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Exista hosting pt flash ori *.mov?

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Vreau sa fac o semnatura pt forum si deja daca realizez sa zicem o animatie *.gif de calitate ceva mai mare depaseste usor 1,5 MB si unii au conexiuni mai lente...deci nu e bine. Fisierele *.mov sau flash au la aceeasi calitate dimensiuni reduse si de aceea ma intrebam daca sunt site'uri care gazduiesc si permit ceva de genu "Direct link to flash/*mov" pt a putea fi atasate semnaturii. Stiti cum as putea face ? (site'uri, alternative la vechile gif'uri)

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in http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=faq exista urmatorul pasaj:

Which image types am I allowed to upload?

You may upload .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .swf, and .png image types. bmp, tif, and tiff images will be converted to .png automatically.

deci poti sa-l pui pe http://imageshack.us/

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