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Dupa cum stiti, balbele din serialele de succes precum Seinfeld, Two and a half men, Friends, The Cosby Show si multe altele, sunt copioase. Daca ati vazut astfel de filmulete si doriti sa le impartasiti si cu restul, postati-le aici :P.

Incep eu :P: That's So Raven.

Micuta Olivia cand avea doar 3 anisori. O scumpete de fetita, imi vine sa o mananc prin ecran, dar interpretarea face toti banii. Comica rau =))).

This is how she looks now: Imagine IPB


bloopers are the parts cut from the movie because of mistake or messing up the words or any thing that in not suppose to be in the movie or show

greseli ( mistakes ) = bloopers ... in clip postat de tine nu vad decat o fetitza dansand :(


bloopers are the parts cut from the movie because of mistake or messing up the words or any thing that in not suppose to be in the movie or show

greseli ( mistakes ) = bloopers ... in clip postat de tine nu vad decat o fetitza dansand :(

Asta nu trebuia sa fie in film :). A pornit ca o improvizatie, o mica scena pregatita de cea mica :). Deci, se poate considera "Blooper", nu numai greselile.

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