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Dark Master Armor lk ref

Dark master helm lk hp

Dark master gloves add12 ref hp

Huricane armor lk ref

Huricane boots lk ref

Huricane gloves add ref dsr

Divine armor lk mana

Divine boots lk hp

Divine pants lk mana hp

GD helm add dsr

GD boots lk dd

Sod skill lk 2% +11

divine crowsbow skill lk 2%

divine crowsbow skill lk lvl/20

divine crowsbow skill lk edr speed

bronze boots lk ref mana

wind boots ref dsr

legendary gloves add12 mana

Dp boots add dsr

Dp pants lk dd ref

AA Sword skill add speed mana

storm crow armor add dsr

dark breaker lk mana

light plate gloves lk dd

pend of fire 2% life

AA staff lk lvl/20

AA staff 2%

bone gloves dd

brass pants dd hp

scale armor lk dd mana

lether pants lk dd

thunder boots lk ref


Gd helm lk dd

Gd pants lk dd

Gd armor lk dd


light plate boots lk dd, dd ref

kb edr

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Dark Master Armor lk ref

Dark master helm lk hp

adamantine helm lk dd

Hurricane pants add dd

Huricane armor lk ref

Huricane boots lk ref

Huricane gloves add ref dsr

Divine armor lk mana

Divine boots lk hp

Divine pants lk mana hp

GD helm add dsr

GD boots lk dd

Sod skill lk 2% +11

kb skill mana

divine crowsbow skill lk 2%

divine crowsbow skill lk lvl/20

divine crowsbow skill lk edr speed

bronze boots lk ref mana

Dp boots add dsr

Dp pants lk dd ref

Dp helm lk dd zen

AA Sword skill add speed mana

AA Sword skill add life mana

storm crow armor add dsr

dark breaker lk mana

light plate gloves lk dd

pend of fire 2% life

AA staff lk lvl/20

AA staff 2%

bone gloves dd

bone armor dd

brass pants dd hp

scale armor lk dd mana

lether pants lk dd

thunder boots lk ref

dark soul pants lk ref

aripi sm ignore


Gd helm lk dd

Gd pants lk dd

Gd armor lk dd


light plate boots lk dd, dd ref

kb edr

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