eravis Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)e: The Great Con Trick HIV does NOT cause Aids. HIV does not cause anything. A staggering statement given the hype and acceptance by the scientific establishment and, through them, the public that the HIV virus is the only cause of Aids. HIV is a weak virus and does not dismantle the immune system. Nor is Aids passed on sexually. There are two main types of virus. Using the airplane analogy, you could call one of these virus strains a "pilot" virus. It can change the nature of a cell and steer it into disease. This usually happens very quickly after the virus takes hold. Then there is the "passenger" virus which lives off the cell, goes along for the ride, but never affects the cell to the extent that it causes disease.HIV is a passenger virus! So how on earth did it become the big boogy man virus of the world? The person who announced that HIV caused Aids was an American, Doctor Robert Gallo. He has since been accused of professional misconduct, his test has been exposed as fraudulent, and two of his laboratory executives have been convicted of criminal offenses. Tens of millions of people are tested for HIV antibodies every year and Dr Gallo, who patented his "test", gets a royalty for every one. Luc Montagnier, Gallo's partner in the HIV-causes-Aids theory, has since admitted in 1989: "HIV is not capable of causing the destruction of the immune system which is seen in people with Aids". Nearly 500 scientists across the world agree with him. So does Dr Robert E Wilner, author of the book 'The Deadly Deception. The Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause Aids'. Dr Wilner even injected himself with the HIV virus on a television chat show in Spain to support his claims. Other doctors and authors come to the same conclusions, among them Peter Duesberg PhD and John Yiamouyiannis PhD, in their book, 'Aids: The Good News Is That HIV Doesn't Cause It. The Bad News Is "Recreational Drugs" And Medical Treatments Like AZT Do'. That's a long title, but it sums up the situation. People are dying of Aids because of the treatments used to "treat" Aids! It works like this. Now it is accepted by the establishment and the people that HIV causes Aids, the system has built this myth into its whole diagnosis and "treatment". You go to the doctor and you are told your HIV test was positive(positive only for the HIV antibodies, by the way, they don't actually test for the virus itself). Because of the propaganda, many people already begin to die emotionally and mentally when they are told they are HIV positive. They have been conditioned to believe that death is inevitable.The fear of death leads them to accept, often demand, the hyped-up "treatments" which are supposed to stop Aids occurring. (They don't.) The most famous is AZT, produced by the Wellcome organisation, owned, wait for it, by the Rockefellers, one of the key manipulating families in the New World Order.AZT was developed as an anti-cancer drug to be used in chemotherapy, but it was found to be too toxic even for that! AZT's effect in the "treatment" of cancer was to kill cells - simple as that - not just to kill cancer cells , but to kill cells, cancerous and healthy. The question, and this is accepted even by the medical establishment, was: would AZT kill the cancer cells before it had killed so many healthy cells that it killed the body? This is the drug used to "treat" HIV. What is its effect?It destroys the immune system, so CAUSING Aids. People are dying from the treatment, not the HIV. Aids is simply the breakdown of the immune system, for which there are endless causes, none of them passed on through sex. That's another con which has made a fortune for condom manufacturers and created enormous fear around the expression of our sexuality and the release and expansion of our creative force.What has happened since the Great Aids Con is that now anyone who dies from a diminished immune system is said to have died of the all encompassing term, Aids. It is even built into the diagnosis. If you are HIV positive and you die of tuberculosis, pneumonia, or 25 other unrelated diseases now connected by the con men to "Aids", you are diagnosed as dying of Aids. If you are not HIV positive and you die of one of those diseases you are diagnosed as dying of that disease, not Aids. This manipulates the figures every day to indicate that only HIV positives die of Aids.This is a lie.Many people who die from Aids are not HIV positive and the reason that the figures for Aids deaths have not soared as predicted is that the overwhelming majority of people diagnosed HIV positive have never developed Aids. Why?Because HIV has nothing whatsoever to do with Aids.Anything that breaks down the immune system causes Aids and that includes so-called recreational drugs. The vast majority of Aids deaths in the United States involve homosexuals and this perpetuates the myth that it has something to do with sex. But homosexuals in the US are among the biggest users of drugs which genuine doctors have linked to Aids. Prostitutes who take drugs often get Aids, prostitutes who do not take drugs invariably do not get Aids. The rise in the Aids figures in the United States corresponds perfectly with the increase in the use of drugs - most of which are made available to people on the streets by elements within the US Government, including Bill Clinton and George Bush. In Africa, the breakdown of the immune system, now known as Aids, is caused by ill health - lack of good food, clean water and the general effects of poverty. Haemophiliacs do not die from HIV-infected blood, they die, as they did before the Aids scam, from a quirk in their own immune system. Their immune system locks into foreign proteins in the infused blood and on rare occasions it can become confused during this process and attack itself. Their immune system, in effect, commits suicide. HIV is irrelevant to that. Yet how many people today who have been diagnosed HIV positive are having their lives blighted by the fear that the symptoms of Aids will start any moment?AZT is the killer. There is not a single case of AZT reversing the symptoms of Aids. How can it? It's causing them, for goodness sake. The Aids industry is now worth billions of pounds a year and makes an unimaginable fortune for the drug industry controlled by the Rockefellers and the rest of the Global Elite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest pmiliardar Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 Din ce sursa ai preluat asta? Mi se pare o povestire din filmele cu prosti.Incredibil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diabolik_01 Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 Poate o si traduci pentru pesoane care nu stiu asa bine limba engleza. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eravis Posted November 19, 2007 Author Share Posted November 19, 2007 Din ce sursa ai preluat asta? Mi se pare o povestire din filmele cu prosti.Din sursa surselor ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eravis Posted November 19, 2007 Author Share Posted November 19, 2007 Virusul HIV exista doar in mintea oamenilor.Ceea ce provoaca moartea este defapt antidotul numit AZT.AZT -ul este un drog care slabeste sistemul imunitar provocand moartea pacientului.Te duci la doctor,iti faci analizele iar daca ti se confirma ca ai HIV pozitiv, tu intri in panica (pentru ca ai fost indoctrinat de catre sistemul educational si prin urmare ti-a spus ca virusul HIV nu are tratament).Si defapt o parte din vina o are si pacientul care se autodistruge psihic.Iar in cele din urma accepti tratamentul prin AZT despre care pacientul crede ca ii mai prelungeste viata cu cativa ani.Intrebarea este urmatoarea:Dar pentru ce scop ar face cineva asa ceva?Raspunsul:Pentru bani, bani si iarasi bani.Prin comertul cu AZT unii se imbogatesc peste masura ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 Virusul HIV exista doar in mintea oamenilor. Ceea ce provoaca moartea este defapt antidotul numit AZT. AZT -ul este un drog care slabeste sistemul imunitar provocand moartea pacientului. Te duci la doctor,iti faci analizele iar daca ti se confirma ca ai HIV pozitiv, tu intri in panica (pentru ca ai fost indoctrinat de catre sistemul educational si prin urmare ti-a spus ca virusul HIV nu are tratament).Si defapt o parte din vina o are si pacientul care se autodistruge psihic.Iar in cele din urma accepti tratamentul prin AZT despre care pacientul crede ca ii mai prelungeste viata cu cativa ani. Intrebarea este urmatoarea: Dar pentru ce scop ar face cineva asa ceva? Raspunsul: Pentru bani, bani si iarasi bani. Prin comertul cu AZT unii se imbogatesc peste masura ! nu am mai auzit pana acum de asa ceva dar am sa caut sa vad cei cu asta ca suna interesant P.S:da si mie o sursa ca pana caut eu.............. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n4pst3r Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 Interesanta chestie... oamenii ar face orice pentru bani, de ce nu si asta? :dontknow: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1/2 Man 1/2 Amazing Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 eravis: tu esti conspirationistu linkmaniei. O sa te vad la 50 de ani la stiri, precum mosii aia paranoici, cu staniol pe geam si mai stiu eu ce fire prin casa, pentru a nu fi rapit de extraterestii sau de guvernul american pt experimente. Nu tot ce zboara se mananca. Nu cumva si raceala e introdusa de masoni, pt a face avere din vanzarile de ceaiuri si paracetamol?LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucian Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 de ce sa fie conspirationist? a publicat si el o stire care i s-a parut interesanta, nu el a scris toate astea. daca iti acorzi timp si stai sa citesti tot, iti dai seama ca e posibil sa fie adevarat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyez0nyou Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 eravis???? ma tu nu cumva esti Hancu? ala de prezice cutremurele? Stiam si noi sa nimeni nu moare de SIDA. moare din cauza unei banale raceli care se agraveaza pentru ca sistemul imunitar a fost slabit de virusul Hiv. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eravis Posted November 19, 2007 Author Share Posted November 19, 2007 eravis???? ma tu nu cumva esti Hancu? ala de prezice cutremurele?Stiam si noi sa nimeni nu moare de SIDA. moare din cauza unei banale raceli care se agraveaza pentru ca sistemul imunitar a fost slabit de virusul Hiv....Nu tot ce zboara se mananca. Nu cumva si raceala e introdusa de masoni, pt a face avere din vanzarile de ceaiuri si paracetamol?... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustLove Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 da, e interesanta stirea... tre sa recunosc, cum te ruga si colegu' mai sus, ai cumva o sursa pe care o poti oferi ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[k1ll] Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 eravis: tu esti conspirationistu linkmaniei. O sa te vad la 50 de ani la stiri, precum mosii aia paranoici, cu staniol pe geam si mai stiu eu ce fire prin casa, pentru a nu fi rapit de extraterestii sau de guvernul american pt experimente. Nu tot ce zboara se mananca. Nu cumva si raceala e introdusa de masoni, pt a face avere din vanzarile de ceaiuri si paracetamol? LOL ce i`ai zis`o @o sursa ne poti da k sa te si credem :whistle: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyez0nyou Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 da, e interesanta stirea... tre sa recunosc, cum te ruga si colegu' mai sus, ai cumva o sursa pe care o poti oferi ? Si daca in acea sursa ai sa citesti doar aceeasi chiestie, ai sa crezi? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eravis Posted November 19, 2007 Author Share Posted November 19, 2007 Sursa este David Icke. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysterio Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 Sursa este David Icke. mda.. clara treaba cu david icke :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lancelot Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 A..ok daca asa zice il putem contrrazice...PS mai bine viziteaza un spital de boli infectioase si explica-le celor care mor de SIDA acolo ca de fapt nu exista...cred ca te vor aprecia si pe tine si pe David f mult...Una e sa redai o baliverna de asta dar mai grav e sa si crezi in ea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eravis Posted November 20, 2007 Author Share Posted November 20, 2007 Una e sa redai o baliverna de asta dar mai grav e sa si crezi in ea Fiecare are dreptul sa creada in ceea ce vrea si fiecare isi formeaza propria realitate despre lume.Am vrut doar sa vad ce pareri aveti despre lucrul acesta ca de crezut stiu ca nu crede nimeni de aici. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noghri Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 atunci de ce te mai obosesti?...lasa-ne in...parerile noastre... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DaemoN- Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)e: The Great Con Trick HIV does NOT cause Aids. HIV does not cause anything. A staggering statement given the hype and acceptance by the scientific establishment and, through them, the public that the HIV virus is the only cause of Aids. HIV is a weak virus and does not dismantle the immune system. Nor is Aids passed on sexually. There are two main types of virus. Using the airplane analogy, you could call one of these virus strains a "pilot" virus. It can change the nature of a cell and steer it into disease. This usually happens very quickly after the virus takes hold. Then there is the "passenger" virus which lives off the cell, goes along for the ride, but never affects the cell to the extent that it causes disease. HIV is a passenger virus! So how on earth did it become the big boogy man virus of the world? The person who announced that HIV caused Aids was an American, Doctor Robert Gallo. He has since been accused of professional misconduct, his test has been exposed as fraudulent, and two of his laboratory executives have been convicted of criminal offenses. Tens of millions of people are tested for HIV antibodies every year and Dr Gallo, who patented his "test", gets a royalty for every one. Luc Montagnier, Gallo's partner in the HIV-causes-Aids theory, has since admitted in 1989: "HIV is not capable of causing the destruction of the immune system which is seen in people with Aids". Nearly 500 scientists across the world agree with him. So does Dr Robert E Wilner, author of the book 'The Deadly Deception. The Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause Aids'. Dr Wilner even injected himself with the HIV virus on a television chat show in Spain to support his claims. Other doctors and authors come to the same conclusions, among them Peter Duesberg PhD and John Yiamouyiannis PhD, in their book, 'Aids: The Good News Is That HIV Doesn't Cause It. The Bad News Is "Recreational Drugs" And Medical Treatments Like AZT Do'. That's a long title, but it sums up the situation. People are dying of Aids because of the treatments used to "treat" Aids! It works like this. Now it is accepted by the establishment and the people that HIV causes Aids, the system has built this myth into its whole diagnosis and "treatment". You go to the doctor and you are told your HIV test was positive(positive only for the HIV antibodies, by the way, they don't actually test for the virus itself). Because of the propaganda, many people already begin to die emotionally and mentally when they are told they are HIV positive. They have been conditioned to believe that death is inevitable. The fear of death leads them to accept, often demand, the hyped-up "treatments" which are supposed to stop Aids occurring. (They don't.) The most famous is AZT, produced by the Wellcome organisation, owned, wait for it, by the Rockefellers, one of the key manipulating families in the New World Order. AZT was developed as an anti-cancer drug to be used in chemotherapy, but it was found to be too toxic even for that! AZT's effect in the "treatment" of cancer was to kill cells - simple as that - not just to kill cancer cells , but to kill cells, cancerous and healthy. The question, and this is accepted even by the medical establishment, was: would AZT kill the cancer cells before it had killed so many healthy cells that it killed the body? This is the drug used to "treat" HIV. What is its effect? It destroys the immune system, so CAUSING Aids. People are dying from the treatment, not the HIV. Aids is simply the breakdown of the immune system, for which there are endless causes, none of them passed on through sex. That's another con which has made a fortune for condom manufacturers and created enormous fear around the expression of our sexuality and the release and expansion of our creative force. What has happened since the Great Aids Con is that now anyone who dies from a diminished immune system is said to have died of the all encompassing term, Aids. It is even built into the diagnosis. If you are HIV positive and you die of tuberculosis, pneumonia, or 25 other unrelated diseases now connected by the con men to "Aids", you are diagnosed as dying of Aids. If you are not HIV positive and you die of one of those diseases you are diagnosed as dying of that disease, not Aids. This manipulates the figures every day to indicate that only HIV positives die of Aids. This is a lie. Many people who die from Aids are not HIV positive and the reason that the figures for Aids deaths have not soared as predicted is that the overwhelming majority of people diagnosed HIV positive have never developed Aids. Why? Because HIV has nothing whatsoever to do with Aids. Anything that breaks down the immune system causes Aids and that includes so-called recreational drugs. The vast majority of Aids deaths in the United States involve homosexuals and this perpetuates the myth that it has something to do with sex. But homosexuals in the US are among the biggest users of drugs which genuine doctors have linked to Aids. Prostitutes who take drugs often get Aids, prostitutes who do not take drugs invariably do not get Aids. The rise in the Aids figures in the United States corresponds perfectly with the increase in the use of drugs - most of which are made available to people on the streets by elements within the US Government, including Bill Clinton and George Bush. In Africa, the breakdown of the immune system, now known as Aids, is caused by ill health - lack of good food, clean water and the general effects of poverty. Haemophiliacs do not die from HIV-infected blood, they die, as they did before the Aids scam, from a quirk in their own immune system. Their immune system locks into foreign proteins in the infused blood and on rare occasions it can become confused during this process and attack itself. Their immune system, in effect, commits suicide. HIV is irrelevant to that. Yet how many people today who have been diagnosed HIV positive are having their lives blighted by the fear that the symptoms of Aids will start any moment? AZT is the killer. There is not a single case of AZT reversing the symptoms of Aids. How can it? It's causing them, for goodness sake. The Aids industry is now worth billions of pounds a year and makes an unimaginable fortune for the drug industry controlled by the Rockefellers and the rest of the Global Elite. Ce prostie =)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lasher_ro Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 Poate as fi acceptat idea ca o posibilitate, pana sa inceapa sa vorbeasca de conspiratii gen clinton si bush vanzand droguri . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lasher_ro Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 (edited) Dublu post Edited November 20, 2007 by Lasher_ro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
<Skess> Posted November 21, 2007 Share Posted November 21, 2007 Eu cred ca e o prostie , nu stiu de cine a zis ca HIV causa AIDS , omg :blink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...