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dragon helm lk ref

dragon gloves lk ref

dragon boots lk dd

dark steel boots lk dd zen = 15 b 15 s

light plate mask lk dd = 10 b 10 s

light plate pants lk dd = 10b 10 s

adamantine gloves lk ref +9 = 10 b

adamantine pants lk dd = 15 b 15 s

adamantine pants lk ref=5b

adamantine mask lk ref mana = 5b

storm crow boots lk dd = 10b 10 s

storm crow armor lk dd = 10 b 10 s

hurricane pants lk dd = 15 b 15 s

bone amor lk ref +13

daybreak 2 % speed = 15 b

double blade lk edr = 15 b

serpent sword lk edr = 15 b

flail 2 % dmg/lvl = 15 b

kitte shield lk dd

gls lk 2%

pendant fire edr speed = 15 b

pendant lighting edr dmg/lvl = 15 b

ring dd mana = 5b

evis bone armor = 10 b

argo pants = 5 b

bk wings lk +add28 +13 = oferte bok +5



cumpar dragon armor, pants, gloves lk dd hp

in functie de optiuni pot oferi:

bok 5


ring dd ref

pendant fire edr +2%

aripa sm lk ignore

aripa sm ignore

dragon boots lk dd ref

dragon pants dd ref

sau din itemele de mai sus

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