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salvati copiii plictisiti

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sub genericul SALVATI COPIII PLICTISITI avem urmatoarea problema...


se da una bukta tanar bucurestean, lipsit de prieten(a), care nu incepe scoala saptamana viitoare, care nu le are d nici o culoare cu jocurile p net si nici cluburile.


ce sa faca tanarul impotriva plictiselii?

Rezolvare: ...eh asta o las pt voi, poate aveti vreo idee contra plictiselii,ceva sugestii din experienta proprie :tiphat:

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se da una bukta tanar bucurestean, lipsit de prieten(a), care nu incepe scoala saptamana viitoare, care nu le are d nici o culoare cu jocurile p net si nici cluburile.


ce sa faca tanarul impotriva plictiselii?

Rezolvare: emo clar .... kill yourself with grace.

Cateva sfaturi cum :


Here are a couple of great ways to kill yourself by jumping off a tall building or cliff or basically anything really high. The thing about these is that they generally work best if you can get a big crowd watching before you jump. Don't do it when there is no one around. There's just no bloody point in that.

Explosives Strapped to Your Body (Difficulty level: 7)

1. Get a LOT of explosives. The more the better.

2. Hook up a detonator to an altimeter. Set it for 100-200 feet. That will give you good dispersion.

3. Mix vaseline and gasoline in a bucket.

4. Find a really tall building. Something like the World Trade Center (not anymore, but you get the idea smarty pants) is perfect and is in a sufficiently crowded area to generate the proper sized crowd.

5. Get an extra large trench coat, ski mask, duct tape and a reliable wind-proof lighter.

6. Bring your materials to the top of your building. Liberally apply the vaseline-gasoline mixture to your entire body. Duct tape the explosives around your legs, arms, head and torso. The more explosives you use, the better. Attach the altimeter to the explosives.

7. Put on the trench coat and mask so that the explosives are not visible.

8. Start ranting and throwing things so that you are sure to attract notice. Drag this part out as long as possible. Say anything that comes to mind but try to stay away from real problems. Your love life does not make for a good sound bite, something about trees telling you to kill yourself works good. Ask for news cameras from the major networks, so you can warn them of the coming tree invasion. Pace around while waving your arms and pointing a lot. If there are trees around, point at them.

9. DO NOT let on that you have explosives on your body. The police will clear the area and you definitely don't want that.

10. When you've gotten the crowd to a fevered pitch, when the helicopters are hovering like vultures, whip off the jacket and set yourself on fire.

11. Wait until you are completely engulfed in flame then jump.

12. Try to steer yourself towards the people in the crowd who are chanting 'jump, jump, jump'. That way flaming falling body parts will pelt them when you explode. If you used enough explosives, everyone within seeing distance will have a piece of you.

13. Congratulations! You've just made history. I bet it feels good just thinking about it. But don't cheer up, there are plenty of other ways to do the deed.

pentru alte informatii click me

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iti spun eu una care nu da gres...suspans


iti iei un pachet de carti, mai bun eventual bicycle card poker size, gasesti prin unirea sunt cam 18 lei, normal ar fii 11-12 lei vezi poate gasesti si prin alte locuri. eventual iei si niste cipuri, astea le gasesesti la intrarea dinspre bulevardul unirii (langa vodafone).

regulile de poker le gasesti pe net, texax hodl'em e marfa.

gasesti tu cativa oameni 3-4 minim care sa joace poker.

ps: nu juca pe bani decat daca stii sigur (110%) ca o sa castigi, aka trisat =)).

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Citeste o carte, vezi un film, mergi la baschet/ fotbal/ alt sport, gaseste un cocalar si ia-te la bataie cu el (si sunt foarte serios cand spun asta), scrie ceva, angajeaza-te undeva, invata o limba straina, ia un program de facut negative si foloseste-l, fa-ti prieteni, gaseste-ti o prietena, fa niste mici afaceri (de exemplu cumperi haine bune din second hand si le vinzi cu profit).

Daca nimic din toate astea nu te atrage, inseamna ca problema ta este lipsa chefului de viata.

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Fa cam tot ce a zis 4 Real mai sus si sigur iti va trece plcitiseala ... sau daca chiar nu ai chef de niciuna dintre ele inseamna ca esti plictisit total si o varianta buna ar fi : put a robe around u're neck ... sau incearca sa te joci ceva ... trebuie sa existe un joc care sa te stimuleze ... daca chiar nu le ai cu jocurile adevarate incearca Zuma sau Solitaire ... sau god knows ... trebuie sa fie ceva care sa scoata monotonia asta din tine ...

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ia o carte intr-un domeniu care te intereseaza si cultiva-te... intrebari religioase, filosofice... sau ceva ce te-a intrigat si ai vrut sa stii mai multe... despre freud de ex.. sau despre viata dupa moarte... atatea sunt.. numai trebuie sa stii ce te intereseaza... si nu-i baga in seama pe cei care fac misto...

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Trebuie sa te gandesti cam ce te intereseaza in afara de MMO CS sau alte jocuri :). Odata ce ti-ai dat seama de lucrurile care te atrag n-ai sa te plictisesti niciodata.

- Daca te atrage politica, filozofia, istoria, citesti o carte sau te uiti la un film.

- Daca esti de poze, te apuci de grafica sau de fotografiat.

- Daca iti plac meciurile de fotbal, tenis, handbal te apuci de sport.

Sunt atatea lucruri cu care te poti ocupa, trebuie sa-ti dai seama doar ce te atrage mai mult

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