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Linkmania Rules

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General rules:

Basic rule: civilized behavior.

1. Language

Insults brought penalizes players are as follows:

- First warning: suspend minimum 5 days

- Second warning: suspend minimum 15 days

- The third warning suspend minimum 25 days

- The fourth warning: suspend minimum of 35 days

- A fifth warning suspend minimum 99 days

You have to see the entire discussion in screenshots not be challenged language with F4 in full screen.

Insults can be challenged only by the person insulted.

Swear words, signs and obscene language vulgar / obscene penalizes the following:

- First warning: suspend at least 10 days

- Second warning: suspend minimum 20 days

- The third warning suspend least 40 days

- The fourth warning: suspend minimum 99 days

Indecent language, swear words and obscene signs expressed in normal chat and can be challenged by other people than that are addressed.

Swear words are punishable whether express or abbreviated.

Swear words, vulgar language and obscene signs may not be caused. For such complaints is NOT required to post pictures in full screen F4.

Swear words to the server or the administrator (not to an admin) is thus penalizes:

- First warning: suspend minimum 40 days

- Second warning: suspend at least 60 days;

- The third warning suspend minimum 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account.

Any type of language to the administrator / server / admin of the NO may be caused. For such complaints is NOT required to post pictures in full screen F4.

The 3 types of language are tried separately, are considered different crimes.

Are prohibited vulgar name / obscene / swearing which contain or insults. Any character with a name will suspend for 99 days.

2.a. Behavior towards Admin / Game Master

Insult to Game Master

- First warning: suspend least 40 days

- Second warning: suspend at least 60 days;

- The third warning suspend minimum 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account.

Swearing to a Game Master

- First warning: suspend minimum 50 days;

- Second warning: suspend least 70 days;

- The third warning suspend minimum 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account

Behavior inadequately to admin / gm (included here jokes and moved refusal to give the ok to trade initiated by one GM, events bothering etc.) will be punished with 10 to 40 days, depending on the decision by the admin.

The use of nick-sites similar to those of the administrator (nick names) lead to suspension of these chars on the undefined

Sanction for those who give as "knowledge", relatives of those who are part of the guild Admins, is at least 20 days suspended.

GM will not ask about your account and password login data.

GM will not require item.

GM will not ask favors.

2.b. Guild names

Using the guild names similar to those of the administrator:

- The first warning suspend least 40 days;

- Second violation: suspend at least 60 days;

- Third violation: suspend minimum 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account

3.a. The threat of other players or to pretend that you are Game Master

- First warning: suspend at least 30 days

- Second avertsiment: suspend minimum 50 days

- The third warning suspend minimum 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account

3.b. Unproved charges against the administrator

- First warning: suspend minimum 40 days

- Second avertsiment: suspend 98 days

For other violations can reach up to blocking your account.

3.c. Falsified evidence:

- Suspend 99 days and the IP filter.

The invention of rules that are not included in the regulation and use them to gain an advantage or threatened them with death leads to a minimum of 3 days. Those who repeatedly violate this rule are liable to suspend for an indefinite period.

4. KS at one or more players in a spot

- First warning: suspend minimum 5 days

- Second warning: suspend minimum 10 days

- The third warning suspend minimum 25 days

- The fourth warning: suspend least 40 days

- A fifth warning suspend minimum 98 days

The complaint covered THESE RULES ONLY If the plaintiff is NOT SAFE-ZONE

KS punishable if over 2 minutes.

It is not mandatory.

5. KS, or kill the golden player for the Bok!

- First warning: suspend minimum 5 days

- Second warning: suspend minimum 10 days

- The third warning suspend minimum 25 days

- The fourth warning: suspend least 40 days

- A fifth warning suspend minimum 98 days

The first that came to golden win first come right (right on the golden). First came loses this right if he dies while you fight with your golden. Add punishments usually given for the PK that came on the first kill (in the fight with golden-or to steal the Bok).

Does not help (or if you requested it) on killing goldens.In case of complaint will not work in any way excuse "I just helped him, I gave the item (Bok's)!

A player (party) can not attack two or more golden simultaneously.

6. Scammers

- First warning: suspend least 35 days.

- Second warning: the account blocked.

Stay is granted on the biggest character on the account.

7. Advertising other servers

Publicity / advertising to other servers (for MU and not only) in game (in any way) lead to instant:

- - The suspension for a minimum of 98 days and address filtering / IP class that was signed.

8. PK (Player Kill)

- First warning: suspend minimum 5 days

- Second warning: suspend minimum 10 days

- The third warning suspend minimum 25 days

- The fourth warning: suspend least 40 days

- A fifth warning suspend minimum 98 days

Do not apply when the status of the one who kills does not change. (victim Murderer)

Necessary screenshot in time of death

Applies only to the PK-mails or golden spot.

PK will be caused only situation in which that killing was insulted very badly.

PK in the arena is not punished

9. AFK Rule

Any player can stand in one spot as long as is near the computer!

If someone makes printscreens between 5 minutes (the interval that does not say anything, the character in AFK) means that he lost the spot!

Note: you must ask if the character is afk + recipient name (and to see in the screenshots). May not feel like you get in mind (to initiate a discussion)

Is an obligatory picture of F4 on the full screen to prove that he has not said anything in this period.

There is no obligation to attack monsters in their own spot.

10. AFK Rule (meter)

11.1. AFK Rule

Any character caught afk by a Game Master in the arena suspend is subject to the following conditions:

- Doesn't answer the question of a GM "afk name + recipient" within 3 minutes and attacks (doesn't matter if you are in a party and minimum one player is on).

(question repeated at least 3 times)

- Attacks

2 deviations will suspend 2 days.

Deviations from 3 will receive 3 days, suspend

4 deviations will suspend 4 days

Deviations of 5 will receive 5 days suspend etc..

In any case a character is afk, is subject to d/c.

This rule also applies for the map Arena, Kalima (where spots are), and Icarus

The number of deviations can be monitored in this topic: Contor AFK

If within 15 days you are not afk deviations will erase deviation 1.

Meter will not be negative, the minimum is 0.

11. Takeover spot.

To take a spot you must ask exactly "name+afk" all characters available on the spot / in the box, in 5 minutes. They must respond in that time. Acquisition requires 4 photos, in different minutes, first screenshot made in minute 0 and the third screenshot in 4'th minute, followed by the F4 screenshot in the 5'th minute to complete the acquisition. Acquisition begins when you have addressed the first question but it will not end with a question of character displayed when you make the F4 screenshot. If however after F4 screenshot was taken, the person to be taken, answers, no longer consider, even if its the the 5'th minute. The set of questions to be put to different coordinates. If in every 5 minutes it is shown that at least 1 character of the spot is on, they lost the spot.


minute 00:00: x, AFK? + print.

minute 00: - -: x, AFK? + print.

minute 00:04: x, AFK? + print.

minute 00:05: F4 + print.

Incorrect assumption made if:

- Not complied with the above example.

- While during the takeover, you're making KS.

- During it, leaves or disconnected.

- AFK questions all characters are on a single line.

- All photos are on the same coordonates.

- Do not put the pointer on each character AFK when you take the screenshot. [/ U]

12. Macro / BOT

Will not accept responses made by using the function "macro" or bots. If the answer is the same for any question, and repeated at least 4 times, too, lost the spot after the passage of 5 minutes. Will thus be notified that a GM about a character that uses macrobot and be banned for 20 days, posted only by GM. In case of recidivism, will stay the same.

12.a. Macro / BOT

Will not accept characters by changing their coordinates using a clicker, making experience AFK. Or else you'll be banned for 40 days and will be posted only by GM. In case of recidivism, will stay the same.

Important: If you party on a particular spot and you leave that spot to get your mana/health potion or for any other reason automatically lose any right on that spot. If during that your are gone from the spot and another player makes a reception you do not start right spot and have not allowed to interrupt him. In this case, only those who remained on the spot when his arrival allowed to interrupt the reception, answering them.

There's no obligation to attack monsters on your spot.


In any unforeseen situation here Moderators always have the final word.

Itemes not responsible for stolen, and the "broken", your only responsibility is to maintain the confidentiality of your account and password, user.

Changes in the Rules does not apply retroactively. Suspends already enabled does not change with a change in regulation. Already blocked accounts will be unlocked for a particular crime is otherwise punished.

Any penalty of 99 days automatically lead to blocking of which is character.

Arena Rules:

SM / BK / ELF may enter the arena at least LVL 300

MG / DL may enter the arena at least LVL 200

1. DK, ELF, DL and MG (STR) Box.

Boxes within coordonates 60 75, respectively 53 82 in Arena will be available ONLY for DK / BK, ELF DL and MG (strength).

Not allowed to use these spells in veal. (a scren hot with a MG / SM using spells is enough)

DW is not allowed to station / attack near the fence. Stationary over time that give suspend is 2 minutes.

It's also not allowed to make players experience being AFK. (for the moment only admins will ask for afk).

DW / SM is not allowed to make experience in the box by any means. Party fold with DW / SM leads to banning of all people in that party.

For all these crimes, the penalties are:

- The first warning - minimum 5 days

- Second warning - at least 10 days

- The third warning - minimum 15 days

- The fourth warning - a minimum of 25 days.

Important: MG strenght is not allowed with -> Powerslash skill: Rune Blade, Dark Reign Blade, Blade of Explorer (Explosion blade).

DL is not allowed to use the crow in the box.

SM / BK / ELF may enter the arena at least LVL 300

MG / DL may enter the arena at least LVL 200

2.Autodeny command

Is NOT allowed using the autodeny command.(/ party / trade / war).

Any character caught by an admin using these commands in the Arena, is liable to suspend at least 7 days.

3.Level suitable for Arena

Entering the arena at a LEVEL below the minimum specified server found or proven by admin (through pictures) by another player, resulting in the death of at least 40 days suspend. For any recurrence will stay permanently.

4.Staying near a party (held near the spot)

However, you may not stationed in NO REASON in Arena next to a party (or a spot near the busy).

Possible examples:

- Stay even if he was told that no party is in place (do not want to leave)

- Talk (normal or pm) with another member of the party (stay near the party)

- Not sit and say nothing (do not ask party, do not say anything, etc.)

These situations are given as examples. Do not try to find excuses in November that the situation but that does not appear in regulation.

The minimum penalty for standing: 2 days suspend-character

Station is punishable if it exceeds 5 minutes.

Must be at least 3 requests from a member of the party to leave the spot. (request = recipient "station not" go "go away", etc.)

SM / BK / ELF may enter the arena at least LVL 300

MG / DL may enter the arena at least LVL 200

Admins have the right to disconnect players AFK

PM - party master (who formed the party, which can add or remove members)

AFK - away from keyboard = not sit at the computer

screenshot - images saved in the game using the PrintScreen key.

Nota: Daca cumva sesizati vreo greseala, gramaticala sau de orice fel, anuntati un moderator sa modifice.

Note: If you find any mistakes, grammatical or any, contact a moderator to change it.

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