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S>Toma lk edr 2% add28+13 si altele

Recommended Posts


Pendant of fire edr 2% hp rec 2%

explosion blade edr speed life mana add28 skill+13  

Dp pants lk dd ref+13

Ds(sm) gloves lk dd+13

Wind gloves lk dd hp+13

Wind boots lk dd hp+13

sphinx armura lk dd hp+13
sphinx pants lk dd+13



Gd pants lk dd ref+0+13

Wings bk lk ign hp rec+0+13

bok +5 in ultimul rand


Ofer bok +5,,jwl dif unde e nevoie,daca aveti ceva din ce caut    :tongue:


Pendant of fire edr 2% hp rec 2%

explosion blade edr speed life mana add28 skill+13  

Dp pants lk dd ref+13

Ds(sm) gloves lk dd+13

Wind gloves lk dd hp+13

Wind boots lk dd hp+13

sphinx armura lk dd hp+13

sphinx pants lk dd+13



Gd pants lk dd ref+0+13

Wings bk lk ign hp rec+0+13

bok +5 in ultimul rand


Ofer bok +5,,jwl dif unde e nevoie,daca aveti ceva din ce caut    :tongue:

Mai vand Gd armura lk dd mana+13


ok 5, cand? zi dinainte cu cateva ore bune, de exemplu maine dimineata...

sau si acuma seara numa intru cam rar pe aici si sa stiu

diseara la 10  ?

cate pe toma?

am oferta de 130 in joc

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