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Guest L3muR


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Guest L3muR

Model Reclamatie Stationare langa party - Arena!

1. Un Screen shot facut in momentul cand reclamantul este singur pe spot (sau cu party).

2. 2 screen shots la interval de 5 minute, cu mouse-ul pe caracterul care stationeaza.

Se va posta si TOATA discutia cu F4

Trebuie sa existe minim 3 cereri explicite din partea unui membru al party-ului de a parasi spotul. (cerere explicita = destinatar "nu stationa" ; "pleaca" ; "go away" etc)

I presume that staying next to the party is forbidden only in arena?

And 2nd question, are there any rules about luring golden mobs to spots?

Guest L3muR

Pls english, nu intelege ro :P

Guest justmealone

Just in arena is not permited. On the other maps you can stay next to a spot without anything to happen :)

About the second question! There are no writen rules according to luring golden mobs on spots.But if the people from the spot have pictures with the golden brought intentionally on the spot for them to lose it they can post them and the guy who brought the golden will receive suspend.

I hope I made myself clear with the explanations :)

Guest L3muR

Yeah, everything is clear!

Thanks a lot :beer:



2. Luring goldens on a spot is banable if you prove with prints that the one who lured them there intended to gain advantage of that/take over your spot.


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