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Trade Adamantine pants lk dd +13 = Storm armor lk dd +13



apolo pad helm /staf /armor

eplete helm/ armor /shield

gaia crosbow

hyperion bronz pants

kantata ring

garuda pendant

warrior pants

Gyven silver bow

garuda pendant of fire

kantata ring

pendant edr hp rec 3%

pendant lvl/20 hp rec 3%

pend 2%

2xRing ref

ring hp rec 2% mana

explosion blade lk skill +11

adamantine boots lk hp +13

dark steel gloves lk hp +9

soleil scepte lk skill +0


merg pe jvl sau sing

lasati nick va contactez eu cand is in joc de obicei seara


Trade Adamantine pants lk dd +13 = Storm armor lk dd +13



apolo pad helm /staf /armor

eplete helm/ armor /shield

gaia crosbow

hyperion bronz pants

kantata ring

garuda pendant of fire

warrior leather pants

Gywen guardian armor

gywen silver bow

gaia crosbow

garuda pendant of fire

garuda brass pant

kantata ring of wind

pendant edr hp rec 3%

pendant lvl/20 hp rec 3%

pend 2%

2xRing ref

ring hp rec 2% mana

explosion blade lk skill +11

adamantine boots lk hp +13

dark steel gloves lk hp +9

soleil scepte lk skill +0

spirit helm lk ref


merg pe jvl sau sing

lasati nick va contactez eu cand is in joc de obicei seara


Storm armor lk dd +0 = 10 b +10 s

ok lasa nick si te contactez daca mai ai armura


Zeitza pm

scz aveam treaba zilele astea daca mai vrei itemu te contactez cat de repede pot


Zeitza pm

scz aveam treaba zilele astea daca mai vrei itemu te contactez cat de repede pot

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