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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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exchange gold este universal , adica aceleasi valori pe toate siteurile. defapt toate siteurile apartin aceleiasi companii.

@avatar gonna buy it.

reaction lvl up 110 , revin cu poza xD

edit :

@ video hm.. deci dupa ce am hackat un character al celui mai mare inamic al meu si iam luat tot si lam facut murder maxim. il duc acolo. srsly whats the point in that video?

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no edit option .... worse news ever from joymax -.- incepand de marti ...

1. E-mail verification will be required

E-mail Verification System was optional before upon creating a Joymax account. However in order to protect our players from account theft and hacking, E-mail Verification is required. Please make sure to verify your Joymax account before entering the new portal site.

4. Gifting silk will no longer be available

Due to some cases of abusing and exploiting we have decided to remove the silk gifting system.

Sursa: www.silkroadonline.net

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no edit option .... worse news ever from joymax -.- incepand de marti ...

1. E-mail verification will be required

E-mail Verification System was optional before upon creating a Joymax account. However in order to protect our players from account theft and hacking, E-mail Verification is required. Please make sure to verify your Joymax account before entering the new portal site.

4. Gifting silk will no longer be available

Due to some cases of abusing and exploiting we have decided to remove the silk gifting system.

Sursa: www.silkroadonline.net

o intrebare de nob scoate si premium silk dau daor silk ghift ?

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no edit option .... worse news ever from joymax -.- incepand de marti ...

1. E-mail verification will be required

E-mail Verification System was optional before upon creating a Joymax account. However in order to protect our players from account theft and hacking, E-mail Verification is required. Please make sure to verify your Joymax account before entering the new portal site.

4. Gifting silk will no longer be available

Due to some cases of abusing and exploiting we have decided to remove the silk gifting system.

Sursa: www.silkroadonline.net

o intrebare de nob scoate si premium silk dau daor silk ghift ?

Dupa cum e formulat, doar gift silk va fi scos. :-? De ce ar scoate si premium silk?

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ehm nu poti da silk ca si cadou doar premium silk..

si a 2-a chestie mai e ceva acolo

The regular silk and premium silk that were only available in purchasing in the Silkroad website will be integrated to portal cash “SILK”. Thus charging Silk will only be available in the new portal site, Joymax.com

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Bani trimisi prin paypall as gift

Se poate face charge back ?


Simply Vyo : u can chargeback ...

Simply Vyo : lots of ppl confirmed me that so i won't accept paypall

TyrannoSex: lmao thoes nerds dont know shits about paypal they are updating there abgs every 2 weeks since there were everytime chargebacks at virtual goods they stopped the supporting of it own risk

@koila HELP :pray:

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ehm nu poti da silk ca si cadou doar premium silk..

si a 2-a chestie mai e ceva acolo

The regular silk and premium silk that were only available in purchasing in the Silkroad website will be integrated to portal cash “SILK”. Thus charging Silk will only be available in the new portal site, Joymax.com

ca sa poti incarca silk sau sa iti schimbi parola va fi obligatoriu sa ai email verification pe cont.

P.S: nici unul dintre noi nu a citit cum trebuie, GOOD NEWS !

E-mail Verification System was optional before upon creating a Joymax account

asta inseamna ca email verification va fi obligatoriu doar pentru conturile noi

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Bani trimisi prin paypall as gift

Se poate face charge back ?


Simply Vyo : u can chargeback ...

Simply Vyo : lots of ppl confirmed me that so i won't accept paypall

TyrannoSex: lmao thoes nerds dont know shits about paypal they are updating there abgs every 2 weeks since there were everytime chargebacks at virtual goods they stopped the supporting of it own risk

@koila HELP :pray:

sincer nici eu nu prea stiu... dar ai putea vinde.. si din cate stiu paypal nu ofera asistenta sau credibilitate la chargeback`s daca ai cumparat virtual shits... eu cand am vandut un sun sword pe ECSRO ala mio facut chargeback dupa 5 zile si mereu am trimis acelasi mail la paypal cand imi spunea sa le explic ce si cum s-a intamplat .. dar vezi ca ai support la paypal da-le un mail si vezi ce spun :) si vii aici cu inform

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Guest alexa69

Buna tuturor Badfist sunt interesat sa incep pe server mena alaturi de voi te rog lasa-mi un id de contact in joc sau mes mersi Paste fericit

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