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Iteme "Rare"

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Iteme Rare in oridine descrescatoare :

  1. iteme lvl380+ Excelente -> se fac doar in castel , doar de GM-ul care tine alianta care detine castelul . 30B + 30S + 30 JOG .

    BK : Excelent Dragon Knight Set, Excelent Bone Blade

    SM : Excelent Venom Mist Set, Excelent Grand Viper Staff

    ELF : Excelent Sylpid Ray Set, Excelent Sylph Wind Bow

    MG : Excelent Vulcano Set, Excelent Explosion Blade

    DL : Excelent Sunlight Set, Excelent Solay Scepter

  2. Fernir Negru sau Albastru (Chaos Mix: 1 Fernir Rosu + 5 JOL+ 1 chaos + 1 Item +4 +Option(creste rata de success) -> max 75%)
  3. Fernir Rosu ( Chaos mix : 1 Broken Horn + 3 JOL + 10M Zen = 30% )

    pentru 1 Broken Horn : 5 Piece of Horn + 10 Claw of Beast = 70%

    pentru 1 Piece of Horn : 20 splinter armor + 20 bless of guardian = 70%

  4. Iteme Ancient - se gasesc in Land Of Trial ( intra numai alianta care detine castelul ) si in Chaos Castle ( cateodata )
  5. Cal si Cioara pentru DarkLord ( se gasesc in kalima 7)
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