He ran into the forest, where he met Puss in Boots and then decided to steal a magic potion from a witch to become beautiful, hopeing that Fiona's parents will like him and accept him as a human, not an ogre.

So Shrek managed to steal the potion and drink it, but had some trouble getting to the palace.

These moments really impressed me because they were full of action and dramatic scenes.

Shrek finally managed to reach the palace before the magic effect dissapeared and remained with Fiona. At twelve o'clock the magic spell wore off and they became ogres again, but their love remained the same. They realised that their feelings, not the physical aspects are of the upmost importance. I recommend this movie to everyone and hope that those who haven't seen it, someday will.

am mai corectat eu cate ceva, am mai pus verbele la timpul potrivit si am mai modificat cateva expresii care mi s-a parut ca nu sunau bine ... acum cred ca e cat de cat de un 9 biggrin.gif

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Mama daca stiam ca functioneaza chestia asta cand eram in liceu imi faceati si mie temele tongue.gif

Vedeti sa nu il faceti prea perfect pentru ca daca tipul zice ca e varza sigur stie si profesorul lui asta. Ii ajunge un 10, nu ii trebuie 10 cu * tongue.gif.

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Ba eu v-am spus ca nu am mai avut chef sa gandesc la ora aia.De-aia am zis sa corectati voi.

La ora 11,din lipsa de ocupatie m-am apucat de asta,si va dati seama ca nu puteam sa stau sa ma gandesc prea mult la ce am scris.

Oricum,la 14 ani eu zic ca ma descurc muult mai bine ca altii la PC si engleza blink.gif .

Pacat ca nu gasesc pe cineva cu,care sa pot face ceva sad.gif

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NoNamed, e misto, dar nu ne-a zis pentru ce clasa trebuie sa fie compunerea. Pentru ca la liceu se vorbeste engleza Americana, iar in generala se vorbeste engleza britanica. Acolo tu ai spus movie, iar cerinta era cu "film". Daca combini engleza britanica cu cea Americana, la un examen ti se scade 1 punct din start.

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NoNamed, e misto, dar nu ne-a zis pentru ce clasa trebuie sa fie compunerea. Pentru ca la liceu se vorbeste engleza Americana, iar in generala se vorbeste engleza britanica. Acolo tu ai spus movie, iar cerinta era cu "film". Daca combini engleza britanica cu cea Americana, la un examen ti se scade 1 punct din start.

coser in ce tara te duci tu la scoala, ca in romania cu siguranta se face british english?

a si inca ceva... care e diferenta dintre movie si film? rofl1.gif

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My favorite movie is "The Lord of The Rings". It is about a great war between good and evil.

It all starts with the forgeing of the great rings of power. Three ware given to the elves, seven to the dwarfs and nine were given to the men, who above all disired power

over all the other races. But they will all be decieved... because another ring was forged, a ring to rule them all. From the deeps of the Mountain of Fire, the lord Sauron concived a master ring. With that ring, he took over the world. One by one, every resistance in the Middle Earth was distroyed. A last aliance was made between the Elves and the Men. They all gathered at the bottom of the Mountain of Fire and fought the orcs. They managed to destroy Sauron and take the ring, but when it was time to destroy it, Isildur made the choice not to. He was then betrayed by his power and the ring fell into darkness for over 2500 years. The story became a legend.. the legend became a mith and it was forgotten over the years. The soul of Sauron remained and the Ring of Power wanted to make his way to his master.

But then, something even the ring did not espect. It was found by the most unlikeley* creature. Gollum. It poisoned his mind for many years, but then he lost it.

The ring made it's way to another master. This time it was the smallest of them all. A hobbit. From here, Frodo Bagins the name of the new master caried the Ring throu danger and darkness to the Mountain of Fire, and Destroyed it.

(nu ti`l mai povestesc pe tot... nanana.gif )


* sign12.gif sincer nu stiu cum se scrie.. dontknow.gif

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