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{JM}Alex Lifetaker

ChaCha search engine

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...stick with Google

msg {JM}Alex Lifetaker: chiar te intereseaza intrebarea ? sau... ce ai vrut sa demonstrezi? poate nu exista in baza de date a net-ului :P ... sa iti raspund eu la intrebare ? hm...DA (parerea mea)

PS. ChaCha suks...dovada:

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Sat Jan 13 20:24:40 EST 2007

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Pai am vrut sa vad reactia americanilor cand ii intreb de rachete nucleare ca tot faceau atata tam-tam cu Irakul :) Cum ma asteptam n-a raspuns nimeni cat timp am pus intrebarea, asa ca am pus o intrebarea usoara si cand ma conectam la un ghid il intrebam de rachete ;)) Oricum, unii ghizi sunt slabi de tot...altii se pricep foarte bine, ar fi misto sa poti sa dai add favorite guide :)

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Haha am facut rost de invite... dar e usa only... am vorbit 30 minute cu o ghida ca sa-mi dea in cele din urma invite-ul.. ca cica trebuia sa ma cunoasca , nu se dau invitatii la necunoscuti :D

Ala minte, nu are cum sa faca 90 dolari in 3 zile... poate daca a stat ca disperatul pe chacha.com... 8 ore pe zi D:

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Pana la urma ma hotarai sa folosesc invite-ul ala sa vad si eu cum e sa fii ghid... bagai o adresa fictiva din SUA... e o chestie tare, trebuie sa participi la traininguri video... si trebuie sa raspunzi la 10 intrebari ca sa te lase sa-ti faci cont :)

Dup-aia se downloadeaza o aplicatie de 12 mega... sunt la pasul 3... o sa dau un edit cand termin :D

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: KarenB

KarenB: Welcome to ChaCha!

KarenB: hello

You: hi i want to refill my black ink tank

You: and i want to know how much ml can i drom

You: drop

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Looking for guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Nginar

Nginar: Welcome to ChaCha!

Nginar: Hello,how are you?

You: fine, thank you

You: i want to refill my black ink tank

Nginar: Would you like prices ?

You: nd i want to know how much ml can i drop

You: i want to know how much ml they contain... not the prices :D

Nginar: Ok, one moment please

You: ok

Nginar: One moment please I am still conducting the search

Nginar: Are these results sufficient?

You: thank you very much i found on google, 8 ml

You: have a good day

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Looking for guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: PamelaC

PamelaC: Welcome to ChaCha!

PamelaC: Hi! Thank you for using Cha Cha to search today.

PamelaC: Would you like me to delete the previous searches?

You: yea

You: the guide didn't really find what i was looking for ... i'm not sure if the ink tank is 8 ml or 9.5

PamelaC: Ok.

PamelaC: One moment please and we'll try to find that out.

PamelaC: I need to put some of the information here in our chat box to bring it up later if I need to. Please disregard the next posting.

PamelaC: Canon Pixma 1500

PamelaC: I have a Canon too, they can be hard to shop for at times.

You: yea, i prefer to refill them but i want to fill them to their maximul capacity...

PamelaC: The last time I did that I had a huge mess on my hands. I won't refill again.

You: i used to fill them with 5 ml but i think they can be filled with more

PamelaC: If the yellow is the same as the black it's going to be 9.5

PamelaC: It's not allowing me to add the results for some reason.

PamelaC: But I can give you the weblink and you should be able to copy and paste it into your browswer.

You: oki

PamelaC: Ok.. Sorry about that we seem to be having a few glitches today.

PamelaC: Website address:

Hihi ChaCha rulz :) Sper sa ajunga o amenitzare pt. google :) Unii ghizi sunt super de treaba si ii duce mintea, altii sunt retardati :|

Oricum i-am votat pe toti cu Great ca sunt de treaba :)

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nu pot sa zic decat atat :

am dat search dupa : smallville

cu chacha : Guide Results and Web Results page 1 of 4 for smallville

cu google : Rezultatele 1 - 10 din aproximativ 24.600.000 pentru smallville. (0,04 secunde)

alte intrebari ?

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Search: Best Ways To Kill Yourself

Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: RobinB

RobinB: Welcome to ChaCha!

RobinB: Hi, how are you?

You: hi

You: i want to commit suicide... pls help me.. it's urgent

RobinB: Are these results sufficient?

( *** pune niste linkuri de prevenire a sinuciderilor, http://suicidehotlines.com/ , http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ si http://www.hopeline.com/)

You: i think those links prevent suicide...

You: i want to know ways of commiting suicide

RobinB: yes, exactly.

You: what's the best...

RobinB: I can not in my right mind give someone links on how to kill themself, I am sorry but that would be morally wrong of me.

You: i just wanna die do I ask to much ? :

RobinB: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

Concluzia: ChaCha sux :P

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: AmandaD

AmandaD: Welcome to ChaCha!

AmandaD: hi there

You: hello

AmandaD: what can I help you with exactly about scooters?

You: nope. Just testing the search engine. I was curious if it would return information about scooter the band..:)

AmandaD: oh ok, sorry, one moment please

You: ha. :D thanks! :P

AmandaD: no problem ;)

You: did u just modify a setting?

AmandaD: nope

AmandaD: Are these results sufficient?

You: so how come the results changed to scooter the band? :whistle:

You: yes :)

AmandaD: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: no. Thanks

AmandaD: you have a great day! Thanks for using Cha Cha!!

You: ok. thanks.

AmandaD: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

Prima oara rezultatele au fost despre scutere (vehicule), apoi ghidul directionand search-ul catre formatia respectiva. E distractiv oricum. :lol: Mai incerc sa vad ce raspunsuri primesc. ^_^

Ca search engine GOOGLE ramane cel mai bun. ChaCha e interesant doar cu search with guide.

ChaCha are nevoie de o conexiune foarte buna. Daca te conectezi de pe un ISDN sau dial-up, cred ca sta ceva vreme; are pagina cam incarcata.

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Geniala ideea cu ghizii, eu am intrat si am intrebat despre chacha si ala mi-a dat despre site in loc sa imi dea despre dans si l-am umilit apoi i-am zis ca nu stie ce vrea clientu si ca nu e un ghid bun :)) apoi i-am zis ca vreau sa fiu si eu ghid :P

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Geniala ideea cu ghizii, eu am intrat si am intrebat despre chacha si ala mi-a dat despre site in loc sa imi dea despre dans si l-am umilit apoi i-am zis ca nu stie ce vrea clientu si ca nu e un ghid bun apoi i-am zis ca vreau sa fiu si eu ghid

Oricum , e cam enervanta ideea cu ghid-ul si sunt prea multe elemente pe pagina ... Old Google

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