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FAQ - MuOnline Season 1

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Ghid pt Creare Cioara si Cal pt DL

Se face la Pet Trainer in Lorencia

Se foloseste optiunea Resurect Spirit

Ingrediente pentru Cioara :

- 1 jewel of chaos

- 1 jewel of creation

- 2 jewel of soul

- 2 jewel of bless

- 1 dark raven spirit

Sansele sunt 60%.

Ingrediente pentru Cal :

- 1 jewel of chaos

- 1 jewel of creation

- 5 jewel of soul

- 5 jewel of bless

- 1 dark horse spirit

Sansele sunt 70%.


Google is your friend. :)) Praguri.


* 0 - 32767 > functioneaza normal toate skill-urile.


Evil Spirits

* 0 - 5700 > functioneaza normal

* 5700 - 6550 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 6550 - 8200 > functioneaza normal

* 8200 - 9820 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 9820 - 10700 > bug

* 10700 - 13250 > functioneaza normal

* 13250 - 15700 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 15700 - 23250 > bug

* 23250 - 28250 > functioneaza normal

* 28250 - 32767 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn


Evil Spirit

* 0 - 11200 > functioneaza normal

* 11200 - 12880 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 12880 - 16200 > functioneaza normal

* 16200 - 19440 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 19440 - 21200 > bug

* 21200 - 26200 > functioneaza normal

* 26200 - 31100 > functioneaza cu Dino/Unicorn

* 31100 - 32767 > bug



* 0 - 23200 > functioneaza normal

* 23200 - 25250 > bug

* 25250 - 32767 > functioneaza normal


Fire Scream\Stream

* 0 - 2000 > functioneaza normal

* 2000 - 3300 > bug

* 3300 - 3900 > functioneaza normal

* 3900 - 5300 > bug

* 5300 - 6300 > functioneaza normal

* 6300 - 11000 > bug

* 11000 - 14000 > functioneaza normal

* 14000 - 32767 > bug

* 32767 > functioneaza normal

Sper sa fie bune. :-? Daca nu, se poate edita.


Blood Castle

Blood Castle se gaseste in Devias in biserica.Eventul dureaza 15 minute si pentru a intrat in Blood Castle ai nevoie de o invitatie.


IPB Image

Cum fac o invitatie

Ma duc la Chaos Machine > regular combination si pun Blood Scroll ,Blood Fang si Chaos

Blood Scroll

IPB Image

Blood Fang

IPB Image


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IPB Image

Limita lvl

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Blood Castle

BC 1: 15-80 lvl

BC 2: 81-130 lvl

BC 3: 131-180 lvl

BC 4: 181-230 lvl

BC 5: 231-280 lvl

BC 6: 281-330 lvl

BC 7: 331-400 lvl

Items event

IPB ImageAngel Crossbow

IPB ImageAngel Sword

IPB ImageAngel Staff

BC Angel

IPB Image

BC win

IPB Image


Devil Square

Pentru a intra in Devil Square Event aveti nevoie de o invitatie.

Invitatia o pot face la Chaos Machine din Evil Key , Devil Eye , Chaos.


IPB Image


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Devil Eye

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Evil Key

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Devil Square's NPC

IPB Image

Devil Square inside

IPB Image



Dark Lord

Battle Sceptre

Imagine IPB

Dark Steel Scepter

Imagine IPB

Dark Master Scepter

Imagine IPB

Adamantine Scepter

Imagine IPB

Great Lord Scepter

Imagine IPB

Soleil Scepter

Imagine IPB

Grand Viper


Soul Master

Skull Staff

Imagine IPB

Angel Staff

Imagine IPB

Serpent Staff

Imagine IPB

Lightning Staff

Imagine IPB

Gorgon Staff

Imagine IPB

Legendary Staff

Imagine IPB

Resurrection Staff

Imagine IPB

Chaos Staff

Imagine IPB

Unicorn Staff

Imagine IPB

Crystal Staff

Imagine IPB

Archangel Staff

Imagine IPB

Kundun Staff

Imagine IPB


Combo BK

Inainte sa facem combo , trebuie sa faceti questul de la Marlon ( Ring of Honor si Dark Stone )

Tipuri combinatii pentru combo:

  • 1. Skill de Arma, Twisting Slash, Death Stab
  • 2. Skill de Arma, Rageful Blow, Twisting Slash
  • 3. Skill de Arma, Twisting Slash, Rageful Blow
  • 4. Skill de Arma, Rageful Blow, Death Stab
  • 5. Skill de Arma, Death Stab, Twisting Slash
  • 6. Skill de Arma, Death Stab, Rageful Blow
1. Skill de Arma, Twisting Slash, Death Stab

Aceasta combinatie este cea mai puternica din cauza vitezei cu care se executa.Daca acest combo se executa corect , combo se poate face de 2 3 ori pe secunda.

Cum se executa combo:

Aveti grija sa aveti puse skil-urile, pe care o sa le folositi, pe tastele 1-3


Tasta 1 Skill de Arma

Tasta 2 Rageful Blow

Tasta 3 Twisting Slash

Tasta 1 Skill de Arma

Tasta 2 Twisting Slash

Tasta 3 Death Stab



Bufful il puteti lua de la NPC Elf Soldier

Aveti voie sa luati buff pana la 180.


buff defense & damage

buff il aveti chiar daca te omoara un player sau un mob

buff 'rezista' cat timp sunteti in joc atata timp cat nu dati Switch Character


daca ati iesit din joc dupa lvl 180 sau ati dat Switch Character bufful dispare si nu-l mai puteti lua decat la urmatorul rr (pana la 180)



Gem Of Secret gasiti in Aida


In acest Gem Of Secret gasiti urmatoarele cristale

Black Crystal


Blue Crystal


Red Crystal


Aceste cristale se pot combina in felul urmator la Chaos Machine




Prin combinarea cristalelor de aceeasi culoare rezulta



Prin aceasta combinare rezulta


momentan din tresure box si surprize box pica zen




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Golden Crossbow

IPB Image


IPB Image

Light Crossbow

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Serpent Crossbow

IPB Image

Legend Crossbow

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Dragon Crossbow

IPB Image

Shadow Crossbow

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Greatrain Crossbow

IPB Image

Divine Crossbow of Archangel

IPB Image


Short Bow

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Elven's Bow

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Battle Bow

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Tiger Bow

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Silver Bow

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Chaos Nature Bow

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Giant Bow

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Arrow Viper Bow

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Phoenix God Bow

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Morning Star

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Great Hammer

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Crystal Mace

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Nature Mace

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Mace of King

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nd Shield

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Horn Shield

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Kite Shield

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Skull Shield

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Big Round Shield

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Plate Shield

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Spike Shield

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Dragon Slayer Shield

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Tower Shield

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Serpent Shield

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Legendary Shield

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Bronce Shield

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Chaos Shield

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Fairy Shield

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Elemental Shield

IPB Image

Grand Soul Shield

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Small Axe

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Double Axe

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IPB Image

Fairy Axe

IPB Image

Battle Axe

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Nikkea Axe

IPB Image

Larkan Axe

IPB Image

Crescent Axe

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Chaos Axe

IPB Image


Short Sword

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Sword of Assasin or Scimitar

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IPB Image


IPB Image


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Serpent Borg

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Light Saber

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Sword of Legend

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Double Blade

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Giant Sword

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Heliacal Sword

IPB Image

Lighting Sword

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Crystal Sword

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Sword of Destruction

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Dark Breaker

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Thunder Sword

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Archange Blade

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Run Blade

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Knight Blade

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Black-Reign Blade

IPB Image

Knight Blade

IPB Image

Black-Reign Blade

IPB Image


Jewel of Chaos

IPB Image

Jewel of Bless

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Jewel of Soul

IPB Image

Jewel of Life

IPB Image

Jewel of Creation

IPB Image


Upgradarea Fenrirului

-Alegeti obtiunea " Regular Combination" de la Chaos Goblin

-Puneti 1x Horn of Fenrir

-Puneti 5x Jewels of Life

-Puneti o arma exe + additional damage ( De exemplu: Bone Blade+additional damage +4 sau mai mult )

-Apasati apoi butonul " Combine "

-Daca combinatia a avut succes aveti parte de Black Horn of Fenrir ( Este fenrirul cel negru) sau daca doriti Blue Horn of Fenrir( cel albastru) puneti in loc de arma un item de set oarecare ( De exemplu: Dragon Knight armor +additional defense+4 sau mai mult)


Event Crywolf


Oricine poate merge la acest event + un elf cu lvl minim 260 pentru contract

Wolf Statue:

Uriasa stauie din CryWolf a fost construita cu putere elfilor pentru a proteja continentul de puterea kundunului. Dar a devenit din ce in ce mai slaba fiind atacata in fiecare zi de trupule kundunului conduse de BalGass. La statuie se afla 5 altare care odata distruse puterea statuii dispare.


Aceste altare protejeaza puterea statuii si numai elfii pot da putere altarelor. Cand altarele sunt distruse puterea statuii dispare. Successul eventului depinde de puterea playerilor de a apara altarele.


Pentru a face contractul este nevoi de minim 1 elf cu level mai mare sau egal cu 260 . Acestia se vor aseza pe altare pentru a proteja statuia viata lor devenind scutul statuii.

Eventul este un Success daca:

- cel putin un elf ramane pe altar in timpul intregului event

- Si Balgassul este omorat

Eventul este un esec daca:

- Toti elfii de pe altare mor

- Balgassul nu este omorat

Eventul tine 15 minute in care statuia trebuie aparata si balgassul cu arcasii acestuia omorati.

La sfarsitul eventului se face un clasament pe puncte!

Balgass 7000

Dark elf 3000

Balista 1000

Soram 700

Balram 600

Death spirt 600

Acestea sunt punctele de le castigati la fiecare mosntru omorat

-Premiul in cazul castigarii :

Puterea monstrilor scade cu 20%

Kundunul din kalima nu isi mai incarca viata

Successul la masina va fi marit cu 10%

-In caz de esec:

Npc Lapah din Crywolf v-a disparea

Droprateul la Jewel of guardian v-a scadea

Experienta v-a scadea cu 10x


Calcule: :>:> Matematica !! :error:

Calculation for BK

Maximum Damage = Power ÷ 4

Minimal Damage = Power ÷ 8

Attack Success Rate = (Level*5) + (Agility*3) ÷ 2 + Power÷ 4

Defensive Power = Agility ÷ 3 + Shield's Total Defensive Power

Defense Success Rate = Agility ÷ 3 + Shield Defense Rate


Calculation for ELF

Maximum Damage

Sword/Blunt Weapons/Spear/Axe Equipped: (Agility + Power) ÷ 4

Bow, Crossbow-Equipped: Agility ÷ 4

Minimum Damage

Sword/Blunt Weapons/Spear/Ax Equipped: (Agility + Power) ÷ 8

Bow, Crossbow-Equipped: Agility ÷ 8

Attack Success Rate = level*5 + agility*3÷2 + power ÷ 4

Defensive Power = Agility ÷ 10 + Shield's Total Defensive Power

Defence Success Rate = Agility ÷ 4 + Shield's Defence Rate

Multiple shooting - damage as normal

Magic formula [ buffs]

Healing : Energy ÷ 5 + 5

Advanced Defense [green]: Energy ÷ 8 + 2

Advanced Damage [orange]: Energy ÷ 7 + 3


Calculation for SM

Minimum Damage = Power ÷ 8

Maximum Damage = Power ÷ 4

Attack Success Rate = (Level*5) + (Agility*3) ÷2 + Power ÷ 4

Defensive Power = Agility÷ 5 + Shield's Total Defensive Power

Defence Success Rate = Agility ÷ 3 + Shield Defence Rate

You can increase defensive power up to 10% with an armor set)

Magic Power

Maximum: Energy ÷ 4 + Magic Damage 150%

Minimum: Energy ÷ 9 + Magic Damage 100%

Additional Magic Power: Maximum Magic Power * Magic Staff's Power Up

Magic Staff's Power Up: (Staff's Minimal Striking Power ÷ 2) + (Staff Level * 2)

Calculation for MG

Nu am gasit inca :(, dar sunt asemanatoare cu cele de SM si BK, cu mici modificari.


Calculation for DL

Max Damage: strength/5 + Energy/10

Min Damage: Strength/7 + Energy/14

Defense: Agility/7

Attack Speed: Agility/10

Defense Success Rate: (Level x 5) + [Agility x 5)/2]+ strength/ 6+ Leadership ÷ 10

Ability Gauge (AG): (Strength x 0.2) + (Agility x 0.2) + (Vitality x 0.2) + (Energy x 0.15) + (command x 0.3)

PS: Mi-a trebuit ceva timp sa le gasesc :)

Guest TheOldChan



Imagine IPB - Mareste viteza de atac cu 20, timp de 60 secunde


Imagine IPB - Te scapa de efectul otravii (poison)


Imagine IPB

Healing Potion

Imagine IPB

Mana Potion

Imagine IPB

Town Portal Scrool

Imagine IPB - Teleporteaza in cel mai apropiat oras


Imagine IPB|Imagine IPB|Imagine IPB|Imagine IPB


Imagine IPB - Pendant of Lightning / Pendant of Water / Pendant of Wind

Imagine IPB - Pendant of Poison / Pendant of Ability / Pendant of Fire

Imagine IPB - Ring of Ice / Ring of Earth / Ring of Fire / Ring of Wind / Ring of Magic

Gardieni si animale


Imagine IPB - Creste viata jucatorului si scade damage-ul atacatorului


Imagine IPB - Creste damage-ul facut de jucator si cauzeaza 3 dmg / hit altui jucator atacat


Imagine IPB|Imagine IPB - Cresc viteza de deplasare a jucatorului

Dark Raven

Imagine IPB - Poate fi purtat si actionat doar de catre Dark Lord (DL); animal de atac

Dark Horse

Imagine IPB - Poate fi echipat si actionat doar de catre Dark Lord (DL); animal de atac - scade damage-ul facut asupra jucatorului ce il poarta


Orbs, abilităţile şi vrăji


Imagine IPBImagine IPBOrbs pot invata Dark Knights şi Elfi avansati vrăji şi abilităţi


Imagine IPBCarti de magie pot invata Wizards şi Magic Gladiators mai avansati vrăji


Imagine IPBScrolls pot invata Dark Lords avansati vrăji şi abilităţi.


Un mod sa faca curatenie prin topicul asta si sa editeze unele posturi .


ai uitat grand viper staff-ul la sm


Guest HateLord

Ai gresit la crearea capei. Sterge postul meu si editeaza-l pe al tau. Capa se face din wings lvl1 + chaos + crest, pe cand tu ai scris wings lvl2 :)

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