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RS gloves +13 lk ref =5 bok+5

RS pants +11 lk ref dsr = 3 bok+5

RS boots +11 lk dd =4 bok+5

RS boots +10 lk dd zen = 2 bok+5

Odin Boots +12 = 3 bok+5

Odin Helm +12 = 3 bok+5

Spirit Armor lk dd ref = 2 bok+5

Spirit Gloves lk dd = 30bles

Wind Boots lk dd ref = 1 bok+5

Wind Gloves lk dd = 30bless


Gaion pendant = 1bok+5

Thunder Armor lk dd = 30b

Storm Crow Boots lk dd =30b

Storm Crow Pants dd ref add = 30b

Brass Boots lk ref hp = 1bok+5

Brass Gloves lk ref = 20b

Red Dragon Boots lk dd = 30b

Plate Gloves dd ref add = 30b

Scale Pants lk dd dsr = 1bok+5

Tower shield lk dd = 1bok+5

Serpent shield lk dd = 30b


Anubis Helm = 2 bok+5

Legendary Gloves lk ref = 20b

Bone Armor lk dd = 30b

GS Armor lk dd ref = bok+5 sau RS Helm lk dd ref


Odin Gloves/ Armor/ Pants = 10b /buc

Red Spirit Helm lk dd +13 =bok/sign/jwl


Leg gloves sunt la +0 sau+9? Dau 30S. :)

Daca erau +9, specificam.

Preturile nu sunt negociabile.

am eu odin armor si pants pm in joc Daffy sunt on azi pana la 5

Te caut imediat. Mc.

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