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licitatie wings bk lk

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- wings bk lk

ultima oferta in joc este de 50-50, daca are cineva ceva mai interesant raspund aici.


- fructe: 5 str, 4 vit, 2 ene, 2 cmd

- dark steel gloves lk ref

- wings lvl 2 sm simple

- wings lvl 2 sm add+8

- wings lvl 2 mg simple

- pend of lighting 2% wiz dmg

- ring of ice 3%hp rec + max hp 4%

- gs armor lk add zen +13


- gs gloves lk add zen +13 + jwl foarte multi = gs gloves lk dd +13

- gs helm lk hp add +13 + jwl foarte multi = gs helm lk dd +13

- gs boots lk ref add +13 + jwl foarte multi = gs boots lk dd +13

- ds staf lk add lvl 20 +13 + jwl foarte multi = kundum lk +opt +13


- gs H/G/B lk dd (lk dd hp, lk dd ref) +0...+13

- rings dd hp rec

- kundum lk opt +0...+13

pot oferi jwl, itemele de mai sus de la trade.

pe ce vand accept sign, jwl, pene, iteme mari pentru wings cu sau fara add.

nick bastia dar nu ma gasiti on, fac tura de 5 cu 2 (5 zile ss, doua joc, 5 ss, ati inteles voi algoritmul :D)

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