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kb lk mana+13

divine armura lk dd+13

divine pants lk dd+13

divine boots lk dd ref+13

bil of barlog lk edr+13

guardian pants lk dd+0

guardian armura lk dd+0

brass pants lk dd+0

dragon soul staf lk 2%+0

celestial lk lvl20 2%+0

viper bow lk 2%+0

dark soul armura lk ref hp+0

dark soul armura lk ref mana+0

dark soul pants lk ref mana+0

dark stell pants lk dd+0

pad gloves dd ref+0

gd helm dd+0

gd boots dd+0

dp pants lk ref+0

dp gloves lk ref+0

skull shield dd ref+0

ring poison dd ref


gaion armura +0

hyon helm+0

hyon sword +0

hyon boots+0

garuda pants+0

garuda armura +0


valiant gloves dd+0

valiant gloves dd dsr+0

2x eclipse boots ref +0

Oferiti bok+5,jwl,sign


divine armura lk dd+13

divine pants lk dd+13

divine boots lk dd ref+13

Ce doreste enemioara ta pe astea?

Anda din ally sunt. Astept raspuns aici sau pe ally. Mersic!


divine armura lk dd+13

divine pants lk dd+13

divine boots lk dd ref+13

Ce doreste enemioara ta pe astea?

Anda din ally sunt. Astept raspuns aici sau pe ally. Mersic!


are rost sa iti mai fac oferta pt divine armor ? :))

daca nu o dai in aly, pm me si ne intelegem.


skull shield dd ref+0

a picat la +13 :D

ring dd ref


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