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S si T>de toate natiile

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gd a lk dd hp+9

gd h lk dd+9

divine helm dd ref

SET Guardian:

Guardian helm dd

guardian armor dd hp

guardian gloves dd hp

guardian pants ref hp

guardian boots dd ref

scale armor dd hp

legendary armor ref hp

thunder gloves dd hp

dark steel armor dd ref+6

dark steel armor dd

dark steel boots dd

dark steel boots lk hp+10

wind helm lk dd

wind boots ref hp

light plate armor lk ref

lord sceptre lk edr

lord sceptre lk 2%

great sceptre lk edr x2

set sunlight lk+9

divine aa crossbow lk 2% life

katana lk edr

toma lk 2%

ring ref


light plate gloves lk dd hp+9=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9

light plate gloves lk ref hp+13=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9




kundum (lk)edr 2%

sceptru lk edr 2%

scut dl lk dd hp

albatross bow

scut sm lk dd (hp/ref)

light plate lk dd hp


toma si katana le dai si pe sign ? iti ofer 255 pe ambele.




gd a lk dd hp+9

gd h lk dd+9

GD gloves lk ref dsr

red spirit gloves lk ref

divine helm dd ref

divine armor lk ref

divine armor dd zen

divine helm lk ref

divine pants lk ref

SET Guardian:

Guardian helm dd

guardian armor dd hp

guardian gloves dd hp

guardian pants ref hp

guardian boots dd ref

scale armor dd hp

legendary armor ref hp

thunder gloves dd hp

dark steel armor dd ref+6

dark steel armor dd

dark steel boots dd

dark steel boots lk hp+10

adamantine pants lk dd

wind helm lk dd

wind boots ref hp

wind gloves ref hp

light plate armor lk ref

lord sceptre lk edr

lord sceptre lk 2%

great sceptre lk edr x2

set sunlight lk+9

divine aa crossbow lk 2% life

katana lk edr

toma lk 2%

toma 2%

ring ref

flail lk 2%+9

kite shield lk ref


light plate gloves lk dd hp+9=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9

light plate gloves lk ref hp+13=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9





kundum (lk)edr 2%

sceptru lk edr 2%

scut dl lk dd hp

albatross bow

scut sm lk dd (hp/ref)

light plate lk dd hp

Guest tekmanstar


gd a lk dd hp+9

gd h lk dd+9

divine helm dd ref

SET Guardian:

Guardian helm dd

guardian armor dd hp

guardian gloves dd hp

guardian pants ref hp

guardian boots dd ref

scale armor dd hp

legendary armor ref hp

thunder gloves dd hp

dark steel armor dd ref+6

dark steel armor dd

dark steel boots dd

dark steel boots lk hp+10

wind helm lk dd

wind boots ref hp

light plate armor lk ref

lord sceptre lk edr

lord sceptre lk 2%

great sceptre lk edr x2

set sunlight lk+9

divine aa crossbow lk 2% life

katana lk edr

toma lk 2%

ring ref


light plate gloves lk dd hp+9=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9

light plate gloves lk ref hp+13=light plate armor/pants/boots lk dd hp+9




kundum (lk)edr 2%

sceptru lk edr 2%

scut dl lk dd hp

albatross bow

scut sm lk dd (hp/ref)

light plate lk dd hp

up >:D<


gd g lk ref dsr

15 / 15

da, nu,poate ?

Nu, sry.



BD armor lk ref zen

bronze helm ref

gd a lk dd hp+9

gd h lk dd+9

GD gloves lk ref dsr

red spirit gloves lk ref

divine helm dd ref

divine armor lk ref

divine armor dd zen

divine helm lk ref

divine pants lk ref

SET Guardian:

Guardian helm dd

guardian armor dd hp

guardian gloves dd hp

guardian pants ref hp

guardian boots dd ref

scale armor dd hp

legendary armor ref hp

thunder gloves dd hp

dark steel armor dd ref+6

dark steel armor dd

dark steel boots dd

dark steel boots lk hp+10

adamantine pants lk dd

wind helm lk dd

wind boots ref hp

wind gloves ref hp

light plate armor lk ref

light plate helm lk ref

lord sceptre lk edr

lord sceptre lk 2%

great sceptre lk edr x2

set sunlight lk+9

divine aa crossbow lk 2% life

katana lk edr

toma lk 2%

toma 2%

ring ref

ring dd hprec1%

flail lk 2%+9

kite shield lk ref


light plate gloves lk dd hp+9=light plate pants/boots/helm lk dd hp+9

light plate gloves lk ref hp+13=light plate pants/boots/helm lk dd hp+9

light plate armor dd hp+9=light plate pants/boots/helm lk dd hp+9





kundum (lk)edr 2%

sceptru lk edr 2%

scut dl lk dd hp

albatross bow

scut sm lk dd (hp/ref)

light plate lk dd hp

dark steel lk dd hp

dark soul lk dd ref

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