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Naveta Discovery a aterizat cu succes.

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Naveta Discovery a aterizat cu succes, dupa intrarea in atmosfera deasupra sudul mexicului, luand o intoarcere larga spre Florida, Space Kennedy Center.

Cateva Informatii de pe www.nasa.gov

5:33 p.m. - Wheel stop. Welcome home, Discovery! "Congratulations on what was probably the most complex mission to date," Mission Control said to Commander Mark Polansky for the entire crew.

5:32 p.m. - Main gear is down and locked. ...Main gear touchdown. ...Chute deployed. ...Nose gear touchdown. Discovery is rolling out at sunset on Runway 15 at Kennedy Space Center after a 5.3 million mile mission to the International Space Station.

5:31 p.m. - Altitude 6,000 feet.

5:30 p.m. - Discovery reports that the landing field is in site. Altitutude 11,300 feet.

5:29 p.m. - The shuttle's trademark twin sonic booms just echoed across Kennedy Space Center as we await the return of Discovery on this 13 day mission to the International Space Station.

5:28 p.m. - Commander Mark Polansky is flying Discovery, taking the orbiter out over the water and setting up for the final approach to Runway 15.

Puteti vedea deschiderea usii navetei, si iesirea echipajului, accesand http://www.nasa.gov/55644main_NASATV_Windows.asx , cu Windows Media Player

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Mai multe informatii...

Space Shuttle Discovery landed safely at 5:32 p.m. EST at Kennedy Space Center to bring STS-116s successful mission to the International Space Station to an end. The STS-116 astronauts continued the on-orbit construction of the station and delivered a new Expedition 14 crew member.

Discovery launched on Dec. 9 and arrived at the station on the 11th. The STS-116 crew installed the P5 spacer truss segment during the first of four spacewalks. Spacewalkers rewired the station's power system during the second and third spacewalks, leaving it in a permanent setup. A fourth spacewalk was added to allow the crew to retract solar arrays that had folded improperly.

sursa: nasa.gov

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