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goldenii din ds

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dap, DS 5 , DS 6 nu apare ultimul val de goldeni.

in DS 6 la primul val am observat k apar goldeni +4 :dontknow:


in DS 6 la primul val am observat k apar goldeni +4 :dontknow:

Devil Square v3 :P , DS-ul este din 2 in 2 ore ( my bad )

minutul        5               10               15

DS1       4 x box Luck     4 x box Luck     4 x bok +1
DS2       4 x box Luck     4 x bok +1       4 x bok +2
DS3       4 x bok +1       4 x bok +2       4 x bok +3
DS4       4 x bok +2       4 x bok +3       4 x bok +4
DS5       4 x bok +3       4 x bok +4       4 x bok +5
DS6       4 x bok +4       4 x bok +5       4 x bok +5

fixed .

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