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Guest nekro

sattelite images

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Guest nekro


Cunoaste cineva vreo pagina sau vreun serviciu web care ofera servicii de genul celui din titlu? Adica sattelite imaging? M-ar interesa ceva free... eventual, si la o rezolutie cat mai mare :>

Guest Valhalla

Stie omul ce stie

Imaginile satelit se folosesc cu ajutorul de programe gen:

global mapper 501 (GIS) pentru ca se pot face ..urmatoarele:

Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the

most popular raster, elevation, and vector datasets. It converts,

prints, and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your datasets

in one low cost and easy to use software package. Your data files can

be loaded as layers, for example a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can

be loaded with a scanned topographical map to create a 3D sun shaded

view of the map. A digital aerial image can be draped on the surface

together with vector contour mapping to create a stunning and

informative graphic. The results can be printed, or the workspace can

be exported to a high resolution raster image for use in a

presentation or report. Have you ever received a dataset that does

not match the projection of your current project? Simply load the

dataset into Global Mapper, change the projection, and save the file

to match your coordinate system. If the dataset is larger than the

area you are interested in, export the data using the crop feature

and change the projection and format of the data at the same time.

Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in

functionality for distance and area calculations, elevation querying

and line of sight calculations as well as advanced capabilities like

contour generation from surface data, view shed analysis from surface

data, and triangulation and gridding of 3D point data. Repetitive

tasks can be accomplished using the built in scripting language or

the numerous batch conversion options.

Eu am cautat logari free pe satelit de am behait :>

As fi si eu foarte indatorat daca stie cineva ceva logari free .

La cele cu plata ..fiecare "zoom" costa.. n$ :evil:

Guest Valhalla

Pai chestia enervanta e ca :

Pentru cei din America e si calitate si free pe deasupra :roll:

Noi suntem privati de lucruri de astea.


exista un site care afiseaza imagini din nspe mii de sateliti. este si free pe deasupra si actualizeaza informatia o data pe minut. cand il gasesc (il am prin favourites) va spun.

Guest nekro

Kiz, astept(am) cu nerabdare un semn de la tine. Multumesc in avans :>

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