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Am primit un email d la Nation Lottery Uk bla bla bla care spunea ca sunt fericitul castigator a unei sume destul d frumoasa faza e ca nu sthiu c sa cred deoarece shi maicamea a primit shi la ignorat

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Sigur e teapa.Daca ai pus adresa ta de e-mail pe vre-un site de acolo vine farsa.

PS:Sa nu pui niciodata adresa ta de YM pe forumuri straine ca o sa patesti ca mine sa ai la ignor list 8 persoane.

vai ce multe =))

eu am ignore list 8 persoane numai cu id-urile lu` fratzi aia 2 ... ridiche si jedy_lord

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sincer acum nu ai dc sa te mai gandesti la premiul ala tot ce vor astia e sa fac rost de un nr de cont la o barca si sa vezi atunci ce bucuri ai cand te trezesti fara nici un leu ! :blink: mai bine nu-i da atentie :right: parerea mea

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Am primit si eu mailuri de-astea, doar k erau semnate "Reader's Digest", "Scientific American" si inca nush cate care imi spuneau k am castigat nush cate milioane sau ca le pot castiga dak fac nush ce... Aberatii oricum... My word 4 u: DELETE it

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Guest carmen9

cred ca e teapa si sora mea a patit la fel si nu a fost adevarat :camouflage:

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lasa ca e tzeapa ( cred ) ca am intrat pe nush ce site...si mi`a aparut o din aia pe care scria ceva de genu " felicitari eshti vizitatoru nr 1 milion ai castigat 50.000 $ " si am dat acolo am completat nistea alea si apoi trebuia sa sun la un nr de tel....nu de romania....nu am sunat pt ca am fost sg ca e tzeapa....

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Acum am vazut cand s-a postat ultima data in thread-ul asta...dar am primit si eu mail o sa il pun mai jos

Am dat mai sus o adresa unde sa cititi cum fuctioneaza...plus alte scam-uri,cea mai tare e scrisoare nigeriana =))

From: "Camelot Group" <j_langlois@bellsouth.net> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert

To: info@camelotgroup.com

Subject: Congratulation""""""""""You are a Winner

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 7:18:57 -0500

The Camelot Group,:

Operators of The National Lottery.

3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,

Aintree, Liverpool , L30 1RD

REF N?:UKL/74A0802742006

BATCH N?: 2006UKL-01

Winning Notification

The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the

results of the E-mail address ballot End of year lottery international

program by Great Britain held on 3rd of December, 2006. Your email

account have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred

and ninty-one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain

pounds (£891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash credited to file REF NO.

REF:UKL/74-A0802742006. This is from total prize money of GBP

£4,459,670.00 shared among the FIVE (5) international winners in this


All participants for the online version were selected randomly from

World Wide Web through computer balloting system drawn from over

100,000 names database, union associations and corporate bodies that

are listed online. This promotion is this year's United Kingdom

National Lottery New Year bonanza. The Camelot Group, operators of the

United Kingdom National Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board

and also Licensedby the The International Association of Gaming

Regulators (IAGR).

All winning must be claimed not later than 14 working days from this

notification. After this time all unclaimed funds will be retured to

European Union Treasury as unclaimed. Please note in order to avoid

unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your

reference number in all correspondence.

Be advice to keep your winning information confidential until your

claims has been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part

of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse

of this program.

To begin your claim, please contact your claims agent:

Mr Fred Martin.

Email: honourablefred_uklottoagent@yahoo.co.uk

Tel: +447011132846

Fax; +448704793201

He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and

remittance of your prize money..

Note below your winning details:

Ticket N?: 22-1356-4096-988

Serial N?: A069-07

Lucky N?: 12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17

File REF N?.: UKL/74-A0802742006

BATCH N?.: 2006UKL-01

Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part

of our promotions program.


Mrs. Dianne Thompson

Online Coordinator,


Operator of The National Lottery.

N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the Winners will

result to disqualification.

NOTE: Do not reply this mail. You are to contact your claims officer

immediately. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications,

please remember to quote your reference number in every one of your



Your application for the claim of lottery winning prize will be duly

processed and settlement made upon certification.

Hence, carefully fill in the appropriate information in the space

provided below for record purposes to facilitate our immediate

commencement of your claims process. The completed form should be sent

to your claims agent for immediate commencement of prize remittance.

*Name of Beneficiary:





*Email Address:



*Next of Kin:



*In Figures:

*In Words:

*Lucky Nos:

*Ticket No:


Verified by:________________

Confirmed by: ________________


NB:You are to contact your claims officer immediately. In order to

avoid unnecessary delays and complications,please remember to quote your

reference number in every one of your correspondences.

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