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B>DarkSoul P/B/G +lk+dd+hp+0..+13 B>GrandSoul Shield+lk+dd+hp+0..+13

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Dark Steel Pants+lk+ref+0 = 5b - 5s

Light Plate Armor+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Light Plate Armor+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Light Plate Armor+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Light Plate Pants+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Light Plate Boots+lk+dd+0 = 10b - 10s

Light Plate Armor+lk+dd+mana+0 = 10b - 10s

Light Plate Armor+lk+ref+hp+0 = 10b - 10s

Brass Boots+lk+dd+0 = 10b - 10s x2

Brass Helm+lk+dd+0 = 10b - 10s x2

Brass Gloves+lk+ref+0 = 5b - 5s

Wind Boots+lk+hp+ref+0 = 10b - 10s


Eplete Shield+skill+0 = 10b

Plate Shield+skil+lk+dd+0 = 10b

Crescent Axe+skil+lk+2%+edr+0 = Offerte.

Lord Scepter+skil+lk+lvl/20+2%+0 = 20b - 20s

Master Scepter+skil+edr+2%+0 = Oferte

Flail+lk+2%+0 = 10b

Serpent Sword+skil+lk+edr+0 = 10b

Blade+skil+lk+2%+0 = 5b

Blade+skil+lk+edr+0 = 10b

Pendant of Fire+2% x2 = 5b / buc

Pendant of Fire+edr+hprec3% = 10b-10s

Ring of Ice+dd+hprec1% = 10b-10s

Ring of Ice+ref+hprec2% = 5b

Ring of Ice+hprec2%+dd = 15b-15s


Light Plate Armor+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Light Plate Pants+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Adamantine Gloves+lk+ref+0 = 5b

Plate Shield+skill+lk+ref+9 = 10b-10s


DS(Sm)+Lk+DD+HP Pants/Boots/Gloves

GS Shield+Lk+DD+HP

Ofer Book+5.

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