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Aici vor fi afisate toate rezultatele sondajelor incadrate intr-un interval de timp. Vor putea fi urmarite sub forma: Sondaj propus de: nume / Interval de timp: zi-luna-an - zi-luna-an / Rezultat sondaj: locul 1, 2, 3 dintr-un numar de 000 voturi.

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Sondaj 1

Intrebare: Ce varsta ai?

Propus de: The Guardian

Interval de timp: 04.07.05 - 27.09.08

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 691

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. intre 15-17-deja fumez frate ma lasi (216 votes [31.26%])

2. peste 20-deja sunt tataie pe forum (187 votes [27.06%])

3. intre 18-20-major fac ce vreau (157 votes [22.72%])

4. intre 13-15-mama, devin barbat (95 votes [13.75%])

5. sub 13 ani-sunt pici dar o sa cresc (36 votes [5.21%])

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Sondaj 2

Intrebare: Ce downloadati cel mai frecvent?

Propus de: catalin74

Interval de timp: 01.02.05 - 15.11.09

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 433

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. Filme (129 votes [30.42%])

2. Jocuri (119 votes [28.07%])

3. Muzica (106 votes [25.00%])

4. Software, aplicatii (51 votes [12.03%])

5. Altele (19 votes [4.48%])

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Sondaj 3:

Intrebare: Ce marca de placa grafica aveti?

Propus de: EPSILON

Interval de timp: 20.04.06 - 18.12.09

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 210

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. nVIDIA (142 votes [67.62%])

2. ATI (63 votes [30.00%])

3. Alta (5 votes [2.38%])

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Sondaj 4:

Intrebare: Ce marca de mouse folositi?

Propus de: Mr.Markry

Interval de timp: 14.09.07 - 12.09.10

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 345

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. A4TECH (103 votes [29.77%])

2. Alta marca (93 votes [26.88%])

3. Logitech (78 votes [22.54%])

4. Microsoft (34 votes [9.83%])

5. Genius (38 votes [10.98%])

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Sondaj 5a:

Intrebare: Care este tipul de bautura alcoolica preferat?

Propus de: Smokie

Interval de timp: 20.03.07 - 22.09.10

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 305

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. Bere (164 votes [53.77%])

2. Vin (78 votes [25.57%])

3. Bauturi spirtoase (63 votes [20.66%])

Sondaj 5b:

Intrebare: Care este bautura alcoolica preferata?

Propus de: M1nDH4cK

Interval de timp: 26.05.06 - 23.01.11

Rezultate Sondaj:

-numar total de voturi: 226

-raspunsuri + nr. de voturi si procentaj (in ordinea nr. de voturi):

1. Bere (86 votes [38.05%])

2. Vin (54 votes [23.89%])

3. Whisky / Scotch / Brandy (36 votes [15.93%])

4. Vodka (15 votes [6.64%])

5. Tequila (15 votes [6.64%])

6. Liquor (11 votes [4.87%])

7. Rom (7 votes [3.10%])

8. Ouzo / Sake (2 votes [0.88%])

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