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M-am apucat si eu pe Rome, IGN: Eyedea.

eu zic ca mai bn te bagi pe un srv nou unde e lumea lv mai mic, ca de exemplu toti care sunt de aici de pe forum pe rome sunt 110 cu 1 2 3 chars. nu pierde nimeni timpul sa te ajute. eu acum 1 an jumate am farmat cativa de aici, dar atunci nu era job cave :) acum cu job cave nu se mai renteaza sa farmezi la lv mic. iti cresti un rogue bard sau un wizard bard lv 105 rpd si il bagi la farmat in cave.

asa ca pe srv nou dai de playeri lv 60-80 care isi mai permit sa ajute.

~parerea mea~


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se pare ca iar am avut dreptate cu urmatorul update desi multi au zis ca aberez ca o sa vina asa de rpd. joymax deja l-a anuntat

pentru cei carora le este lene sa intre pe site ul oficial

We the GM team would like to introduce the new 12 Degree Item upgrade system.

This system will allow you to upgrade your 11 Degree weapons and equipments directly to 12 Degree.

If 11 Degree items are currently the best, Then you should upgrade them to 12 Degree because it is more powerful.

How to upgrade to 12 Degree? Let's check it out.

How to upgrade to 12D

1.Let’s prepare the items needed for the 12 Degree upgrade.

Key point 1! We need 11D equipments.

Key point 2! The Minimum requirement to upgrade to 12D is an 11D equipment with +7 or higher reinforcement.

Key Point 3! Upgrading will not work if you used an “enhanced level option scroll” on the equipment you are trying to upgrade.

2.Let's take a look on how to upgrade to 12D.


Key Point 4! The Awaken Stone is the item that upgrades 11D equipments to 12D equipments.

2-1) Click Y to Open the Alchemy Window.

2-2) Click on the Upgrade tab for upgrading to 12D

2-3) Place your +7 11D equipment and the Awaken Stone in the spaces provided in the Alchemy window. Then click upgrade.

Now what remains for you to do is wait whether the Upgrade will succeed or fail.

Key Point 5! If it succeeds then your Item will be upgraded and transformed to 12D.

Key Point 6! If it fails, then the 11D equipment will remain but the Special Awaken stone will disappear.

Key Point 7! Equipment attributes and magic options on the 11D equipment will not be transferred to the upgraded 12D equipment. Only sockets are transferred.

Key Point 8! It is possible to retain some of the 11D equipment's reinforcement to the newly upgraded 12D equipment. However this is random and it is not ensured to happen all the time.

* “Awaken stones” can be obtained from monster drops.

* There is a “Special Awaken Stone” available in the Item mall that has a higher rate of success when upgrading 11D equipments to 12D.


How to reinforce a 12D

If you succeeded in upgrading to 12D, congratulations to you! However we believe that you would want to make it more stronger by reinforcing your new Upgraded 12D equipment.

We the GM Team will teach you how to reinforce your 12D equipments.

To strengthen 12D equipments is different from strengthening lower Degree equipments.

so, Please check the details below before trying to reinforce your 12D equipments.

* Special Features of 12D

- Cannot be destroyed with destroy Rondo

- 12D Lucky powder is not available

- 12D Astral, Immortal, steady or Lucky stone is not available

- 12D Advanced Elixir is not available

- Can only be reinforced by using Enhancer, and not the normal elixir.

- When reinforcement fails, the equipment will be destroyed (when Magic Proof Stone has been used on the equipment, it will not be destroyed but the current reinforcement grade will get a minus 1 reinforcement.)

- Maximum Reinforcement grade is +12

* Amendments along with 12D system update

- When destroying 11D, Advanced elixir will no longer be obtainable.

- Maximum reinforcement grade of 11D item will be changed to +15.

We highly recommend that you use your advanced elixirs on your 11D equipments.

Now to reinforce a 12D equipment


1. Click Y to Open Alchemy Window.

2.Click on the reinforcement button

3.Put your 12D equipment and enhancer on the Alchemy window and start reinforcing.

Now what remains for you to do is wait whether the Upgrade will succeed or fail.

Key Point 9! When the reinforcement is successful, the equipment will get a +1 reinforcement.

Key Point 10! When the reinforcement fails, the equipment and the enhancer will disappear. But if you used a magic proof stone on your equipment then it will not be destroyed and the current reinforcement grade will only get a minus 1 reinforcement.

Key Point 11! item Enhancer can be obtained from monster drops.

Key Point 12! Magic proof stones which are used to protect your 12D equipments from being destroyed due to reinforcement can be obtained from the item mall.

This update may change as details are currently being developed. When updated, we'll guide you through announcements.

Enjoy our new system!

o sa imi upgradez doar arma, nu merita mai mult, am citit si eu asta. oricum o sa vina peste 1-2 sapt(cred) daca a anuntat dureaza maxim 1 luna pana se baga

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Cred ca o sa ma apuc si eu de silkroad.Pe ce server jucati si de unde sa iau si eu clientul?

Faza cum ca tre sa astepti "o ora" ca sa te loghezi,mai este valabila?

Iar daca nu ma antreneaza nimeni sa fac skill point,ci joc ca pe orice mmorpg,nu pot ajunge la performantele altora?

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Cred ca o sa ma apuc si eu de silkroad.Pe ce server jucati si de unde sa iau si eu clientul?

Faza cum ca tre sa astepti "o ora" ca sa te loghezi,mai este valabila?

Iar daca nu ma antreneaza nimeni sa fac skill point,ci joc ca pe orice mmorpg,nu pot ajunge la performantele altora?

on: eu joc pe Pluto , si da mai trebe sa astepti sa te loghezi... cam vreo 10-15 min :)

off:dupa vreo 30min de vizionat tutoriale despre "knight quest" si inca vreo 1ora de pus trapuri la nya iata rezultatul :)


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off:dupa vreo 30min de vizionat tutoriale despre "knight quest" si inca vreo 1ora de pus trapuri la nya iata rezultatul :)

ceea ce ai scris tu acum nu e un off topic ;) e tot despre silkroad. gz ! :tiphat:

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off:dupa vreo 30min de vizionat tutoriale despre "knight quest" si inca vreo 1ora de pus trapuri la nya iata rezultatul :)

ceea ce ai scris tu acum nu e un off topic ;) e tot despre silkroad. gz ! :tiphat:

ce ai scris tu dsk e off topic:))

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off:dupa vreo 30min de vizionat tutoriale despre "knight quest" si inca vreo 1ora de pus trapuri la nya iata rezultatul :)

ceea ce ai scris tu acum nu e un off topic ;) e tot despre silkroad. gz ! :tiphat:

ce ai scris tu dsk e off topic:))

nu era off. am spus "gz" ;)

asta e off topic :nanana:

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Sal all..

Joc si eu sro de cv timp pe serv Maya am lvl 103 aproape :) vroiam sa va intreb ce credeti voi ca ar fi mai fun :-?

Momentan sunt warrior am bagat doar la buffuri pt party..dar la lvl 105 ma gandesc sa il schimb in rogue ce credeti ??

Sa il las warrior sau rogue ?


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