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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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asta e stirea de la inspectia de marti 25 august 2009 :

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

This is another big chance for anyone to achieve 10th Degree Seal of Sun, Moon, and Star Weapons from the event. We have prepared a sparkling event called Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from August 25th to September 15th of 2009 for all Silkroad characters. The Quest is Repeatable

1. The event starts at every even hour for 1 hour based on a Silkroad Standing Time.

2. Seal Protectors and Guardians appear when champion monsters are hunted down.

3. Hunt down appeared Seal Protectors and Guardians to collect 39 Seal of Protector and 1 Seal of Guardian.

(The seals can be traded and sold, but cannot be dropped and kept in a storage)

4. Bring the complete set of Seals to So-Ok to receive Ali Baba Seal and a gift.

(Ali Baba Seals cannot be traded, dropped, kept in a storage or sold)

5. After collecting Ali Baba Seals, at the end of the event period, certain numbers of characters per each server will receive the 10th Degree Seal of Sun, Moon, and Star Weapons randomly. (Having more Ali Baba Seals, the better chance you can get greater weapons. Remember to equip the desired weapon type in order to achieve the perfect weapon before claiming the prize.)

6. Remained monsters can be hunted to earn Seals.

From September 15th to September 22nd, of 2009, celebration of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves will continue.

1. Talk to So-Ok

2. All users would receive a unique prize. again. By talking to So-Ok, you can refill the used up prize till 1300 hours on September 22nd of 2009.

Winners of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves would be posted on the 15th of September, 2009.

10th Degree Seal of Sun, Moon, and Star weapons will be awarded to winners of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves after the list of winners have been posted on the Silkroad Online official website. Remember to equip the right weapon type that you would like to receive for your winning character as the special prize before claiming it by talking to So-Ok.

asa k sa ne asteptam inca 1 saptamana sa murit/pierdem ticket / pierdem timpul din cauza mobilor astora de event :comp1:

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In primul rand clanta ai tu copile :) eu am gura :-?? asa m-am nascut ...daca tu ai clanta in loc de gura inseamna ca te-ai nascut defect,usile au de obicei clanta...nu oamenii.

Daca zici ca l-ai putut extinde si il folosesti posteaza si tu un screenshot drept dovada ;) eu stiu sigur ca nu am putut sa il extind pe cel de la eventul trecut

Mai omule eu am incercat sa am o atitudine de om adult cu tine dar se pare ca la tine nu tine, nu te-am facut copil pt ca nu iti cunosc varsta si citez "Eu zic mai bine sa taci decat sa aberezi ", nu inteleg de unde atata ura pentru oricine pune o intrebare, forumul este facut sa ajuti lumea daca ai mai multe cunostinte nu sa ii insulti, in legatura cu expresia vad ca ai inteles-o pe jumatae si ai incercat cumva sa o intorci asupra mea, pacat ca nu ti-a iesit prea bine argumentele aduse de tine sunt cel mult de 4 clase desi banuiesc ca ai mai multe, si o sa iti fac un screenshot cu devil spitit-ul meu sa iti dovedesc ca am putut sa il prelungesc ca sa nu mai plangi atata, bineinteles daca ai si putina rabdare, pentru cunostintele tale personale tin sa iti zic ca am 25 de ani sunt inginer si lucrez la o firma de consrtuctii de care sunt mandru pt ca nu e una oricare "Max Bogl " in caz ca vrei sa cauti pe google, nu am sustinut niciodata ca am mai multe cunostinte decat tine legate de silk, dar ai putin respect si incearca sa te mai linistesti, iti sugerez sa mergi la munte sa tragi aer curat in piept ca vad ca atatea ore state in fata calculatorului nu fac prea bine la sanatatea ta si te enervezi cam usor.

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2 unici in dimineata asta si poza cu noul avatar:)

1. http://img30.imageshack.us/i/sro2009090811191736.jpg/


Noul avatar: http://img30.imageshack.us/i/sro2009090811545476.jpg/

gz pentru cele 2 kiluri dar avatarul arata asa tot timpul sau e ca la cel de pirat ?

hehe btw http://img43.imageshack.us/i/sro2009090811350304.jpg/ am cautat peste tot mai putin la aircraft dock si cand l-am gasit era cu 95% si apoi boom boom pow sii my 2nd kill :X

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eu iau loaderul facut de rumata si homez

dar inca nu a aprut acum :| il are cineva?

A doua oara cand te avertizez despre warez de data asta primesti si disable posting 5 zile poate inveti sa citesti regulamentul sau macar ce am scris acum o pagina

Edited by Forbidden
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Astia is plini de buguri,dupa ce ca a trebuit sa restartez clientul de vreo 20 de ori ,acuma intru in joc si nu pot folosi skilurile,apas degeaba pe 1,2,3...8,9,0 schimb F1..F4 nimica,ce pot sa fac acuma,exact cand e xp cu 50% incrs :(( :crybaby:

asa mi se intampla si mie cand jucam ultima oara.

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