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Trade Adamantine pants lk dd +13 = Storm armor lk dd +13



apolo pad helm /staf /armor

eplete helm/ armor /shield

gaia crosbow

hyperion bronz pants

kantata ring

garuda pendant

warrior pants

Gyven silver bow

garuda pendant of fire

kantata ring

pendant edr hp rec 3%

pendant lvl/20 hp rec 3%

pend 2%

2xRing ref

ring hp rec 2% mana

2xring increas max hp 4%

explosion blade lk skill +11

adamantine boots lk hp +13

dark steel gloves lk hp +9

soleil scepte lk skill +0

storm crow boot lk ref

fructe la greu=1 s buc

merg pe jvl sau sing

lasati nick va contactez eu cand is in joc de obicei seara


Trade Adamantine pants lk dd +13 = pe multe poh si Gemstone



apolo pad helm /staf /armor

eplete helm/ armor /shield

gaia crosbow

hyperion bronz pants

kantata ring

garuda pendant

warrior pants

Gyven silver bow

garuda pendant of fire

kantata ring

pendant edr hp rec 3%

pendant lvl/20 hp rec 3%

pend 2%

2xRing ref

ring hp rec 2% mana

2xring increas max hp 4%

explosion blade lk skill +11

adamantine boots lk hp +13

dark steel gloves lk hp +9

soleil scepte lk skill +0

storm crow boot lk ref

fructe la greu=1 s buc

merg pe jvl sau gemstone

lasati nick va contactez eu cand is in joc de obicei seara

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