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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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Mai yo nu inteleg dc va luati atata d roxii ca din cat am citit nu mi se pare ca a spus prea multe prosti:P

Nu mai multe prostii decat am spus si yo la inteput can mi-am facut acc p LinkM .

Cum sa zic dupa ce intram in uniunea asta cu forumu ne mai cizelam:D

Si stiu ca o sa-mi iau multe Repliury negative la afirmatia asta :))

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Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

We apologize for the unexpected extra server inspection.

This extra server inspection was caused by electrical provision problems at the building, where our servers are located.

Due to the problem, Database servers have suffered severe damage compared to other servers, resulting in loss of game data. Unfortunately, these data cannot be restored.

All server data will be inevitably roll-backed to the time just before Sept. 1st weekly server inspection and any lost Silk due to the roll-back will be restored as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, all the data after Sept. 1st weekly inspection will be deleted.

Details of roll-back information as follows:

[Roll-back Data]

All game data, including account information.

[Roll-back Period]

Data will be restored to Sept. 1st, 13:00 just before weekly server inspection


Database server problem was caused by electrical provision-related problem on the machine.

[Deleted data]

From Sept. 1st, 2009 at 13:00 to Sept. 2nd, 2009 at 20:10, Silkroad standard time.

[After Roll-back]

1. All premium items will be restored just before weekly inspection of Sept. 1st, 13:00, Silkroad standard time.

2. Silkroad Online Membership Subscription and E-mail Verification System will be rolled-back to the time just before weekly inspection on Sept.1st, 13:00, Silkroad standard time.

3. All passwords will be restored to the time just before weekly inspection on Sept. 1st, 13:00, Silkroad standard time.

Although this is an issue that could not be foreseen, Joymax is responsible for not being able to provide stable service to our users.

We apologize once again to our users regarding this issue and we will make an announcement about compensation in the near future.

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