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Guest Amon

Iteme speciale

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GS Shield lk ref hp +13

Capa lk +11 incr command +65

Iris pants / gloves ref

Set Divine lk ref (boots lk dd)

Oferiti bok +5



Iris pants ref hp +9

Gladius skill edr 2% (one hand)

Flail edr 2%

Caut Sceptru lk edr 2%

Aripi SM lvl 2 lk +13

Pleaca pe:

Capa lk ign

Sceptru lk edr 2% +9... +13

Platina (lk) edr +opt +9... +13

Armor/Pants eclipse dd +11.. +13

Iteme Glorious dd +9... +13


GS Shield lk ref hp +13

Capa lk +11 incr command +65

Iris pants / gloves ref

Set Divine lk ref (boots lk dd)

Iris pants ref hp +9

Gladius skill edr 2% (one hand)

Flail edr 2%

Caut Sceptru lk edr 2%

Aripi SM lvl 2 lk +13

Pleaca pe:

Capa lk ign

Sceptru lk edr 2% +9... +13

Platina edr +opt +9... +13

Armor/Pants eclipse dd +11.. +13

Iteme Glorious dd +9... +13

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