Dani Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 Ziceam mai jos un pic de Monitorul Alienware, care vine de pe alta planeta dar laptop-ul Prime arata BETON si mai repede tind sa cred ca acest concept este de pe alta planeta. Marele ecran contine trei display-uri OLED pliabile. Acest Notebook se inchide la dimensiunea de 13″ si se deschide la o dimensiune de 26″. Wow, cel mare se poate folosi ca si televizor! Intregul concept este construit din aluminiu care ii da o rezistenta si o putere de racire mai mare. Cele doua CPU si GPU sunt in siguranta. Eu chiar nu mi-as lua un laptop pentru nimic in lume dar pe asta as da banii si sper sa se produca. Felicitarile mele designer-ului! Restul pozelor p.s. e primul laptop de care m-am indragostit si va fi primul laptop si singurul pe care as da baniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Domino628 Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 E prea tare :X dar cred ca va avea si un pret pe masura :( lucrezi un an sa ti-l cumperi :)
Denzel_Lsd Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 deci e tare rau , arata super bine....darrrrrrrr....probabil va fi si super scump :whistle:
ratseloP Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 Cat costa? De unde-l iau ? Pe alienware nu am gasit nimic despre el.
Dani Posted January 3, 2009 Author Posted January 3, 2009 Cat costa? De unde-l iau ? Pe alienware nu am gasit nimic despre el.citeste mai bine in sursa si o sa-ti dai seama :) (si n-are legatura cu alienware, ala e un monitor ca lumea)
Cioby Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 arata bine,inovator dar de banii ce ii dai pe el iti iei o masina buna:)
ratseloP Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 Vai cat de mult imi place :X l-as cumpara daca as avea bani T_T probabil ca acum costurile se duc pe la 3-4 K.PS:http://www.newlaunches.com/archives/prime_...ble_screens.phpSome extra info :)f this kind of a lappie does go into production, I'm sure many gamers will ditch their regulars and go for this collapsible gaming laptop concept. Called the Prime Gaming Laptop and designed by Kyle Cherry, it's a goldmine as far as I'm concerned. It features three collapsible screens that offer a wide viewing panel. When open, it has a 32:10 aspect for better in game visibility. It closes to the size of a 13" notebook and opens to a supper wide aspect 26" notebook. The main screen is a 10" concealed OLED screen with 16:10 aspect. Both the left and the right screens are Aux OLED screens with 8:10 aspect.The Prime laptop boasts of an aluminum body, which provides it strength and cooling. There is plenty of 2 CPUs and GPUs with large vents to prevent over heating. [/code]
[IlluSioN] Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 tuturor ne'ar place un laptop ca asta .. numai sa NU FIE LASAT la indemana copiilor putini insi o sa'l cumpere dak intra pe linie de productie :D
Parazitu' Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 laptopu' e laptop..si primu a fost o realizare :) asta e 10 d? sau cat :D
Dani Posted January 4, 2009 Author Posted January 4, 2009 Vai cat de mult imi place :X l-as cumpara daca as avea bani T_T probabil ca acum costurile se duc pe la 3-4 K.PS:http://www.newlaunches.com/archives/prime_...ble_screens.phpSome extra info :)f this kind of a lappie does go into production, I'm sure many gamers will ditch their regulars and go for this collapsible gaming laptop concept. Called the Prime Gaming Laptop and designed by Kyle Cherry, it's a goldmine as far as I'm concerned. It features three collapsible screens that offer a wide viewing panel. When open, it has a 32:10 aspect for better in game visibility. It closes to the size of a 13" notebook and opens to a supper wide aspect 26" notebook. The main screen is a 10" concealed OLED screen with 16:10 aspect. Both the left and the right screens are Aux OLED screens with 8:10 aspect. The Prime laptop boasts of an aluminum body, which provides it strength and cooling. There is plenty of 2 CPUs and GPUs with large vents to prevent over heating. 1. ala e site unde l-am vazut prima oara.. adica sursa..2. nu vad informatii mai multe acolo
GTRF Posted January 4, 2009 Posted January 4, 2009 Acest laptop , daca pot sai zic asa , mi se pare fenomenal prin modul cum arata , cum se deschide , cum se pliaza , mai ales daca se poate folosi si pe post de TV . Presupun ca si pretul o sa fie pe masura .
Tweety Posted January 4, 2009 Posted January 4, 2009 Sa nu ajunga in mana lu' Angry German Kid OT:Super :cool2: dar cred ca o sa fie scump.
Stargate Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 dragut ca idee...dar totusi am o retinere...niciodata un laptop nu va putea fi comparat cu un pc normal pt jocuri...NEvER! zic asta in primul rand ca la un laptop NU poti schimba decat ramii si eventual hdd... :(
C@mPionuL Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Arata super bine nu am ce zice ^_^ poate il primesc cadou
<3MoNeY* Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 f tare nu stiu cat o sa tina unu trebuie sa ai mare grija d el :)