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Ce inseamna P.I.M.P.

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pimp - One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.

pronuntzand pe litere P.I.M.P. (piaiempi), probabil cel care foloseste pune ca un fel de amprenta personala pe cuvant, pt a-l scoate in relief, "intarindu-i" semnificatzia. zic eu ...

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Persoanele inteligente majoritare prostilor!!!v-ati lamurit biggrin.gif

pxzibit ia masina pimpuiesto ( ce prostie biggrin.gif )

Pleaca In Mata Porculeeee biggrin.gif nu dati warn ca e o gluma

Pestii Iau Multi Parai!!

cautati in Dex sau intrbati-l pe prutenau ca sigur va spune

PIMP'a'n00b--->fromt this banana.gif to this bananaloool7qc.gif

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