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Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership

One of the seasons more unusual migrations is making its way through Indiana this week


Whooping cranes, led by pilots in ultralight aircraft, are on their way through the state, but are taking a break today because of high winds.

The birds and their human escorts - who help the young cranes find their migration route - are in northwest Indiana.

They started in Wisconsin, where they hatched in the spring and headed south Oct. 5. They`re headed for Florida. The birds will spend the day in a farmer`s field in Benton County.

They`d hoped to make Boone County today.

Past expedition routes led the migration team through about 14 Indiana counties with three overnight stops.

Eighteen young whooping cranes began the 2006 ultralight-led migration on Oct. 5. This year's flight is the sixth group of young birds learning traditional migration routes by following ultralight planes from Wisconsin to Florida.

Whooping cranes, like other birds, naturally learn migration by following their parents. But the natural way is impossible when the species is reduced and there are no longer any wild birds using the flyway.

The birds typically fly two hours a day and average 50 mph. They can go faster in a tailwind, but side winds or headwinds often ground them. Such was the case today.

On Friday, weather permitting, the birds will depart Benton County around 8:30 a.m. and arrive in Boone County about 10:30 a.m. Their handlers have arranged an overnight stay in a farmer`s field, but they decline to disclose the location because they don?t want gawkers. “The point is to try to keep visitors from interacting with cranes,” said Michael Ellis, a spokesman with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. “They?re trying to teach (the cranes) to avoid people.”

The ultralight pilots attempt to mask themselves by dressing as whooping cranes.

From Boone County, the birds will skirt Indianapolis to the west.

There are now 61 migratory whooping cranes in the wild in eastern North America.


@pt cine nu intelege.. Americanii vor sa`i readuca pe Cocorii salbatici de cativa ani in SUA invatandu`i sa migreze pe rutele din SUA cu avionul.. e super ce fac acesti oameni.. chiar iti dau lacrimile.. pt cine stie engleza o sa inteleaga mai bine..

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