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sell multe iteme din bok+5 !

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sell iteme

de DL

GLS Scepter lk edr +13

Adamantine ARmor lk dd hp +13

Dark Master Pants/Helm lk dd

Dark Steel Gloves/Pants/Helm lk dd

de MG

Set Thunder lk dd +9(armor lk dd hp4%+9)

Hurricane Pants dd hp4%

Hurricane Boots dd hp4%

Hurricane Gloves lk ref+11

Set Gaion

de BK

Black Dragon Armor lk dd+9

Knight Blade lk lvl20 add28+13

Leather Helm lk dd

Plate BOots lk dd

Gladius lk edr+13

Spear edr lvl20

Giant Sword lk edr 2%

Flail lk edr

Hyon gloves

de Elf

Divine Boots lk dd ref

Divine Boots/Helm/Gloves lk dd

Guardian Pants/Armor lk dd

Viper Bow lk edr lvl20

Red SPirit Pants lk dd dsr

Red spirit boots dd hp4%

Red Spirit Armor lk dd

Spirit Boots lk dd

Wind gloves lk dd

de SM

Dragon Staff lk edr

Legendary Staff lk edr speed

Kundun 2%

Kundun lk speed+7

Dark SOul Pants ref hp4%

Dark SOul Helm ref hp4%

Dark SOul Boots lk ref

Grand SOul Armor dd hp4%

Bone Pants ref hp4%

Sphynx Boots lk dd

Anubis Helm

Evis Armor/Boots/Pants


Ring oF ice dd + hp4% x2

Ring Of Ice ref hp4% + authp1%

Ring of ice ddx2

caut bok+5 / jwl : ofera

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