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Guest leothebest


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Guest leothebest



1.- Dark Knight (DK):

* Warp Point: Lorencia

* Initial Values: Strength 25, Agility 20, Vitality 28 and Energy 10.

* Description: Kingdom of Knights, descendant of Lorencia. With a powerful

strength and swordsmanship he can handle most of the close-range weapons.

* How to use it: The Dark Knight is supposed to be the strongest character in

the game. Descendant of Lorencia, the best swordsman the MU Contient saw.

You need a lot of patience to get him to the max level, but the effort is worth.

Main PVP Character. With the use of the deathly combo he can own anything.

Really high HP.

* Buffs/Name: Yes/Life Swell Orb

2.- Dark Wizard (DW):

* Warp Point: Lorencia

* Initial Values: Strength 15, Agility 18, Vitality 18, Energy 30.

* Description: Kingdom of Wizards, descendant of Arka, he has an inferior

physical condition but has an enormous power and can command attacking


* How to use it: Biggest KSer (Kill Steal) in the MU continent. It's a pretty easy

character to train since he has long-range attacks. With his buff he can

increase the Defense of the other members of the party.

* Buffs/Name: Yes/Mana Shield

3.- Fairy Elf (FE):

* Warp Point: Noria

* Initial Values: Strength 20, Agility 25, Vitality 22, Energy 15.

* Description: Kingdom of Elves, descendant of Noria. A master of arrows and

bows and she can command various spells.

* How to use it: Hard to train. She has low attack and low defense, BUT she's

really fast. She may not be that strong, but she can make others strong as

hell. She's the Buff Master. Sexiest character in the game.

* Buffs/Names: Hell yes!/Heal,Increase Damage, Increase Defense

5.- Magic Gladiator (MG)

* Warp Point: Lorencia

* Initial Values: Strength 26, Agility 26, Vitality 26, Energy 26.

* Description: Complex character that has some characteristics of the Dark

Knight and some of the Dark Wizard. Master in a close-range combat and

can command spells freely.

* How to use it: This character is pretty... weak. Magic Gladiators do not wear

helmets, that means they have REALLY LOW defense. I'd say it is the weakest

character. It's pretty much useless during CS and wars. It's easy to train. In

Private Servers he can get maxed when he reaches 46 resets. Even though he

has a lot of negative aspects, it's a really popular character.

* Buffs/Names: No

6.- Dark Lord (DL)

* Warp Point: Lorencia

* Initial Values: Strength 20, Agility 20, Vitality 26, Energy 15, Command 25.

* Description: Charismatic character that can command the troops and handle

the Dark Spirit and the Dark Horse.

* How to use it: Considered as the best GuildMaster. Why? Because if he has

32767 in Command, he can have 80 Members in his guild. I don't know why,

but I don't see many Dark Lords... maybe because he has 5 Categories to

spend their SP in. This makes it a little... annoying to level him. He has an

awesome attack, AWESOME! But he has low defense.

* Buffs/Name: Yes/Critical Damage

[Dark Knight / Blade Knight]

Acest caracter este bazat pe putere si lupta corp la corp. De obicei un bun lider, destul de usor de crescut, foarte bun pentru incepatori. Ara cateva neajunsuri dar e destul de usor sa treci peste ele. Daca planuiti sa-l cresteti acesta va deveni cel mai puternic caracter.


* porneste cu cele mai multe HP (Health Points) dintre toate caracterele;

* are la dispozitie (pe durata jocului) mai multe armuri decat celelalte caractere;

* de asemenea are si mai multa aparare (defense) decat celelalte caractere;

* poate echipa 2 arme in acelasi timp. Acesta ii da si mai multa putere;

* abilitatile sale speciale sunt skill-urile. Skill-urile sunt atasate armelor;

* poate invata skill permanent: Twisting Slash, Orb of Blow si orb of ragefull blow.

* Damage urias

* Viatza mare (creste si cu lvl si cu vitality si datorita life sweling si cu energy)

* Defence-ul cel mai mare din joc

* Skill Damage

* Tarcu de dk/elf/mg pe strength in care party-ul nu e obligatoriu desi e in regulament ca oriunde in arena

* obligatoriu tot acolo scrie ca dw/mg nrg nu are voie sa faca xp acolo indiferent de metoda


* porneste cu foarte putina mana si primeste doar 0.5 mana pe nivel;

* are ceva probleme cu inamicii distanti;

* mana si stamina sunt folosite foarte repede

* nu poate lovi mai multi monstri in acelasi timp (decat cu skill special);

* nu poate lovi inamici de la distanta.

* Close Combat

* Absentza spoturilor punctiforme fac dk-ul imposibil de a lasa afk

* Depinde foarte mult de echipament

[Dark Wizard / Soul Master]

Acest caracter este preferat de multi jucatori dar asta nu inseamna ca e cel mai bun. Destul de greu de crescut iar abilitatile speciale sunt vrajile.


* are vraji puternice;

* poate lovi inamici de departe, de langa el si de pe tot ecranul;

* are la dispozitie un numar mare de vraji;

* poate modifica starea inamicilor;

* armurile nu au nevoie de multa putere (strength) pentru a le folosi;

* are cea mai multa mana iar aceasta creste 2.0 pe nivel;

* poate folosi o parte din mana pentru viata cu vraja Mana Shield

* are magi de raza mare cea ce inseamna multi monstri omorati odata deci xp mai rapid

* abilitatea cea mai puternica specifica MU, desi multi ignora asta este cel mai important, poate sta afk


* armurile au cea mai mica aparare (defense);

* are cea mai mica viata;

* nu poate folosi majoritatea armelor;

* trebuie sa gasesca obiecte pentru a invata vraji.

* viatza foarte mica (1 punct heath /lvl 1punct helth/1 vitality)

* creste atack rate-ul mai greu decat la MG sau DK atunci cand bagi agl

* consumi puncte pentru a baga stregth ( stats total inautile pt dw, folosesc doar pt a purta armuri, atack rate creste f putin prin strength)

* defence relativ mic pe armuri fatza de alte caractere

[Elf / Muse Elf]

Sunt singurele femele din Mu. Elfii se pot dezvolta in doua moduri : Agility si Energy. Amandoua clasele pot folosi lovituri multiple si skill-uri permanente (Penetration). Energy Elf poate folosi invocarea (Summon) si magia alba. Nu se poate schimba o clasa de elf. Ex: daca incepi Energy Elf nu te poti intoarce la Agility Elf. Poti creste un elf de amandoua clase dar este foarte greu.

Avantaje Agility Elf:

* poate folosi arcuri si arbalete puternice;

* poate folosi cateva arme ale Dark Knight-ului;

* poate folosi armuri de nivel inalt;

* se pot antrena singuri fara ajutor de la alt caracter;

* are o raza mare de lovire si poate lovi patru inamici dintr-o lovitura;

* Multiple Shots este deja atasat arcurilor si arbaletelor.

* Damage mare

* Speed mic (ii permite sa bage mai multa agility decat celalate caractere)

* Skilluri de raza mare

* Ice age ajuta sa vanezi goldeni mult inaintea altor caractere

Dezavantaje Agility Elf:

* armurile si arcurile au nevoie de multa agilitate (agility) pentru a fi folosite;

* chiar si cu multa agilitate, elfii au nevoie de si mai multa decat celelalte caractere pentu aparare (defense);

* Arcurile au nevoie de sageti. Daca ramaneti fara trebuie sa mergeti sa cumparati. Din monstri nu cad sageti.

* Depinde foarte mult de sageti

* Speed mic (atunci cand esti mic e un dezavantaj)

* Depinde mult de echipament

* Defence mic (creste cel mai greu cu agl)

* Nu poate lasa afk (lipsa spoturilor liniare si numarul mic de sageti de il poate purta)

Avantaje Energy Elf:

* pot mari atacul, apararea si viata lor si a celor din jur prin vraja buffing;

* foarte folositori in party;

* cel mai sociabil caracter;

* poti invoca monstri pentru a te ajuta in lupta.

* iti poti vindeca monstrul invocat.

* atunci cand e mic are cel mai mare defence dintre toate caracterele

* Nu depinde deloc de echipament

* este foarte cautat la party-uri

Dezavantaje Energy Elf:

* FOARTE greu de crescut. Nerecomandat incepatorilor;

* daca-ti pierzi buff-ul pentru o secunda esti "mancat" de inamici;

* pentru ca trebuie sa-ti maresti energia nu poti purta armuri puternice;

* Are dificultati in procurarea orburilor

* Nu are viitor (indiferent de numarul de rr-uri el tot depinde de party)

* Nu poate lasa afk

[Mage Gladiator]

Nu apare in lista caracterelor de la inceputul jocului. Acesta este disponibil cant atingeti nuvelul 220 cu un alt caracter. Magic Gladiator combina Dark Knight-ul si Dark Wizard-ul intr-un singur caracter. Singurul lucru ciudat la el este ca nu poate sa poarte coif.


* primeste 7 stats points pe nivel fata de 5 cat primeste oricare alt caracter;

* armura sa are cea mai mare aparare (defense);

* pate folosi de la Dark Knight si Dark Wizard arme, skills, vraji si armuri dar cu cateva exceptii.

* poate folosi doua arme sau staff-uri in acelasi timp;

* fuge fara cizme +5;

* inoata fara manusi +5;

* poate intra pe harti cu numai 2/3 din nivelul cerut;


* Nu poate purta casca;

* poate iti place mai mult caracterul tau de nivel 220 decat sa incepi de la 1;

* fiecare stat are nevoie de mai multe stats points pentru a creste;

* cele mai puternice arme si armuri necesita cele mai multe stats


Dark Knight



This character is good at close range. He have good strenght, defense and

vitality. He is unbeatable at the close range. Dark Knight can use wide variety

of weapons and armors. Dark Knight is not powerfull at long ranges and at magic

. Anyway this is very good character.

Why do i have to chose this guy?:

If you like brute strenght, offensive power, great defense, close combat -

this guy is for you.

Is it hard to play with him?:

Its easy at first but its more harder later.

Pluses and Minuses:

+ He have good phisical strenght;

+ Have very good defense;

+ DK have good amount of hit points;

+ Wide variety of weapons and armors;

+ Uses skills who are very powerful;

+ Don't need to waist stat points on energy and vitality;

+ Skills don't lack a lot of mana;

- If you're going till the end (level ~300) he will be weakest character;

- He can't attack monsters in the long range so this is very bad in BC or DS;

- Gets 0.5 mana per level what is really anoying;

- Stamina (when using twisting slash) drains fast as hell;

- Can't hit much monsters at once (so he is no match with DW in DS);

How/where should I level up/put points for Dark Knight?:

Okay, as you already know, Dark Knight is not the character which will be hard

to level up, but he won't rule the world either. Okie so you are level one and

starting at lorencia. Don't rush to level up and put all points on agility or

strenght. There is few other ways to level up him, not just the lazy "3 points

on strenght, 2 on agility". So here is the ways how you can level up your DK:

Strenght Dark Knight: All points on strenght.

Hybride Dark Knight: Put points on strenght and agility. At the high level he

can wear very awesome armour sets.

Tanking Dark Knight: The guy which have great defense.

Energy Dark Knight: It might look like a crazy idea but it's not. After

putting some points on energy your skill will be very powerfull (and you will

have more mana).

Vitality Dark Knight: Also looks like crazy idea but i'll explain how it

works. You put 1 point on strenght, 1 on agility and 3 on vitality. At about

level 100 you have to buy set, weapon, shield, pendant and rings with reflect.

It's 50% of reflect now. This guy is better on duels, not on monsters.

So you see how much ways?


Dark Wizard



This guy have a lot of offensive spells. He is good at long ranges. Also with

his spells he can hit few enemies at the same time without using more mana.

Vital strenght of Dark Wizard is not very good so better don't use this char

at the close combats.

Why do i have to chose this guy?:

If you like offensive spells, good damage :), ranged attacks chose him.

Is it hard to play with him?:

It's really hard at first but it's much easier later.

How do i have to put points for him?:

I think put on strenght 'till you can equip armor you want and energy 'till

the end of game :). Don't get me wrong, don't put all your stats on strenght

untill you will have 1000. 2 points on strenght, 3 on energy, etc. After you

get good armor, put all your points on energy. Dont forget that you can

level up as you want.

Pluses and Minuses:

+ If you're going till the end (+300 level) this is BEST character;

+ Wide variety of powerful spells;

+ Can hit enemies from far away;

+ Wizards dominate in DS and BC, no one can win against them here

+ KS high level wizard is very, very hard;

+ Mana Shield :);

+ Get's two pointa of mana per level;

+ Armors do not require a lot of strenght;

+ Good selection of staffs;

- Some armors require agility (so you have to waist points);

- Not really huge selection of armours;

- You'll need a lot of mana potions;

- Armours not very defensful (not as much as ELF or DK);

- Only 0.5 hit point per level;

- Very hard to train at first;





Elves can be leveled up as agility or energy elves. Energy elves have buffing

spells so they are "medics" of the war field. Agility elves have nice ranged

so they are good at long distances. EElfs also can summon monsters. They can

help alot in the field

Why do i have to chose this girl?:

If you're fan of arbalets/bows, if you like being medic or you like summoning

monsters. Or maybe you're female :). Chose this then.

Is it hard to play with her?:

Its always the same, not really hard, but not peace o' cake either.

How do i have to put points for her?:

Depends on what you're leveling up, enery or agility elf.

If agility. Put points on strenght and agility (2 on str, 3 on agl, etc).

After some time put A LOT of points on agility (sorry for pressed caps lock).

If energy. Put some points on agility and strenght. Use a lot points on energy.

Pluses and Minuses:

Agility Elf:

+ Can use Bows and Crossbows;

+ Elves do fine damage;

+ Don't need to put points on energy;

+ Can hit few monsters at once;

+ Can learn great skills;

+ Have pretty defense;

- Crossbows, Bows require a lot of ammo;

- Have to put a lot of points on agility;

- Don't do great damage then you reach high level;

- Really hard to find a party;

Energy Elf:

+ Can buff herself without waisting health pots;

+ She is always wellcome in parties;

+ Can summon monsters who are very helpful;

+ Dont need to put a lot of points on strenght and agility;

- Very bad defense (without defensive buff);

- Very bad offense (without offensive buff);

- Have to put a lot of points on energy;

- She's very week without party;


Magic Gladiator



Magic Gladiator is combination of Dark Knight and Dark Wizard. He can use items

from both characters. Also he can use items early (MG gets 7 point per level).

He can move into new areas faster too. In order to unlock him you must have

a basic character who has achieved at least level of 220.

Why do i have to chose this guy?:

If you like 7 points per level and his wicked haircut chose him :). He is

mix of DW and DK.

Is it hard to play with him?:

Not really, as I sayd, he get's 7 points per level.

How do i have to put points for him?:

Like for DW or DK. Just you'll get more points :).

Pluses and Minuses:

+ Gets 7 points per level;

+ Wicked Hair-Cut :);

+ Can enter maps with 2/3 required;

+ Can run and swim faster without +5;

+ His armors have great defense;

- You can't level up him as DKDW at once, you have to chose;

- His armors require a lot of strenght and agility;

- He can't wear helm;

- What is better. Your 220 level character or 1 level MG?;

- Can't use some of really awesome DK and DW skills/spells/armors;


Dark Lord



He is new character of MU. I dont know about him. Write me if you have to say

something about him. In order to unlock him you must have a basic character of

at least level 250 (nice, huh?).

(Good-Ok-Bad) (Cost:Low,Medium,High)

3a.Dark Knight/Blade Knight-------------







It becomes a Blade Knight and has its own special skill (Combo) Which mixes

Death Stab, Rageful Blow

and Twisting Slash in that order.

Dark Knight / Blade Knight

These dedicated warriors train endlessly to perfect their sword techniques.

They channel their high Agility and Physical Strength stats into direct and

area attacks like Twisting Slash, Death Stab and Rageful Blow.

Points Per Level Starting Strength Starting Agility

Starting Vitality Starting Energy Life/HP

5 28 20 25 10 110

Mana AG SD Life Per Level Mana Per Level SD Per Level

20 25 100 2 0.5 1

3b.Dark Wizard/Soul Master-----------







Soul Master.

Dark Wizard / Soul Master

Dark Wizards study the mystical arts, crafting the elements of nature into

powerful spells such as Fireballs, Aquabeams, and even Ice Storms. They have

the highest Energy of all the character classes.

Points Per Level Starting Strength Starting Agility

Starting Vitality Starting Energy Life/HP

5 18 18 15 30 60

Mana AG SD Life Per Level Mana Per Level SD Per Level

60 21 99 1 2 0.5

3c.Magic Gladiator--------------







Mixture of Dark Knight and Soul Master/ so its balanced

They have red hair and cannot wear any helmets.

Wear the same as Dark Knights and Dark Wizards wth the same skills (BUT NOT


Upon reaching Lv. 220, the Magic Gladiator is unlocked. These warriors combine

spell and sword, bringing both to bear in the defense of MU; their arsenal

includes abilities of both the Dark Knight and Dark Wizard classes.

Points Per Level Starting Strength Starting Agility

Starting Vitality Starting Energy Life/HP

7 26 26 26 26 110

Mana AG SD Life Per Level Mana Per Level SD Per Level

60 23 127 1 1 0.5

3d.Dark Lord--------------







Don't know much about this character =X.

Dark Lord

At Lv. 250, the fearsome Dark Lord is unlocked. Riding into battle on his

steed, he is a terrifying force that summons his Dark Raven and Dark Horse to

do his bidding. He is the only character with the Command stat.

Points Per Level Starting Strength Starting Agility

Starting Vitality Starting Energy Starting Command

7 26 20 20 15 25

Life/HP Mana AG SD Life Per Level Mana Per Level

90 40 23 128 1 1

3e.Fairy Elf/Muse Elf---------







Fastest bow-shooting character =-]

End of the classes-A new class is soon to come out- The Bloody Summoner. Soon.

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf

The fairy elves are skilled in both archery and magic, combining the two to

provide both offensive and defensive support. Their abilities include special

arrow attacks as well as the power to Heal, Attack Buff and Defense Buff.

Points Per Level Starting Strength Starting Agility

Starting Vitality Starting Energy Life/HP

5 22 25 20 15 80

Mana AG SD Life Per Level Mana Per Level SD Per Level

30 20 99 1 1 0.5

Guest leothebest

Stii ceva?Nu cred ca din ce citesti acolo ti-ai putea face o idee despre cam ce character ti-ai dorii.


Stii ceva?Nu cred ca din ce citesti acolo ti-ai putea face o idee despre cam ce character ti-ai dorii.

astea le gaseai si dak dadeai pe google :P

Leo, de ce nu te apuci sa scrii un roman despre Mu ? >.<


te-ai bagat si u in seama, omu munceste si iti pune tie informatii si u faci pe desteptul

Cum munceste ? Copy/paste de pe google ? "Desteptule" ce a fost necesar despre caractere s'a postat in F.A.Q. Cine doreste informatii suplimentare cauta pe google. Acum ce facem, ne apucam sa scriem un jurnal despre fiecare in parte ?

Guest leothebest

Cum munceste ? Copy/paste de pe google ? "Desteptule" ce a fost necesar despre caractere s'a postat in F.A.Q. Cine doreste informatii suplimentare cauta pe google. Acum ce facem, ne apucam sa scriem un jurnal despre fiecare in parte ?

Daca tu imi dai mie cate un link de la tot ce am scris eu aici pe pm esti cel mai tare.Asa ca abtine-te.

Guest leothebest

La DL nu am vazut avantaje dezavantaje... sau poate nu am fost atent :P

Daca o sa te uiti cu atentie o sa vezi ca unul dintre dezavantaje este ca are multe bug-uri..

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