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Guest GiGiFasT[CF]

Un hack ce nu poate fi depistat nici dupa 100 de ani

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Guest GiGiFasT[CF]

mda mai bine las asa sa numai stie toata lumea :)


desteptul lui peste , asta nu e hack e doar un macro (clicker) util pt dl si elf si in nici un caz nu e facut de tine .Cei care vor link-ul sa imi dea pm ,iar pt cunostiinta ta generala sunt altele mult mai bune ca asta . hai as iti dau si ce ai scris tu varianta originala .

"Long ago, I created a general purpose programmable macro in C++. It was used for other games, and I was planning to get around to porting it to Linux [but that never happened]. Long story short, I started playing Mu online again (private server), and decided to continue work on it.

I present to you my MiniMacro program. Simply download, unrar, and run the macro.exe, then start Mu.


F5 - start macro

F6 - stop macro

F7 - reload script [you shouldn't need to do this]

I've included a working script that will spam the area around your character with skills, and pickup nearby items/zen. It works great with Evil Spirits, or the Rune Blade's skill -- probably all bow skills, too. Especially awesome with the speed hack on.

I don't want to hear any *****ing about "IT'S A KEYLOGGER!" either. First, I play on a private server, and have no need for your username and password. Second, check the **** source for yourself if you don't believe me.

NOTE: If the program does not work properly for you in-game (but does on your desktop), it has been reported that changing the program's name from macro.exe to Pinnacle.exe will help solve the problem.

This program isn't directly related to Mu at all, but it might help some of you to create hacks, such as memory editors/trainers.

I'm also working on a minimizer/windower for Mu, which I will release here when finished.

As always, my programs are virus and keylogger free. Source is included. Please let me know if you guys find this stuff useful.


Guest GiGiFasT[CF]

daca tu ai impresia ca e vorba despre aia atunci tine'o pe a ta .... nu e niciun macro sau ce zici tu

Guest GiGiFasT[CF]

bine MA hai pa .

Guest GiGiFasT[CF]

a fost un subiect pentru admini (mesaj) care duce'a la un mic ajutor din partea mea pentru a alunga hackeri care sunt pe server , va spun din testele mele facute pe server ca merge sa faci dupe / speed valeleu maria ta .....eu tot ce am avut de spus a fost unele script-uri pentru a putea fi depistati mai usor.....dar cum unii se baga ca musca in lapte se cred ca stiu tot ce este pe lumea asta am decis sa sterg nu are rost sa stau de vorba cu "MA" de 2 lei .

oricum characterul meu este sters din prima zi de cand s-a dat drumu la serv...am avut lvl 180 in nici 3 ore si fara s-a se vada pe pagina la ranking :) ...

numai joc MU de ani de zile ...doar am vrut sa vad ce se poate si ce nu se poate folosii pe server...sunt multumit ca pe linkmania hack-urile cele cunoscute si altele mai noi aparute nu se pot folosii ...insa exista un program care se poate connecta la server fara launcher(domnii admini stiu despre ce e vorba cand ma refer la launcher)

Guest Havik

ce tru esti ... hai cinci :right:

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