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Guest Iubaretul2

Preturi fixe

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Guest Iubaretul2

MG :

Storm crow Armour lk dd ref +0= 30 b

Storm crow Pants lk dd dsr+0 = 30 b

Storm crow Gloves lk dd +0= 30 b


Legendary armour lk ref+13 = 2 bok5

Legendary armour lk ref+0= 10 b

Staff of resurection lk edr speed +0 = 5b 5 s


Master Scepter lk edr lvl 20 +0 = 10b 10 s

adamantine mask lk ref mana = 5b 5s


plate boots lk dd add4 +13 = 3 bok+5


Pend lightning hp2% edr speed +7 = 10b 10 s

Pend of fire hp2% lvl 20 = 5 b 5 s

Pend of fire hp2% speed+7 = 5 b 5 s


Evis armour +0 ( 3 bucati) = 20 b 20 s

Gywen boots +0 = 10 b 10 s

Gywen bow+0 = 10 b 10 s

Argo Armour+0 = 10 b 10 s

Gaia Helm+0 = 10 b 10 s

Warrior pants +0 = 10 b 10 s

Warrior gloves +0 = 10 b 10 s

Anubis helm +0 = 4 bok+5

Eplate armour +0 = 10 b 10 s

Eplate shield +0 ( 3 bucati ) = 10 b 10 s

Eplate pendant = 10 b 10 s

Kantata ring of wind = 10 b 10 s

Kantata gloves +0 ( 2 bucati ) = 10 b 10 s

Apolo helm +0 = 20b

Apolo pend = 20b

Hyperion boots +0 = 10 b 10 s

Garuda boots = 10 b 10 s

pm Abis sau lasati nick

Guest Iubaretul2

adaug 2 warrior morning star = 10 10 bucata

Guest Iubaretul2

MG :

Storm crow Pants lk dd dsr+0 = 30 b

Storm crow Gloves lk dd +0= 30 b


Legendary armour lk ref+13 = 2 bok5

Legendary armour lk ref+0= 10 b

Staff of resurection lk edr speed +0 = 5b 5 s


Master Scepter lk edr lvl 20 +0 = 10b 10 s

adamantine mask lk ref mana = 5b 5s


plate boots lk dd add4 +13 = 3 bok+5


Pend of fire hp2% lvl 20 = 5 b 5 s

Pend of fire hp2% speed+7 = 5 b 5 s


Evis armour +0 ( 3 bucati) = 20 b 20 s

Gywen boots +0 = 10 b 10 s

Gywen bow+0 = 10 b 10 s

Argo Armour+0 = 10 b 10 s

Argo gloves +0 = 10b 10 s

Gaia Helm+0 = 10 b 10 s

Warrior pants +0 = 10 b 10 s

Warrior gloves +0 = 10 b 10 s

Anubis helm +0 = 4 bok+5

Eplate armour +0 = 10 b 10 s

Eplate shield +0 ( 3 bucati ) = 10 b 10 s

Eplate pendant = 10 b 10 s

Kantata ring of wind = 10 b 10 s

Kantata gloves +0 ( 2 bucati ) = 10 b 10 s

Apolo helm +0 = 20b

Apolo pend = 20b

Hyperion boots +0 = 10 b 10 s

Garuda boots = 10 b 10 s

Wind armour = 10b 10 s

pm Abis sau lasati nick

Guest Iubaretul2

adaug red dragon boots lk dd +0

Guest Iubaretul2

si bronze boots lk dd +0

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