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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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On October 13 there was a seminar with the development teams from Silkroad 1 and Silkroad 2. A level designer from Joymax reported about the results of the meeting.

The core system of a game is important for the player's experiences


Lineage = mainly PvP => successful system

Mabinogi = rebirth => half succcess

Silkroad = triangular conflict => failed system


Why did the triangular conflict system fail?

- In early levels you can get a good amount of gold, but later on it's worth nothing.

- Level difference between thief players and trader players makes jobbing difficult

- Lack of content, jobbing gets boring after a while

- If you go jobbing you have less time to level up your character

The success of the core system is usually related to the game's success.

It's the very rare case that a game with a failed core system like Silkroad is successful. In this case, the atmosphere of the game world made it a success.

Later he writes about expansions and updates of games:

Dungeons and cities are opening

WoW: Icecrown (Dungeon)

Silkroad: Baghdad (city)
(yes he really wrote ???? (Baghdad))

(we don't care about his explanations about the icecrown in WoW, he just says with small updates they add some more things every week or so)

Silkroad's Baghdad

A large update reveals the city of Baghdad for the first time. (large patch = 1 dungeon or 1 city added with every patch)

Baghdad is very much a concept of production and is divided into 3 parts, that means 3 large patches.

The city and the obstacles work with a minimum of equipment
(I think he means with a minimum of work)
rather than the production of multiple small patches.

Baghdad, hmm? Islam race or what? >_< I'll maybe send him a mail to get more information about what he means.

The World must be divided in 3 regions:

- The field where the core system must be the game content

- The dungeons in which you have bosses (Final Boss is based on the pattern and nature of planning the entire monster)

- The cities for resting and for transportation if necessary

The other things are very theoretical about the design of online game worlds itselves and not that interesting. If I get more information about why he referred to "Baghdad" as a city in SRO, I'll post it here~

sursa : silkroadsecrets.blogspot.com

deci da este vorba despre un sro2 si da joymax si-a dat seama ca e fail =))

intresting about the baghdad tho..

gz alex... nothing for me :(

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Stie cineva de ce nu pot cumpara silk de pe Paypal? Nu imi apare Paypau-ul ca si metoda de plata...la 2 conturi...

Ai minim level 20? Conturile sunt ale tale sau cumparate?

@Pentru un caracter de distractie (handgrind, nu foarte mult), ce ar merge mai bine: Wizard/Cleric sau Rogue/Cleric? De farmat l-as farma cu gap.

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Guest summerof91

Balacas spus ca sa schimbat si lvl pentru ca l-au intrebat astea pe global pacat ca nu am ss altfel nu se ajuna juma de server pt roc ;)

q 110 am incerkt s intru sh nu mi'a dat voie

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seva2007 spunea ca el a crezut ca atunci cand esti beat iese alchemy mai bine,dar nu stie daca e adevarat sau nu (logic ca nu e adevarat) .... asa ca a incercat.si vermurile in care seva2007 s-au dus .... :( dar mai nou are son spear +13 =))

inainte sa spuna ca are son spear +13 toti ii spuneau ca e noob ca a incercat.... sa nu se lase de joc pt un simplu fail etc etc :)) full int fire cold.cred ca are dmg mai mare decat un wizard fara LT sau cel putin la fel.


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da. sro2 e un fapt sigur. dar e un fapt care se va intampla peste muuuuulllt timp..

dupa cum vezi ei nici macar nu au inceput proiectul.. sunt in faza de: hai care baga 1 idee ungitiva..

dupa parerea mea sro 2 se va asemana foarte mult cu wow-ul.. un semn este forgotten world care aduce a o instanta. de asemenea dupa cum vedeti si in job cave unici nu mai apar aiurea pe harti. apar in locuri fixe .. si isi merita numele de BOSS.

ehh. ce pot sa spun.. vom trai si vom vedea

alt semn este acela de modificare a pvpului.. in update de la forgotten world pvp sistem s-a schimbat.. un fel de duel in wow.. alt exemplu este holy water temple... poti intra sa faci questuri sa bati unici.. exact ca o instanta din wow..

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Citat de pe wikipedia:


Main article: History of massively multiplayer online role-playing games

The term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima Online, in 1997.[12] Previous to this and related coinages, these games were generally called graphical MUDs; the history of MMORPGs traces back directly through the MUD genre.[13][14] Through this connection, MMORPGs can be seen to have roots in the earliest multi-user games such as Mazewar (1974) and MUD1 (1978). 1985 saw the release of a roguelike (pseudo-graphical) MUD called Island of Kesmai on CompuServe[15] and Lucasfilm's graphical MUD Habitat. The first fully graphical multi-user RPG was Neverwinter Nights, which was delivered through America Online in 1991 and was personally championed by AOL President Steve Case.[16] Other early proprietary graphical online RPGs include three on The Sierra Network: The Shadow of Yserbius in 1992, The Fates of Twinion in 1993, and The Ruins of Cawdor in 1995. Another milestone came in 1995 as NSFNET restrictions were lifted, opening the Internet up for game developers, which allowed for the first truly "massively"-scoped titles. Finally, MMORPGs as defined today began with Meridian 59 in 1996, innovative both in its scope and in offering first-person 3D graphics,[1] with The Realm Online appearing nearly simultaneously.[16] Ultima Online, released in 1997, is often credited with first popularizing the genre,[16] though more mainstream attention was garnered by 1999's EverQuest in the West[16] and 1996's Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds in Asia.

These early titles' financial success has ensured competition in the genre since that time. MMORPG titles now exist on consoles and in new settings, and their players enjoy higher-quality gameplay. The current market for MMORPGs has Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft dominating as the largest pay-to-play MMORPG,[17] alongside earlier such titles like Final Fantasy XI and Phantasy Star Online, though an additional market exists for free-to-play MMORPGs, which are supported by advertising and purchases of in-game items. This free-to-play model is particularly common in Korean MMORPGs such as MapleStory, Rohan: Blood Feud, and Atlantica Online. Also, there are some free-to-play games, such as RuneScape & Tibia, where the game is free, but one would have to pay monthly to play the game with more features. Guild Wars is an exception. It avoids competition with other MMORPGs by only requiring the initial purchase of the game to play.

Articol intreg : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game

Ai gasit ceva despre mu online pe acolo? Eu nu. Daca la romanasi merge mai greu cu mmourile si faptul ca mu a fost primul a lovit ceva mai tare piata nu inseamna ca asa sta treaba in tot restul lumii.

Mu nu este, nu a fost si nu v-a fi niciodata un benchmark in lumea jocurilor pe calculator :)

Parerea ta nu conteaza pentru mine, faptele sunt fapte.

Nu o sa mai postez offtopic aici. Pentru lamuriri lasa un pm.

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Am ajuns la concluzia ca Wow esta "taticul" tuturor MMO !! :dance: :dance: :dance:

sunt de acord cu tine ... wow ca joc e super tare :) si original,silkroad o sa fie mai mult o copie de wow si alte mmorpd-uri,dar sa fim seriosi ,in wow nu gasesti persoane cum sunt in silkroad :) in silk sunt pers super caterinca si super de treaba si persoane destul de proaste care nici nu stiu sa joace si nu au un anume scop dar totusi joaca. in wow majoritatea sunt noliferi... am si prieteni care sunt foarte obsedati. eu sincer am intalnit destule persoane in silkroad despre care nu pot spune decat " :tiphat: " .unele dintre ele sunt si pe aici pe forum :) deci poate ca wow-ul e mai bun decat silkroad ca joc,dar persoanele din spatele monitoarelor nu se cumpara.

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Da ai dreptate ... este o alta atmosfera mai speciala in Silkroad decat in celelate MMO care nu te lasa sa uiti de joc , cel putin eu de cate ori am spus " ma gata ma las de silk" si totusi dupa cateva luni mi se facea dor de joc ... nu stiu este ceva special la jocul acesta !!

:tiphat: :tiphat:

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